Chapter 6 Tom

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Katie's P.O.V

The door to my new cell slammed closed and my torturer entered the room. I was strapped and gagged to a metal operating table ready to be used for the delight of my torturer. Beside me was a table with multiple surgeon tools including a dreaded scalpel and that leaves scars! Out of defiance I didn't struggle or cry out I wanted to anger him. A bit stupid when I'm on the receiving end of pain but I wasn't going to let this ass get to me, so I kept my emotions intact.

"I don't want to hurt you"

I opened my eyes and stared at him. Was he crazy! Was what he said in the truck the truth! Most of James's cronies would jump at the chance to cause me pain, don't get me wrong the fact that he didn't want to hurt me brought some relief. I wanted to ask him a question but it came out muffled.

"Sorry" he apoligized. He removed the gag.

"Why?" I asked.

His eyes teared up. Oh great he's going to cry.

"My parents..." he trailed off.

"Yes" I encouraged.

He took a deep breath. "My parents are big junkies especially Mum, they aren't abusive or anything, they both love me but cant get off the addiction they try not to do it around me. James is their supplier, but they can't pay him he sent someone to attack them. To pay off my parents debt I have to work for him or he will kill them"

I felt sorry for this boy he's only seventeen with his whole life ahead of him and he's stuck here.

"If it helps I have the exact same problem" I said trying to comfort him which didn't all.

"You think you know how hard it is for me I can't make one move without him watching me and threatening my parents you and me we are nothing alike. Your a murderer I'm trying to protect my family"

My blood turned cold. "How dare you" I hissed.

"How dare you insult me I'm trying to protect my family from that ass. I have been abused both physically and sexually and I don't even get to see my family" I screamed furiously. My throat started to ache so I stopped ranting. Tom didn't even look at me he was sitting on a chair away form me after my outburst. It felt good to scream just to let it all out.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled.

"Don't mention it" I snapped.

It was quiet for a bit after that each of us thinking about our families. Until he broke the silence and cracked some of the ice between us.

"We're both in some shit huh" he chuckled.

I laughed "Yeah I guess we are" I relaxed, well as relaxed as you can be on a cold steel operating table.

"I hate to ask but why are you here" he moved his chair closer.

Wrong question stranger! I remained silent.

"Come on I answered your question and neither of us are getting out of here any time soon"

"No I asked why you weren't going to torturer me not for your life story" I stated.

"Well I'm curious" he said sitting beside me.

I sighed. "Another time"

"Another time does that mean you want me around then" he smirked.

"Don't push it" I threatened concealing a small smile.

Then he slapped me. I lifted my foot and it connected with his crown jewels.

"What the hell" I yelled.

He doubled over groaning. "Payback" he moaned. "Wasn't expecting that"

"Your equipment is terrible these straps are frayed and easily breakable" I inspected some of the tools and frowned.

"What's James going to say when I return perfectly fine and not a scratch mark on me?"

Tom sat back onto the chair rubbing his sore groin. Oh grow up I didn't kick him that hard!

"Snap out of it and focus on the situation now I want you to punch me as hard as you can three times on my chest and once on my eye make two deep cuts on one of my arms and rub them with salt nowhere near any major veins that should convince him"

Tom looked at me concerned. "No way are you crazy that's going to hurt"

"Just do it already" I demanded.

He still looked worried."Oh for god sake you wuss hit me" I shouted. I continued to taunt him to arose his anger.

"I won't do it if it will hurt you" he argued.

"Sentiment won't get us anywhere, compared to the past this session is a walk in the park no punch me you idiot" I roared. He leapt up and punched me in the eye. I whacked my head off the back of the table from the force. He punched my chest three times each impact causing damage. I fell back on the table when his rage subsided panting from the blows. I breathed slowly trying to control the pain that throbbed in my chest and stung from my eye.

"Dammit you are so bossy" he flopped back into his chair.

"We're not done yet" I coughed.

His eyes met mine and he shook his head. "No I've already nearly fractured your ribs I'm not cutting your arms to pieces" he said ignorantly.

"Don't make me...kick you" I panted with a smile. "Two...small cuts...that'"

He picked up the scalpel and I gave him my arm. His eyes widened at my wrists.

"You cut?" He said surprised.

"Problem" I snapped.

"No its just..." he rolled up his sleeves and I saw eleven fresh scars and twenty old ones.

"Never use...a mirror... its dangerous... you can cut a...vein" I started coughing up blood.

"Jesus" he jumped up and held my head forward.

"I think I'm going to throw up" I groaned holding my stomach. Tom quickly released me and I vomited on the floor.

"What's happening to you" he asked worry lacing his voice.

"I'm fine" I whispered easing back onto the operating table.

"I think I have minor internal bleeding one of my ribs his fractured and it has punctured a vein nothing that can't be fixed" I reassured him once I gained enough energy to speak again.

"I didn't mean-"

"I have an idea if someone here gets injured where do they go" I asked a plan forming in my mind.

"If its serious the hospital"

I nodded. " I need to get to the hospital immediately. "They will recognize my records and inform the police when we get there tell them my name and to be very discrete about calling the police or people at going to get killed got that"

He nodded and before he could react I grabbed the scalpel form him and stabbed myself hard in my kidney. I screamed as the throbbing pain pulsed and my vision started to blur. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was Tom shouting for help.

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