Chapter 1

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Cameron's POV
*Alarm set for 6:45 goes of on iPhone*
*hits snooze*
"Ughhh." Can I just get some peaceful sleep on this dreading Friday morning? I hate mornings. "Cameron!!? I know I heard your alarm! Come down for breakfast! Even Riley is up!" I hear my mom yell from down stairs. How are they up so early. "Hey Cam!" I here my annoying little brother call to me. "What!!?" I yell back through my open door refusing to leave my warm bed. "Get up! It's game day! Even my team is coming to watch!" He then says to me. "Why!? It's against a really shitty team!" I say back. "Language!" He then says to me. "Honey! Lets go! Up and at 'em!" I hate when parents talk like parents. I finally roll over accidentally knocking my Biology textbook of the bed. "Shit!" I say quietly to myself. "I completely forgot about my test next week." I'm that girl who studies for extremely long hours and still feel like i'm unprepared. I sit up in my bed and stretch. I here my alarm go off once more. "Kill me." I say while getting up. I put all my school things together and put it in my bag. I then head to my bathroom which is connected to my room to shower and brush my teeth. Today, I just have to got to first period which was Bio then I get released from class midway through second period for my soccer game on the school field. This was good because I dread History, I don't even need it. I get out of the shower, put on my sports bra and game undies (yes i have game undies bc i'm superstitious asf) and head back for my room. "Shit!" I say to myself as I realize that I don't have my soccer uniform ready and organized for me to put on quickly. They're all over the place. I scramble all around my room looking for my shorts, nike pros, and socks. I got interrupted by a sudden text message from my phone that is on my night desk. I go over to it to read the message. It's from Julia. "Hey! What color are we wearing today?" She asks. Our school colours is blue and white. Because it's a home game, we where blue. "Julia! We're home! The game is right outside the East wing!" I text her. She should've knew because she has the schedule. I finally find my blue shorts and put them on. I roll them up twice and tie them. I leave my room to look in the dryer to find my socks. I find only one. "MOM!!!!" I yell. "WHAATT!!" she yells in response. "WHERE IS MY OTHER SOCK!!?" "I DON'T KNOW! MAYBE THE DOG HAS IT!" Fucking Gucci. Gucci in my golden retriever we got as a puppy from my grandma. We got him for my 12th birthday. I go back to my room to finish getting ready. Luckily I have a second pair. I grab so bobby pins and sat down at my vanity mirror. I put the bobby pins in my mouth for easy grabbing as I put my brunette hair up into a pony tail. I add some hair gel just to keep the baby hairs down. At this point, I'm just left in my nike pros (compression shorts), my shorts and my shin guard sleeves. I grab my second pair of blue socks and put them on carefully so I don't mess up the comfortable placement of my sleeves. I don't pull them up all the way because I still have to go to first. I grab my jersey and place it in my school and soccer bag as well as my guards and my new Mercurial cleats. "Last warning Cameron!! It's now 7:30!" I hear my mom say as I head down the stairs. I drop my bag at the front door. "Where's your shirt?" My dad asks me as he sat at the kitchen table. I turn around and grunted as I headed back to my bag I just put down to put on jersey that read the number '10' on the back. I walk straight to my mom to hug her good morning. "What is it?" she asked me not getting fooled from my sudden act of kindness. "At my game, can you and dad please just stay quiet and not embarrass me?" I ask in agony. "Why sis? We love to cheer you on." Riley says while laughing. I really wonder why he's up and ready at 7:45 in the morning. I usually have to yell at him 10000 times so we can be at school for 8:30 when school starts at 9. "You know what mom and dad, Riley's game starts right after mine. Yesterday he told me that he's upset that he doesn't get cheered on as much as I do." I lie. I look at him and he has shook written all over his face. "Awhh my little Neymar needs more attention out on the pitch?" My dad says pinching his cheek sarcastically. They didn't buy it. "Cam, we cheer you on because you are a great player. Plus we need people to know you're our daughter." My mother says selfishly. "Ok Ri, lets go." I say to Riley who's taking a bite out of his pan cakes. "Cam! It's 7:55!" he says in defence with pancakes falling out of his mouth. How am I related to his species. "I don't care. I have to catch Jules in the cafe to study." I say. He grunts and heads upstairs to get ready. I sit down and finish his fruits and head to the front door to grab my bag. Riley runs down the stairs as Gucci chases him. "GUCCI! STOPP!!" He yells. I quickly open up snapchat on my phone to snap this chaos that usually happens in my house. I post it on my story. "GUCCI!" my dad yells out. For some reason, He only listens to my dad. "What's going on?" my mom asks. "He was in my room chewing on my Nemesis'(another type of soccer cleats)! I grabbed them from him and he got mad. "You guys have to buy me new ones now!" she pleads and requests. "Hey! No fair! I have to buy my own boots. You just want the new CR7s!" I say leading my parents' generosity away. "Yeah Riley, Cameron has been buying her own shoes since she was 15." my dad says defending me. Riley glares at me. I here my ringer go off. It's my customized ringtone 'SAD!' by XXXTENTACION (rip Prince X 😔). That means it's Ian calling me. I answer it. "Hey Ian!". "Yea, I'm outside." he says. Riley hurries to the fridge to grab our water bottles and rushes to the door. "Bye Mom, Bye Dad." we both say simultaneously. I slip on my nike slides. I take one final look at myself to make sure I look ok because neither Riley or Ian will tell me so and this is basically my outfit for school today. I quickly fix up my hair and head out the front door for Ian's car. He drives us to school. Julia used to tag along with us but she started to date Austin. Now she gets a ride from him. Riley beats me to the front seat. I allow him for today because that's the older, mature sister I am. I go to the backseat behind Ian. "Gimme the aux." Riley request. Ian gives him the cord. "Did you here Drake's new album yet?" Ian asks us. "Yea, In My—" I get cut off by Riley putting on 'Nonstop' from the album. "Look, I just flipped a switch... flipped, flipped" They both start to sing turning the volume to its max. "Bodies start to drop ayy, hit the floor." They continue to sing, "This a Rollie, not a stopwatch, shit don't ever stop." This is going to be the longest 10 minute car ride to school ever.

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