Chapter 20 In a Coma

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Katie's P.O.V

I heard voices. Two were male that I didn't recognize and the other was Sherlocks. The second thing I noticed was an intense pain coming from my chest! I tried to scream but I somehow couldn't open my mouth. I tried to open my eyes but they were glued shut. I felt someones smooth hand on my own, Sherlocks.

I heard muffling loud beeping sounds and an engine? Where was I? Sherlock clutched my hand tighter and I tried to hold is hand but I couldn't move! What is happening to me...wait my eyes are closed, I can't speak, can't move. IM IN A COMA!!!!!!

"I won't let anything happen to you I promise"

My eyes started to burn I wanted to tell him everything was going to be alright, I wanted to sit up and be held in his comforting embrace and I wanted to cry because I remembered him holding me and I felt his tears drop onto my head. Suddenly I felt a cool breeze and then I blacked out.

My head felt fuzzy. I tried to open my eyes but I still couldn't. I was still in a coma! I wasn't in an ambulance anymore. Where am I now! I felt a rough mattress and a tight blanket. I heard the sharp sound of a heart monitor that I was connected to. I was dimly aware of of the oxygen that was circling into my lungs.

Someone pulled a chair across the room and sat down.

"Hey Katie"


"Its me John"

I know I can hear you.

"I don't know if you can hear me or not

YES I CAN HEAR YOU!!! I screamed inside my head but lips wouldn't budge.

"Sherlock might be here later maybe, you know how he is...he's worried about you he hasn't slept in days and refuses to eat"

How long have I been out?

"Well I'm worried too...God Katie just wake no alright you've had your fun..."

What is he on about?

" OK so stop it alright... you've listened to everyone say nice comments to you so can wake up now" he said seriously.

Oh john I'm so sorry

"What am I saying youve been out cold for two weeks of course this isn't game...its very, very real and your really... the doctors don't know if you will ever wake up. They think that your going to be in a coma for the rest of your life. Their going to give it a weak the there going to pull the plug just like that...and nothing is going to be the same... so you need to wake up and prove them wrong katie your a fighter just like your father and you CAN pull through this, o know you can"

My eyes burned. John please don't, please say something else don't cry! He started to cry andiI started to scream inside my head knowing that no one could her my but I screamed anyway.

IM HERE IM NOT DEAD STOP ACTING LIKE IM GOIN TO DIE!!!!! Oh god...I'm going to die if I don't wake up.

I think I fell asleep because the next time I 'woke up' somene else was in the room. I heard gentle snoring to my left and the turning of pages on my right. Occasionally the turning stopped as if the reader was analyzing something.Their and brushed my hair softly and I sighed.

"Katie!" The voice said suddenly.


"John, wake up!"

I heard rustling beside me.


"She sighed john" Sherlock said.

"It was probably just a reflex sherlock it happens to all coma patients"

"No john I stroked her hair and she responded I know what I saw"

"Then do it again" John snapped.

Sherlock stroked my hair but I didn't make a sound. I don't know how I sighed but I wanted to do it again to reassure them give the a glimmer of hope...I'm being stupid we all know what's going to happen to me! The room fell silent and I started to get used to the lonely beep of the heart monitor the only thing that was able to respond to me, my pulse.

3rd persons P.O.V

She woke up in a hospital. The room was bright and he'd arm itched from an injection her phone beeped and she checked the message.

Congratulations on destroying Katie Holmes...Luna Hooper-J

And tears of guilt started to spill down her cheeks.

Think you can tell sherlock he might be able to save molly-J

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