Chapter 26 The Letter

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Katie's P.O.V

When I returned back to the flat. I immediately knew Sherlock was doing something he shouldn't (heads out of the gutter people!) His structure in his chair was normal but his pants leg was creased where he threw his right leg over his knee in a hurry in an attempt to look casual. If I hadn't come in at that second he would have noticed his mistake and when I got back to the flat I wouldn't have noticed anything different. I smirked but said nothing. I sat in a chair across the way from him and drew my knees to my chest, he was pretend in to think so I left him to his facade whilst I went over the details of my plan.

"I forgot to mention you have mail" Sherlock muttered.

I jumped at the sound of his voice. The lights were on and the room was dark, the sun had set long ago so my guess was that I was thinking for roughly two hours.

"Mail doesn't come on Sundays" I said back. That's probably what got him so interested. He threw the letter at me and I grabbed it. The corner was slightly crumpled from wen Sherlocks nails started to open it. Its a good thing he didn't because I recognized the hand writing. I ripped open the letter and scanned through it my heart started to break as I reached the last lines.

Dear Katie,

I'm writing this letter to you because I am a coward. I could not tell you this in person because I was terrified of your reaction in fact I'm not surprised if you never glance at, let alone say a word to me. By the time you read this letter our friendship since we were children will be broken. Well here it goes Katie I'm terribley sorry for the pain I have caused you and the pain I am about to cause you. That day after your day with Tom you returned and got shot...but I wasn't following you in a cab to the hospital. I was putting away the sniper I used to shoot you I climbed down and waited for Sherlock to find you. I was supposed to kill you but I missed. At the hospital I gave you my blood as an apology but I doubt you will ever forgive me. They have my mother Katie and now because I missed and James new I missed he wants to kill me and my mom. So I'm going to try to rescue my mother in an abandoned part of town. I know that now you know I shot you the last thing you will do for me is favour, so as a favour to my mother and not me, save her, make sure she has help and keep her safe, and help her through my loss. Because this is my last goodbye. I will be killed for my mistake, though I'm glad I didnt kill. I hope in the future when I am no longer there to conflict you, you will somehow forgive me...I'm probably going to hell...but I deserve it...

Goodbye Katie Holmes, you were the best and only true friend I ever had,

Luna Hopper.

PS: if you receive this on a Sunday then I am sorry but I have already passed but there is still hope for my mother, she is hidden in a cottage by the port...I think you know which one I'm describing... and I'm sorry for the pain I caused.

My throat dried uonand my tongue felt heavy, my heart felt as if someone had yanked it and my eyes burned with hot tears. I let out a sob and shredded the letter. I ran up to my room Sherlock shouting after me, I slammed my door closed and I screamed and screamed, I kwot screaming, screaming my hatred, screaming my sorrow and guilt, my voice was hoarse and I couldn't stop screaming, breathing became another annoyance. Sherlock shook me but I screamed louder.

"Katie please!" Sherlock shouted over my screams.

I shook my head, trying to remove her words from my mind but they kept replaying and wouldn't stop. My voice grew hoarse and I was choking on my screams. A hand clamped onto my mouth and I tried to shake it off, I even trued biting but nothing would remove the hand muffling my screams. My arms were pinned to my waist so I couldn't reach up and ory the fingers from my face.

"Katlyn listen to me, you need to calm down your panicking and if you don't stop your going to pass out!" Sherlock's voice was distant but cooling.

I tried to take deep breaths and control my breathing, my screaming turned to a gargle and stopped. Sherlock removed Hus hand from my mouth and I felt numb. I looked at him with dead eyes.

"Katie what's happened" Sherlock asked, gently tugging me into a comforting hug. I clasped onto his back the words strangling in my throat I could barley stutter her name.


Sherlock was silent for a moment, then he tightened his embrace around and carried me bridal style to my bed, he lay down with me in his arms and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry" he whispered into my ear and I lost it, I let the tears flow and drown out everything except the pain in my stomach and the burden on my heart.

Sooooooo...quite an emotional chapter! But I'm also said because this story is coming to a close ya I'm sad that its nearly ending but I have enjoyed creating the journey so far.

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