Chapter 28 Plans Part 1

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Katis's P.O.V

Sherlock left me alone, after confiscating my phone and telling me I won't be getting it back for an extra week, with a promise I can't keep. I grabbed my dressing gown and wrapped it tightly around myself. Winter was already spreading its chilling claws, into the hearts of homes. I stopped suddenly realizing something, it was almost Christmas! But I wouldn't be around to see it this year. We didn't celebrate last year either I could sense it reminded Sherlock to much of my mother so I kept my mouth shut but for some reason when I came home after...well I don't need to remind myself of that, he said we would have a good Christmas this year, He's always been trying to please me since I returned, not that I minded the attention, but know I wish he hadn't been so nice to me. I was loathing the point I would have say my goodbye (in a way that didn't mean goodbye), but I have responsibility to stop James he's after my blood no one else's, its me all the tortures and near death experiences are happening to. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to focus. I opened my door and cursed. Sherlock's down there! I peeped around my door expecting him to be standing by the stairs, he wasn't. I never really cared about religion, but I prayed to whatever religious figure out there, that Sherlock was by some miracle asleep.

'Please be asleep' I thought, slowly descending the stairs. I held my breath as glanced into the room. Sherlock wasn't asleep but he was close enough to it, he was sitting in his chair, finger tips balanced agaisnt his lips. Its moments like these I'm glad he is a bloody genius! I carefully slipped into the room, hoping against hope he doesn't stir, and crossed in a pattern to avoid the creaking floorboards underneath the carpet (I had some experience as a kid sneaking into the kitchen or outside to the rooftop) I managed to get to the door without commotion. I pulled and the door and sighed in annoyance, He locked it, great! I turned the latch very,very slowly it gave a tiny click and I opened the door. I slipped out and closed the door behind me.

'Maybe I should start praying more often'

I shook my head, focus Katie! I slipped out the backdoor and climbed the fire escape to the roof. Tom was sitting on the edge looking up at the moon.

"I love the moon this close at night"

Tom jumped he turned and smiled at me.

"But I prefer sunsets" I finished, sitting down next to him dangling my legs over the edge.

"Ya, its nice...are you sure..." He trailed off when he saw my expression.

"Tom I understand if you want to back out of this, I mean its not easy what we're going to do" I said softly looking into his eyes and for the second time found myself getting lost in them.

"No" He said gently. "I said I would help and there's no turning back now"

I smiled gratefully and held out my hand.

"Then its time for the plan to begin"

He handed me his phone, it took a minute to disable the fire walls and all internet sources except for my WiFi. Then I set the caller ID to anonymous.

"Ring him" I placed the phone gently in his hands and closed his fingers around it. "You don't have to say anything just call the number"

He sighed and typed the number into the phone, he pressed call and immediately it started ringing. I grabbed the phone and started the trace.

Clayton's gruff voice answered the call, but I was already half way done with the trace.

"Who is this" he demanded.

"Someone who's going to end this all" I muttered to myself.

Luckily Clayton's phone was one of the recent must buys, which means he has GPS making this so much easier, he hung up and Tom cursed, I smiled.

"Done" I said proudly.

He stared at me confused. "But he hung up"

I rolled my eyes. "His phone has GPS so long as he keeps his phone on, we have a signal. I traced his phone to an old shut down warehouse, so now hopefully if James is at this location we can prepare part three of the plan"

"So what's part two?"

"Save molly"

"And the explosives"

I grinned. "An old friend she can get me the equipment I need and the team I need, so long as I can provide for her needs, I need to borrow your phone again"

He handed me his phone and I dialed the number I needed.

"I was wondering when you would make this phone call have you told him"

"He's going to find out, I need it"

"Now" he's voice sounded unnaturally surprised.

" Yes as soon as possible James has to be stopped-"


"Don't try to convince me" I said my voice trembling. "My mind is set this ends tomorrow night"

"Then I will have the supplies you need...Goodbye Katie"

"Goodbye uncle" I whispered and switched the phone off.

"I'm sorry" Tom said.

"Its not your burden" I smiled sadly.

We spent another twenty minutes filling out the details of my plan. Then we went our sperate ways for the night. I sneaked back to my room and climbed Into bed trying to get some sleep. I would need it for tomorrow.

The journey is ending my friends :) but I've had so much fun writing it :)

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