Iron veggiemon

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Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter in digimon princess.

Please remember that Daisuke is Kiseki and that I own nothing of the digimon franchise.

Please enjoy this chapter.

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Kiseki, Kari, Tk, and Tai, along with the digimon, were freeing the captured digimon in the arena.

"Pepperbreath!" Yelled agumon as he shot a small ball of fire at the bars.

Veemon used his vee-headbutt to break the steel bars, "Come in let's rock," he said as he pushed out the gotsumon

When all the captives were freed, they ran out of the arena.

When they finally stopped, everyone smiled except for Kiseki and Tk, "Something was strange about the arena." Tk voiced out loud.

"What was Tk?" Patamon asked, flying from his head to his hands.

"It was too easy to break out of that prison, didn't you notice that there weren't any guards around the prison."

Kiseki noticed the absence of the guards as well.

'What is the boy planning?' She thought.

Everyone voiced their worries about the emperor and how he might have wanted them to free the prisoners.

"We'll worry about that later." Tai said, "let's get nack to the real world."

He then complained on how he was starving, as everyone was heading tiwards a portal back, Gatomon noticed the black tower Kiseki saw earlier that day.

"What's that tower?" She asked herself.

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The digimon emperor was sitting in his dark lair, watching the digital world from his monitor.

"The next one should be in place, right about...... there!"

Sometime later, he went to the place where his black tower stood. Not too far from the tower, was a small town.

"This control spire is a place marker for my dominated areas," he yelled to the village digimon, "wherever I build one, the digimon in the area shall be my slaves."

In front of the emperor were vegetable like digimon with black rings on their waists.

The digimon of the town were standing in front the boy, bowing their heads in fear.

But the digimon in the front most, was a wolf like digimon, only it had a strange marking on its yellow stomach, blue striped fur, and a horn on its head.

This digimon was gabumon, the partner to the digidestined of friendship, Matt.

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The school bell had just rang amd everyone was back in the computer room.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" A screech of surprise yelled throughout the room.

"Are you crazy bringing the the gotsumon back here?" Yelled Izzy

"We had no choice," argued Tai, "there about to become slaves, what else were we supposed to do?"

But everyone was worried about what the teacher, Mr. Fujiama (I hope that's how you spell it.), would say if he came in.

Cody explained that he would tell the teacher that was taking a sculpting class, and the gotsumon were his first pieces of work.

The gotsumon got into character and struck various poses.

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