Chapter 11 Moving In With Mycroft!

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No that that's sorted on with the chapter ;) (y'all are really lucky you got three chapters in a short space of time normally I'm not that nice)

Katie's P.O.V

It was 4:00pm before I decide to leave my room. I went to bed late but I didn't sleep instead I spent the rest of the night packing to distract myself. Then I eventually fell asleep around 2:00am. Sherlock didn't say a word to me and I had been avoiding him all day, but I can't avoid him forever. I grabbed my bags and hauled the downstairs. Sherlock was sitting in his chair typing on his laptop.

"So this is it" I said quietly.

He didn't look up from his work but he nodded. Well it was a response at least. There was a knock on the door.

"Mycrofts here" Sherlock murmured. This time he did look at me but his expression was void of any emotion.

"Mycroft will have some interesting cases for you to practice your skills"

"They wont be the same" I murmured answering the door.

"Are you ready dear niece" Mycroft asked smiling politely. I nodded and let him in. I went to grab my suitcases but Mycroft stopped me.

"You won't be needing those. I ordered new things for you all you need is any personal items"

I didn't move I had my personal item on me. I fumbled with necklace my eyes glistening.

"I guess its goodbye" I choked out, looking at sherlock.

"Yes" he said standing up.

We stood there awkwardly until Mycroft told me we had to go and that he was late for a meeting.

"See you around...da...Sherlock" I said calmly my expression blank.

"Another case" he said with the same expression.

Then I left to live at my uncles. Most of the journey was quiet. Mycroft asked questions about my education and would I like to attend the same school. I gave yes, no or short answers. I didn't really want to talk. I pulled out my phone and listened to music. I sung along to angel with a shotgun completely forgetting I had company.

"You have a lovely voice" Mycroft complimented over the music. I blushed from embarrassment and put my phone away.

"Sorry" I apoligized.

"I'll just have to get used to it" he said suddenly as the car pulled up to the house. I jumped of quickly.

"You no where your room is dinner is at eight" Mycroft stated. "And one more thing don't disturb me while I'm working or I'll lock you in your room every day" he added referring to the last time I stayed here.

I smiled sheepishly. "I won't... am I allowed out?" I asked.

"I don't see why not long as you have your phone and come back at a reasonable time"he said.

"Thanks uncle" I shouted running up to my room.

"And do try to behave" he shouted up the stairs.

"Will do" I shouted back.

I closed the door of my new room and grabbed the new laptop Mycroft bought me. I went on Facebook. I got a message from Tom.

What happened yesterday: Tom Dawson

A loud of crap sorry you had to witness it I'm going through tough times and I'm living with my uncle now because sherlock kicked me out: Katie Holmes.

Then I got a message from Luna.

So ready for the sleepover?: Luna Hooper.

Oh snap! I forgot about the sleepover.

You can't sleepover because Sherlock kicked me out: Katie Holmes.

OMG what happened are you OK?: Luna Hooper.

You know I cut sometimes right?:Katie Holmes.

Yeah?:Luna Hooper.

Well Sherlock can't handle me harming myself so he sent me to his brothers. We didn't even say a proper goodbye an it was super awkward: Katie Holmes.

You poor thing, give me the address and you ask if I can stay for the night and I'll bring over my box set of Torchwood and some snacks and we can have a girly cheer up night 'K: Luna Hooper.

I smiled Luna was so sweet she always knew how to cheer someone up.

Sure thing:Katie Holmes.

I decided to text Mycroft because I was to lazy to find him. I stopped at Sherlocks number. I sighed might as well let him know I'm here even if he doesn't care.

Got to Mycrofts safely, sorry I didn't turn out to be the daughter you wanted-KH

I sent the message then felt a little guilty but it was too late now!

Can a friend stay over-KH

Girl or Boy-MH

Well that was unexpected!

Girl why-KH

Yes but behave and keep the noise down-MH


I messaged Luna the good news and she arrived twenty minutes later. I let her in and she squealed and crushed me in a hug.

"I missed you so much. I thought you were dead all the time you were away" she shouted happily.

I clawed at her fur jacket. "Luna, can't breath" I gasped.

"Oh my god sorry" she let go and I inhaled deeply.

"Look what I got" she yelled excitedly. She held up her boxset and two bags full of sweets and two box of tissues.

I laughed at her hyperness and dragged her upstairs to my room. We spent the rest of the evening eating junk food and watching Torchwood. Somehow I didn't think we would make it to dinner tonight!










Don't you just wish you had a friend like Luna!!! I do! Love y'all Katie fans ;)






Behind the scenes (DUN,DUN,DUN, DUNNNNNNNNNN)

Off stage

Writer- will you to quite fighting for one second so we can decide when the next behind the scenes series will be aired.

(Sherlock and Katie look at eachother)

Sherlock&Katie (sulkily)fine

Writer-Good we can get this show on the road-

Sherlock-One question

(Writer sighs)


Sherlock-is the next chapter in my point of view.


Sherlock-because then everyone will see my side of the story. (Glares at Katie who glares back)

Katie-hey this story is about my adventures and about how I feel.


(Shocked silence)

(Writer smiles)

Writer-Thats better no let's continue...

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