Chapter 14 Things Just Got Complicated

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My update was sooner than you think :) also I still need a few more questions before I continue with thbehind the scenes series :) Love y'all Katie fans ;)

Katie's P.O.V

In that one split second the world seemed to slow down. Sherlock hurled out of the chair and Iwwas knocked to the ground the air left my lungs the minute I crashed onto the floor, crushed underneath someone. My ears started ringing and I was aware someone was shaking me. I looked into a pair of ice blue eyes anspd sucked in a large breath.

"Katie" Sherlock shouted and I snapped back to reality. "Are you alright"

"That was too close for comfort" I murmured and relief filled his eyes.

" can get off me now" I said my cheeks glowing.

Sherlock looked down and jumped up his chess growing a very faint blush. I got up and brushed myself down. Then pulled Sherlock into a hug.

"I'm fine Katie" he murmured into my ear.

I pulled away from him and glanced at over his body for any injuries, him doing the same to me. I found none and sighed in relief. I looked at the body.

"23 year old make works as security. He saw wh was about to unfold and paid the price for interfering" I stated.

"Shot with an air rifle" Sherlock finished and smiled at me just as Lestrade showed up at the scene. I glanced at my watch.

"You know when you get a 991 call, of shots fired it should take you ten minutes to get to the crime scene as it is not very far from the police station. You took sixteen minutes. My advice Lestrade, don't wait until you finish your coffee" Sherlock stated and I snorted thinking the same.

Lestrade said nothing and diverted his attention to the body.

"Two shots fired from the balcony above us" I clarified.

Sherlock and I climbed up the stairs as Lestrade constricted the crime scene. I observed the railings and floors for bootprints and scratch marks.

"The shot was fired from here, clearly there was a fight. The security guard obviously trying to stop the shooting..." he trailed off and I glanced at the scruff marks and the postion of the shooter then measured the trajectory of the bullet with my eyes and frowned. The footprints were to close to the railings. I mimed placing resting the gun on the railing and replayed the shooting. I looked a my feet, mg stance was further away so the trajectory wasn't aiming at Sherlock they were aiming at me! Something distracted the shooter. Sherlock gripped my shoulders and looked into my eyes coming to the same conclusion.

" Katie whoever this shooter was you've seen them before. The shots were fired from an air rifle. Do you know anyone who owns one" he said seriously.

I clenched my teeth oh I knew alright! "Clayton" I hissed. "One of James's assassins how did he know I was here"

But Sherlock wasn't listening he was following a different set of foot prints coming out of the food courts.

"Someone was standing here and that person distracted Clayton just as his finer clicked on the trigger he looked up and accidentally tipped the rifle in my direction" Sherlock murmured.

He glanced at the footprints a frown formed on his face.

"6'2 and male" I murmured. I've noticed these measurements before subconsciously, but I've seen them quite recently.

"Katie these footprints have you seen them before" Sherlock asked spinning round to look at me.

I nodded.

"I thought so Katie these same footprints were at crime scene. That is what was nagging my mind that question. You explained everything that happened but you didn't say you had an accomplice when there were two sets if footprints"

I hid my nervousness. I didn't tell Sherlock about Tom to his his identity. He had enough on his plate already he didn't need accomplice in murder to add to the equation.

"He was there to to make sure the job got done that was all I haven't seen him since" I stated.

Sherlock just nodded I'm not sure he believed me. One thing was for sure I needed to talk to Tom. Why was he here when I was just about to be shot unless he knew about it! Was he still secretly working for James even though he's still in prison awaiting trile.

"Katie I'm going to drop you off at Mycrofts I'm going to look into the background of Clayton"

Sherlocks P.O.V

There was something Katie wasn't telling me about this suspect. She knows him from somewhere. So they must he close or she wouldn't try to protect him. I need to look at the security footage of Valmlounts hotel. I hailed a cab and dropped Katie back at Mycrofts. I texted Lestrade.

Scotland yard immediately-SH

I arrived at Scotland yard a minute before Lestrade.

"What's this about" he questioned. I ignored him and swept into his office.

"I need the security footage of the last case from the Valmount hotel" I demanded.

"Why the suspects have gone to a lot of trouble of hiding there identities"

"The tapes now!" I snapped.

He accessed the tapes on the computer.

"Play the parts were the suspects entered ad left" I ordered.

He replayed them and I smirked. The two of them left together that confirms my theory. She's protecting him.

Katie's P.O.V

As soon as I got back to Mycrofts. I locked my bedroom door and dialed Toms number. It went straight to voicemail. I groaned.

"Tom its me Katie we need to talk now phone me back" I ended the message and threw my phone on my bed. I have to wait until he calls back. Why did he have to be there! Things just got complicated. I decided to change and go for a run I needed a stress release.

"Tom you better have a good explanation" I murmured.

Katie Holmes: Broken [Book Two] ( A BBC Sherlock Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin