A Miracle Shines

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Yo what's up everybody?! 'Sigh', it's finally here you guys..... The final chapter of the digimon princess. This story was a lot of fun writing and I hope you all liked it.

Anyways..... Let the final chapter..... Begin!!

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The digidestined looked up to see their friend, sister and princess. She was completely changed in form and power.

She was covered in white and gold, surrounded by golden and sapphire spears. She wore a short white dress and a sapphire tiara, her silver and whire hair flowing like a never ending stream. The spears and sapphire jewels, just made her beauty more radiant and her power shone in her eyes.

Chernobogmon shook in the presence of the princess

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Chernobogmon shook in the presence of the princess.

"I am empowered with the essence of the digital world, its inhabitants and the power of miracles itself!" Daisuke said powerfully, "Chernobogmon! In the name of the royal digimon family, I will stop you and banish you from which you came!!"

The digimon and digidestined cheered, but Sam was worried, not just for Daisuke, but for the two worlds as well. A thought came back to him from the Giga house adventure, what Daisuke whispered in his ear, was about to come true.

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"It's so dark," Tai said as he and several adults walked up the stone stairs, "and it's gonna stay like this until we stop Chernobogmon."

Noriko, with her parents, trudged up the stone steps, the little girl feeling very uneasy about the situation.

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Chernobogmon scowled, but that scowl turned to laughter as the earth continued to be shrouded in darkness.

Do you really think I would let that happen?! Change your look and power all you want princess, but you will never defeat the darkness!

"That's never going to happen!" Kamimon said as they stood up. The digidestined ran to their partners near the battle ground.

"Because we're going to stop you!" Shakkuamon said.

"Once and for all!" Silphymon yelled.

"You'll never win!" Nainamon yelled.

"My friends! My subjects! Fight with me as you always have!" Daisuke summoned a staff made of white steel, the symbol of miracles latched onto its top.

"My friends! My subjects! Fight with me as you always have!" Daisuke summoned a staff made of white steel, the symbol of miracles latched onto its top

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Daisuke- the digimon princessWhere stories live. Discover now