4- The Red Demon

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'Buffy! BUFFY!' I yelled knelt down next to my love, I reached my hand to her neck and felt her pulse, she was still alive. I picked her up and rushed home as fast as I could, I flung the door open and laid Buffy carefully onto the lounge. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the phone.

'What's the number!? What's the number!?' I yelled out loud to myself, I yanked open one of the kitchen draws and pulled out the hand made phone book Buffy made for me. It had glitter on the front and stickers of vampires and blonde girls. The book was if I ever forgot any important number or any of the gang's numbers, I guess it did come in handy. I ripped it open and flicked to the G page, I slid my finger down to Giles' number and dialled. I waited for the ring, it rung three times until I heard the familiar British voice that was Giles.

'Hello Rupert Giles speaking' he answered

'Giles! It's Spike! Buffy's in trouble come quick' I yelled into the phone, gulping back sobs.

'Okay! Okay!' he panicked and hung up.

I paced up and down in the kitchen for a minute then walked back out into the lounge room. I stood in front of Buffy and for a moment she looked like she was sleeping peacefully, but the more I looked at her the more I knew something was wrong, the red demon poisoned her with something and I have to find out what.
I heard the sound of Giles car halting to a stop and then the screeching of his brakes. I stared at Buffy, unsure whether to get up and greet Giles or fall down onto the ground forming a puddle with my tears? I decided I would be like Buffy: Brave. I stood up and greeted Giles at the door, but with tears in my eyes and I didn't try to hide it.

'Hello!' I choked and pointed to the lounge room, he ran into the lounge and fell to Buffy's side.

'Buffy!?' he asked but she didn't reply.

'Natural? Or demon?' he asked me, but I hadn't realised he was talking to me and I stared down at my boots. The tears fell on them making them shiny,

'Spike!' Giles snapped his fingers and I jolted my head up to his attention.

'Pardon?' I asked, and he repeated the question

'Natural? Or demon?'

'Demon' I replied wiping my cheeks.

'Phone.' Giles stated 'Xander, Will'

I stumbled towards the kitchen, holding the wall for support, what was I going to say to them? I picked up the phone book again and rubbed my fingers over the glitter and smiled a small smile.
I flipped through to H and found Xander's apartment number and dialled. It rung about four times and I wasn't sure he was going to pick up

'Hello? Xander Harris speaking' he chimed, I choked on the words and made loud, uneasy breathing sounds. It wasn't necessary to breathe, as I'm dead but I could still breathe manually if I wanted to and at a time like this I felt like I needed some oxygen in my system.

'Bu-ff-yy' I stuttered into the phone and sniffled

'On my way!' Xander commanded and hung up.

I turned the page to R and Willow's name was right at the top, I dialled and the phone only had to ring once because Willow picked up straight away.

'Hello? Willow Rosenberg here? How can I help?' she asked politely

'Buffy. Come now' I said bluntly, then I heard the tone you hear one someone hangs up. I put the phone back on the wall, after a couple of goes at it then stumbled out of the kitchen grabbing walls again.
Giles still sat next to Buffy, he looked up at me and smile a weak smile.

'Are you okay to explain when they get here?' he asked me, I nodded.

'Excuse me for a minute' I said heading up the stairs. I walked into the bathroom and pulled the door shut behind me, sinking down onto the ground. I let the tears fall off my face for a minute then stood up and headed to the mirror, I nearly laughed when I forgot I can't see my reflection. So I pretended I could, I told myself to be brave like Buffy would be doing if it was her in this position, oh why couldn't it be me? I swung the door open and headed down stairs, Xander and Willow were knelt down next to Buffy next to Giles, they stood up when they saw me and Willow rushed up to hug me.

'Oh Spike' she whispered into my jacket. 'Tell us what happened?' she asked, I followed her back into the lounge and took a seat on the coffee table so I could still see Buffy.

'Well. We went out for patrol. Then a red demon came out from behind a tree. We fought. Then it came back out of no where and sunk it's nails into Buffy, he must have poisoned her or something' I took deep breathes with each sentences I said, I just want Buffy back.

'Okay red demon. Books Willow, Xander check out Willy's and Spike you can stay with Buffy' Giles order us.

'Yes sir' Xander saluted.

'What have you found?' I asked Giles and Willow

'Hm nothing yet' they replied

Xander slipped into the house and quietly sat down next to Willow opening a book, I stared at him and he felt the burn of my eyes because he slowly looked up and said

'Nothing, sorry buddy'

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