Chapter 19 The Waiting Game

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Sherlocks P.O.V

I heard a shot and a loud scream, No!

"Katie" I shouted running up to her room I kicked the door open and saw her lying on the floor bathed in a pool of her own blood gushing out from a bullet wound in her left lung. I grabbed my phone and call an ambulance.

"221Baker street my daughters needs urgent medical attention she was shot in her left lung and is losing a lot of blood" I shouted into the phone.

I collapsed onto my knees beside her and held her head up to stop her from drowning in her own blood. I carefully cradled her to me and stroked her hair whispering in her ear.


"Shh, its alright everything is going to be alright" I whispered to her worriedly.

"It hurts, hurts so much make it stop" she groaned in pain.

My heart ached to hear those words begging me to end her suffering, but all I could to do was try to keep her awake until the ambulance arrived. I stroked her hair gently in a soothing manner.

"Katie listen to me you have to hold on" I said seriously. "the ambulance is coming you need to stay awake"

She shook her head and started to cry. "Let me go, please just let me go"

Her eyes started to close and I shook her.

"No!, No Katie stay with me, you must stay awake just a little longer" I pleaded.

"I...can't" she whispered, her eyes closed and she fell limp in my arms. I shook her hard.

"No, No,No Katie...come on darling you can make it...don't do this...please... I-"

I cut myself off when I felt a wet substance on my cheek it slid down and landed softly in Katie's tangled black curls. I clutched her tighter and kissed her forehead.

The ambulance arrived. The paramedics rushed in and put her on a stretcher. I watched numbly as they started their necessary procedures. They attached and oxygen mask to her face and pumped oxygen in her remaining lung. They carted her off into the ambulance. I followed them an they tried to stop me.

"Sir you can't-"

"I'm her father" I said urgently.

They nodded and allowed me through. I sat in the ambulance with her holding onto her hand I had to make sure she knew I was there for her.

"Will she make it?" I asked worriedly racking a hand through my hair.

The two paramedics glanced at each other then looked at me in pity.

"Its to early to say. If they successfully remove the bullet then she will be stable" one of them told me.

I clutched tighter onto her hand and stroked her palm with my thumb. I remembered what she made me promise in the hospital after her escape.

"I won't let anything happen to you I promise"

We arrived at the hospital and they rushed her into surgery. I wasn't allowed into the room while they operated. I waited in the waiting room. I paced trying to clear my head of nervous thoughts. I deduced everyone in the room but the distraction didn't work as it usually would.

"Oh my god Sherlock"

I spun round and nodded to John.

"I just heard the news, is she..." he trailed off when he saw my expression.

"Its to early to say" I repeated bitterly.

John's P.O.V

I had no idea how long we waited in that room. Mycroft, Lestrade, Luna and a boy I didn't recognize arrived sometime later. Luna had tears on her cheeks and I pulled her into a hug.

"Is she going to be OK" she cried.

"We don't know, where's your mum"

Luna shook her head. "She's at work I told her I was going to see Katie when I saw the ambulance outside. I followed in cab... she not, to die is she?"

I couldn't swallow the lump in my throat and my eyes misted over.

"She'll pull through, she's a fighter like her dad" I said as hopeful as I could but I knew I was trying to convince myself as well. I looked over at Sherlock. He was pacing constantly occasionally casting worried glances at the waiting room doors waiting for any news. He asked every doctor or nurse that passed but none of them had a useful answer. His eyes bored the look of a stressed parent and I could for once see through his usual calming demeanor to the wounded man within. Katie was his weakness and this was tearing him apart. It was effecting all of us the waiting. The worry eating its way inside us.

Then the doors opened.

Sherlock's P.O.V

"Sherlock Holmes?"

"What's her condition" I demanded.

The surgeon looked at me uncertainly. "I have good news and bad news"

My stomach twisted at his words but I nodded for him to continue.

"The good news is we managed to remove the bullet from her left lung, The bad news is the bullet entered through her rib cage and tore some of the blood vessels traveling to her brain, she lost massive amounts of blood and she's going to need an Immediate A+ blood transfusion"

I cursed my blood type was A- Katie's blood was from her mother.

"I'll do it"

I looked and Luna and shook my head.

"There isn't anytime" she shouted.

"Mr Holmes?"

I sighed and nodded she smiled weakly and rolled up her sleeves. They took her to a separate room to take her blood. An hour later the same surgeon came back and smiled.

"The blood transfusion was successful she's in a stable condition"

" How stable" I hissed.

The man looked at me in pity. "I'm afraid when Katie had the transfusion her body went into shock. Her white blood cells thinks the blood is a virus, her body shut itself down to try and repair the damage"

"Coma? For how long" john asked.

"We...don't know. I'm sorry Mr Holmes all we can do know is wait and hope that her body accepts the transfusion"

I shook my head refusing to believe it. "No I promised to keep her safe, I PROMISED I WOULD NEVER LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HER"

John and Lestrade pinned me back preventing me from launching myself at the surgeon and punching him in the nose.

"Sherlock this man helped save your daughters life and right now putting people into casualty isn't going to help her" John said seriously.

I looked at John my eyes misted over. "She can't..."

"She won't" he said determinedly he patted my shoulder and I smiled weakly.

"You can visit her once she's settled into a room"

I nodded and sat down John sat down next to me.

"John...what if...never mind" I shook my head of the thought. All I wanted to focus on now was helping Katie get better.

James's P.O.V

I was allowed my daily phone call. I called my most trusted asassin Clayton and I could her his heavy breathing on the other end.

"its Done"

I smiled and hung up. The clocks ticking Katie, can you wake up before time runs out.

Its time for phase two of my plan.


Aren't I just evil ;) I really should stop giving y'all cliffhangers... but where's the fun in that ;)

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