Family picnic and missing

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Heelllooo everyone. I hoped you missed me, anyways I'm back with a new chapter.

Just a reminder that voting starts next chapter for Daisuke's pairing, I'll get the chkices out soon.

In the mean time, please enjoy a new chapter of the digimon princess.

Story start........NOW!!!!======

The sounds of planes running up and down platforms, signaled the landing of a plane.

It was a lovely day in Tokyo when a plane had just dropped off the passengers it was carrying.

A girl was standing in the airport, just taking in the view of the planes outside.

"Its so bright and I'm wide awake. What time is it?" The girl said aloud.

She looked at the nearby clock and saw that it was 8:45 am.

"I'm still on New York time." She said slightly surprised.

She took out a small blue device and changed the time from east coast to Tokyo time.

She let out huge yawn before walking out the airport.

Line break======

The sun shone through the white curtains of Kiseki's room. Her little blue digimon, Demiveemon, was snuggled in her arms.

Kiseki opened her eyes and smiled at her sleeping digimon, "Time to wake up my friend." She whispered, waking the digimon.

She sat up and watched as her friend woke up, "Good morning," Demiveemon yawned out, "Sleep well?"

Kiseki smiled and nodded her head.

An hour went by and Kiseki was in the kitchen, dressed and ready for the day planned ahead.

She decided to wear something new. She went through her drawers and pulled out a new dress. It was a golden color, the small needlepoint stitchings were designed like red roses.

She dug through her closet and found mathcing shoes and a pair of white leggings to go with it.

The small footsteps warned her that her sister was awake.

'Bring on the overprotective sister in 3......2......1....' She thought

Her countdown was none short of perfect, for when she said one, the yells of her concerned sister rang through the apartment.

"Daisuke!"Jun yelled, "What are you doing out of bed? Are you okay? Do feel any pain? What's your temperature right now?"

The ongoing questions kept pouring in, at least until Renamon came to stop the noise.

"Jun please," the fox digimon said, "it is too early for this. Besides," she paused as she felt Daisuke's head, "Her fever seems to be gone."

Jun breayhed a breath of relief, "by the way, where are you going?"

"The digidestined invited me on a picnic today in the digital world." Daisuke said as she packed a bag of food.

Daisuke hugged her sister, put Demiveemon on her shoulder and left for, what she hoped to be, a break.

Line break=======

While Kiseki was makong lunch, the others were packing for the picnic too.

Kari, Tk, and Cody, met outisde Yolei's family store, the good thing was that it was close to the school.

They walked towards the school and up to the computer room, where they were greeted by a surprise.

There at the computer was the long sick digimon princess. Typing away at the computer to open the gate.

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