Chapter 25 A Moment and A Choice

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Katie's P.O.V

Sherlock and I played a difficult duet for a few hours, I missed a couple of notes at some point but sherlock stopped to let me catch up before continuing. I had a pretty good evening just the two of us we spent the rest of the evening deducing occasional passer byers Sherlock was up on me by three points (but I was gaining quickly) and shouting abuse at crap TV or rather I was watching silently he was shouting at the screen...then my phone went off! Sherlock raised an eyebrow at me and I grabbed my phone from my jean pocket.

" The whole point of being grounded is the your not allowed your phone or laptop, which was in my room" He held out his hand and looked at me pointedly.

" Just this one phone call then I'll give it back to you"

"Katie I-"

"Please!" I begged him. Begging was a new low for me but I really needed to take this call!

"Alright" he side.

"Thank you" I kissed his cheek quickly and run up to my room to answer the call.

"You can answer down here" he called up the stairs.

"I value my privacy thank you!" I shouted back.

I switched on my phone and opened my mjssd calls I dialed Toms number.

" Hello"

"Tom...why did you call me?"

"I got bored and I haven't seen you in ages...How are you, I haven't seen you since...the time you were at the hospital"

"Oh..." I coughed quickly. "Ya I'm fine now I got grounded, again!"

There was silence from the other end of the phone and then he started laughing.

" What!?" I demanded.

" Nothing its just every time I'm talking to you your in some kind of trouble"

"Ya! Well this trouble won't let me out and I have to end this call so...bye!"

I was about to hang up when he shouted "wait!" I smirked and put the phone to my ear.

"I'm listening"

" I still want to hang out with you, I never said it would be outside the house"

A second later I heard a tap on my window, I opened the curtain and stared.

"Oh my god...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I whispered/ yelled. "If Sherlock sees you I'm screwed"

" Well better hurry up and get out here then!"

"How Sherlock is in the living room waiting for me to end this call...wait!"

I started to get an idea. "Tom meet me at the back entrance"

I hung up before he could protest and ran downstairs. I felt a hand clamp onto my shoulder.

" Hold on one moment" Sherlock said sternly.

" Uh...yeah?" I asked trying to calm my nerves.Sherlock glanced at me slowly a smirk tugging on the corner of his mouth.

"Give me your phone then you can leave...ten minutes ONLY understand"

I smiled and hugged him tightly. "I love you so much" I squealed catching him by surprise. I slipped my phone into his hand. I what to the back entrance of flat and opened the fire escape. I climbed onto the ladder and beckoned Tom to join me he started climbing and stared at me like I was crazy.

"What are we doing?" He shouted up to me.

I grinned down at him "To the roof the view is amazing up here!"

I laughed at his shocked expression. I knew he hated heights but hey the city is beautiful at sunset he'll thank me. I climbed the last flight and swung myself on the roof top, by the time Tom managed to pull himself over the edge I was already perched on the very edge sitting with my legs dangling over the side overlooking the city and the orange, pinky haze began to paint across the sky.

"Wow" I heard Tom gasp behind me.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I smiled.

He nodded slowly in awe and sat down beside me looking out onto the city.

"Look at the people rushing about, getting ready for dinner or finishing work and yet it only takes a moment to appreciate the sunset but their to busy to notice its quite sad. You can have a life moment just staring at the sunset and feel glad your alive it lasts a few seconds but it is the most amazing feeling" I said as I stared into the sky.

"That was really deep..." Tom trailed off when I glared at him but I only half meant it somehow up here my emotions acted strange I would feel things I didn't understand but it felt...nice.

"Do you come up here often?" Tom asked changing the conversation.

" No, Sherlock doesn't like me being up here he's afraid I might do something stupid, you know since I cut and stuff...but I sneak up here sometimes every once in a long while to just breath and actually feel emotion... a good kind of emotion"

" If I had a place like this I would be up here all the time just by myself, but sometimes its good to have company" he said looking at me and I felt my face flush. I noticed his eyes were deep sea green that looked like the deep end of a shimmering lake reflected in the suns golden rays. His lips were parted slightly as I watched him, his eyes wandered around my face until they meet mine. I loved his hair it was black, he would occasionally subconsciously push a piece of his hair back from his forehead. I noticed he moved his hand was much closer to mine and I could almost feel his breath tickling my cheek. M stomach erupted into butterflies as his hand got closer gently enclosing around mine. I looked up again and his face was much closer. I stared at his lips and he started to lean in I felt myself leaning too. Our lips brushed off each other then I snapped.

'What am I doing'

I quickly pushed him away and I saw a flicker of hurt in his eyes but then he covered it.

"We can't" I whispered. He nodded not surprised by my answer. "I just don't want you to get hurt" I mumbled under my breath. Sherlock had told me while I was in hospital that James escaped from prison he was still out there somewhere waiting to kill me if I started having feelings towards Tom it was another thing he could use agaisnt. I couldn't let Tom get hurt just because of me.

"Tom you know we have to stop him right?"

Tom looked at me and his expression softened and he sighed. "Ya I know but how. I mean he is practically unstoppable no prison can hold him...there's only one way to stop him"

I stared at Tom and his widened as he read my expression. "We can't that would be suicide"

"We have too" I said softly "or at least die trying"

"No I-"

"Your in or your out yes or no Time make a choice because that's all thats left a choice so chose" I said firmly staring him right in the eyes.He looked away from me and stared at the ground.

" Only one choice?"

"Just one"

"Yes" he said after a moment.

I looked at him surprised.

"But we can't do it alone" he said looking at me again.

I grinned. "I have someone in mind"

Katie Holmes: Broken [Book Two] ( A BBC Sherlock Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now