Chapter 24 Games

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John's P.O.V

I was thinking about waking Katie up to go to school but, decided there wouldn't be much point she only has two weeks of school left anyway and because of all the chaos that happened in the half year she doesn't have to do her exams. I'm going to have to talk to Sherlock about home schooling her maybe. I peeked into Katie's room and smiled, she was lying curled up asleep her head against Sherlocks chest her hair in a messy tangle draping across her face. Sherlocks face for once looked peaceful he had his arm wrapped around Katie's waist holding her close. I shook my head and he said he wasn't protective.

"She's not going to school john" Sherlock said making me jump. I cursed and rubbed my head glaring at the door frame.

"Jesus sherlock were you awake the whole time?!"

"Surely you noticed my breathing pattern change!"

He sighed like it was the most obvious thing in the world and launched off into a random rant about the breathing patterns of sleep but I was already leaving the room.

Katie's P.O.V

I heard john come in but I didn't get up. I didn't want to go to school! I could tell Sherlock was awake his breathing was lighter and it brushed against my neck gently, he knew I was awake too and started rubbing circles with his thumb on my shoulders and I sighed and relaxed into him.

"She's not going to school John"

I held in a chuckle and listened to there conversation and then Sherlock launched off into speech about breathing patterns until I elbowed him into the side.

"What was that for?" he shouted glaring at me.

I chuckled "For being mean to John"

"I don't know what your talking about" He said innocently.

"Your lying" I accused glaring at him playfully.

"Hmm, No, I don't think I am" He said smiling.

I raised an eyebrow, "You masked your expression as soon as I mentioned it You. Are. Lying." I said poking him in the side.

"Nope" He said popping the 'p but I could see the pride in his eyes.

My stomach started to growl loudly and I cursed it. I haven't eaten much in the last few days and I didn't want to either. Suffering helped it made me feel less guilty about what I have done, but now Sherlock was going to make me eat.

"Are you starving yourself?" Sherlock asked immediately. Though it sounded more like a statement.

I sighed no point lying is there. "If I said yes would you be mad?"

"No because I do it all the time but this is different your not eating for stimulus your not eating because your punishing yourself" he stated.

I groaned and felt my face heat up. I hid myself underneath the covers. I hated the moments he could read me like a book!

"Don't tell John please!"

"I won't, I'll be back in a moment" he said jumping out of bed, probably to get me food.

He came back five minutes later with, guess what?, food!

"Here you go now eat"

I stared at the tray in front of me in my lap. He didn't get me much he gave me a small sandwich with cream cheese and ham and a couple of biscuits and a glass of milk.

"You didn't make this Mrs Hudson did" I fired quickly.

Sherlock looked almost stunned. "How..." Then stopped realizing his mistake he cursed silently and I grinned.

Katie Holmes: Broken [Book Two] ( A BBC Sherlock Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now