Chapter 30 Plans Part 2 (ii)

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Hey guys so before you read this chapter I have a favour to ask. There is an author on wattpad and I really love her work. She is looking for more views on her doctor who fan fiction and I was wondering if you would give it a read. I find it really good and j know a lot of you will too and I think she deserves more views so if you could check out her fan fiction that would be awesome. Its called The doctors daughter by madisondennehy14. Thanks love y'all Katie fans ;)

Katie's P.O.V

I fished a few pieces of paper from the bag and a pen. When I had finished my letters I handed them to the messenger and he promised to deliver them. I knew he would Mycroft would make sure of it those letters were extremely important. Tom looked into my eyes and I nodded.

"I'm fine Tom...I'm ready to end this"

"Then I'm with you until it ends" he smiled.

"Good now come on I have to visit one more person before the meeting takes place"

I grabbed the bag and hailed a cab. We arrived at our destination quickly and threw a fifty note at the cab driver, his eyes widened at the amount of cash I carry on me.

"Keep the change" I said and got out of the cab might as well do one last decent thing before I commit murder... for the third time.

"Why are we at a grave yard?"

"To see my mother" I muttered and walked into the grave yard. I followed the path straight to my mother's grave and knelt in front of it.

"Mom...I know you can't probably hear me, it's been a while since I've visited but I won't waste time explaining...I don't have this is my last goodbye to you. I won't be visiting again I've moved on and I'm happy...your son is brother and I'm sure you know that I have to stop him so...I love you and...goodbye"

I kissed her grave and placed a photo of Sherlock and I on top of the weeds that covered half her grave. I tugged at the weeds until her grave was clear and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Let's get this over with" Tom said placing a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and surprised him with a hug.

" Thank you" I whispered.

"Hey I'm your friend its what I'm there for"

I pulled away from the hug and lightly punched him on the shoulder. "Let's not get soppy" I grinned.

" Ow, that hurt! Do you box or something?" He stretched his arm and I rolled my eyes.

"Wuss, now come on she's waiting for us"

We walked the two blocks towards a an older part of town. I followed the directions Mycroft gave me and stood outside an old run down cottage.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Tom asked uncertainly.

I gave him a side glance. "I've been to this part of town before with Sherlock I'm certain this is the place"

I knocked on the wooden door and a minute later someone answered the door her hair was a dark black much darker them mine and her eyes were a stormy greeny blue, she wore a long baggy T-shirt a leather jacket and combat boots. I embraced her into a hug.

"Samantha its been a while"

" Yeah I've been busy, getting over my addiction and know how it is is Sherlock OK now no longer smoking and stuff?"

"I do and yeah he's over that now how's your new job?"

She raised an eyebrow. "How did you know?"

That's why I liked Samantha she never asked stupid questions and always got straight to the point.

"Oh come on, old broken down house, sleeping bag on the sofa, your carrying two knives and a hand gun strapped to your right fore arm. Your hiding and your prepared, the windows are boarded up with wood and metal slabs to stop penetrating bullets, so an assassin is after you,which is probably the same guy your trying to kill. The sofa has been moved recently I van tell because there is a disturbance in the dust around the side of the sofa plus the faint drag marks on the floor boards where you pulled the sofa over your suitcase that holds your personal weapon of choice and clothing that you obviously need for undercover operation, you only plan on staying the night because if you were staying longer you would have hid the suitcase better instead of sleeping on top of it where you can get to it in an emergency, so your not waiting it out, like I already pointed out your hiding before you make your move, hardly a difficult deduction"

Tom stared at me dumb founded, Samantha whistled.

" I heard you got better in your years but I didn't expect you to be this good"

I sighed. "Sherlock Holmes is my father Samantha of course I'm good" I smirked. "Oh and Samantha this is Tom Dawson a friend of mine assisting me in a case Tom this is Samantha Renee Grayson, she's eighteen, works as a spy for m16 and no you can't have her number because if you did she would kill you literally, m16 are allowed no lives of their own they are street urchins or the homeless that are smart enough for this kind of job, having a personal life gives the enemy something to hold over them"

Toms face instantly grew red and he stopped gawping.

"Now that's setteled let's get down to business you know how this goes I give you the money you give me the explosives then we part and we never saw each other"

"I know the procedure" she handed me over the explosives and I checked to make sure they were the ones I needed at the same time she calculated the some of money in the bag.

"Keep it safe that bag is important" I reminded her.

"Ya I know Mycroft informed me"

"Goodbye samantha try not to get killed"

"No promises see you in the afterlife"She winked at me and I hugged her and then we left.

" So part three?"

I looked at Tom and nodded slowly. "The hardest part, part three"

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