Chapter 13 bonding with Sherlock

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Katie's P.O.V

When Sherlock said he was taking me out for the day I didn't expect him to co so early. A harsh pounding on my door woke me from an enjoyable dreamless sleep I groaned and rolled on of bed to unlock the door. I'm not a morning person so whoever is on the other side of that door better move quickly! I opened the door and glared darkly.

"What the hell do you want" I growled.

"Well good morning to you too katlyn" Sherlock said icily.

"Oh its you, what time is it" I asked annoyed if its earlier then nine then so god help him!

"Its seven o'clock-" I cut him off by slamming the door in his face and slipping back into bed. Of course he took no notice and entered anyway. He opened the curtains to let some light in and I pulled my blanket over my head.

"Go away" I groaned.

"Get up I'm taking you out remember" He said pulling the blanket off me he sat on the edge of my bed staring at me.

"What" I snapped. Don't blame me he woke me up early of course I'm going to be snappish!

"Get up" he ordered.

"You can't make me" I stated glaring at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Can't I" he challenged.

I grinned. "Never"

Suddenly I was being lifted into the air then dropped onto the ground. I landed on my back with a loud yelp. I sat up quickly rubbing my back and stared at him angrily. He smirked at me.

"I like to think that I can"

"you are, your...oh your so mean" I shouted raising my hands in the air in frustration.

"Then don't challenge me" he teased.

I grinned to myself slyly. I got up and sat on my bed leaning into him then quickly ruffled his perfectly groomed hair and jumped of the bed laughing at his furious expression.

"Don't tease me" I stuttered trying to breath. Sherlock frowned and his expression resembled something close to a pout which made me laugh harder.

"Just get ready you have five minutes" he snapped slamming the door behind him.

When I calmed down from my laughing fit just to annoy him I took my time with a long shower. I dressed in casual clothes and runners because knowing Sherlock there will be a lot of running around. I found Sherlock in the sitting room brooding and trying to fix his hair. The fact the he was combing his hair nearly made me start laughing all over again.

"Leave it, it looks better messed up anyway" I complimented.

"You took your time. What were you doing?" He said irritably, my earlier compliment went completely over his head.

"Getting ready" I said gesturing my clothes.

"So are we ready" I asked turning to leave.

"Hold it" Sherlock said standing in front of me.

"Yes" I sighed.

"You haven't eaten anything" he stated crossing his arms.

I rolled m eyes. "Neither have you"

"You need your energy" he said ignoring me.

"Fine" I muttered going Into the kitchen and reluctantly grabbed a piece of fruit. I ate the apple quickly and tossed the core in the bin.

"I've eaten can we go now" I asked raising my eyebrows.

He nodded and we left the mansion taking a cab into town. We arrived at our destination and stared at the mall then looked at Sherlock uncertainly.

"you hate crowded places" I stated.

"This day is for you remember"he reminded me.

"OK but you could have taken me to the movies or something"

He stared at incredulously.

"I'm joking"

His expression relaxed and I dragged him into the mall. We spent the next two hours shopping well me shopping and Sherlock wondering around bored. We had lunch at his favorite Italian restaurant. He actually ordered something for himself and me. He barley touched his food that was when I knew something was up.

"We didn't come here to spend the day together did we" I muttered, pushing my pasta around on my plate.

Sherlock shook his head. "I asked you out to convince you to be the witness at James's trile"

I sighed. "Alright I'll go. Now if your so bored we can go home" I said a little to forcefully.

"Katie we did spend sometime together" Sherlock said.

I grimaced. "Don't say that again it sounds weird coming from your mouth"

Suddenly there was a scream and a shadow coming hurtling towards us. It crashed onto our table and I jumped up in surprise.

"Bloody hell" I muttered looking at the corpse.

Sherlock sat there with an amused expression. I looked up at the balcony above us in time to see a sniper with a laser point and it took me a second to pin point its target. A shot was fired and I screamed.


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