Chapter 16

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Cameron's POV
"Cameron." He calls to me. I ignore him. Not because I'm hurt or anything. Because it's like 12 am and I have school in the morning. I enter my house and closed the door behind me. I peak out of the window beside the door to see what he is up to. He hesitates to walk up to my door but ends up going back into his car. I leave to head back upstairs to go over the Q-Cards that he gave up on to begin with. I reach my room, keeping the door open. I walk over to my bed where I had all of my study material laid out organized. I step over the loose notes and laid down on my bed on my stomach. I pick up my cards and started to skim through them. "Blue eyes is a recessive trait to Brown eyes."' I read out loud to my memory. I then hear footsteps followed by whispers and giggles from the hallway just outside my room. Wtf? I ignore it. "Ok, Phenotypes are—." I get cut off when I hear more giggles. This time I question if I should approach it or just let it slide once more. I decided to let it go. "The left atrium collects blood from both the Superior and Inferior Vena Cavas." I say out loud. Everything I was going over, I already knew. "Deoxygenated blood travels—." I was interrupted again. This time it was a text. I look at my phone to see Edwin's name pop up. Sigh. I open it. "Goodnight." It read. I really couldn't tell if he was actually telling me 'Goodnight' or if he was mocking me. I left it on read. I just flip through my Bio textbook to look over some diagrams. I go over the 'Lyctic Cycle' (*I honestly don't even remember if that's a thing 😅*) one last time before packing everything away to place it in my bag. I don't have a game tomorrow so that means I will be in class. I put my phone to charge and just laid down. I thought about shit for a minute. "Wtf is going on?" I ask myself out loud. Why do I care? Edwin clearly doesn't care about me so why should I care about him? I was interrupted by a sound of squeaking from Riley's bed across the room. "Oh my God!" I say as I got up to close my door.

Edwin's POV
I finally arrive at my place and enter my room successfully. I remember getting a text while I was driving but, you know. One should never text and drive. Lol. The reason I didn't bother to read it is because I knew it was from Brandon. Maybe Zion told him what happened and he just wanted to know what's up. I lay on my bed to think. I've been thinking way too much lately. I look at my phone again and went through my Instagram feed because I was super bored. Yes, I do have school in the morning meaning I should just sleep but, I want to be busy. I just play back cuddling with Cameron again in my mind. Her curves, her nice hair, he stupid eye rolls. I just wanted her. I wish she allowed me to continue touching her. I wondered how far I could've gotten. Get and finger or 2 in. Maybe go all the way.... but nope. She's a virgin. How can someone, this generation, in high school be a virgin? I found that so sexy about her. I admit, I fantasize about being her first. Anyways, all this thinking of Cameron sexually has me horny asf. Shit.


I wake up debating if I should even go to school today. I go onto snapchat to open my streaks. Nick sent a usuall 'Tool morning streak' pic of himself in bed. I guess he has a lot of girl streaks; Sydney sent her leg, as usual; and Zion sent his usual ugly selfie with a motive. His motives usually said "Get on the grind today streaks!" or "Live everyday like it's your last, steaks." A very down to earth, nonchalant fellow if you ask me. I sigh and sit up on my bed. Usually my mom will be banging down my door to get me up but, she's most likely at work now. Fuck it. I'ma go today. I look at the time on my phone, 8:15. Not too bad. I get up to have a shower, who knows if it will be a quick one or not.

Brandon's POV
I'm waiting on my porch for Z to pick me up. He usually picks up Edwin before me... this should take a while. I open my phone to send a quick text to our group chat.

B: U guys better be ready for tonight's show 😈

A: Super gassed for it ⛽️🔥

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