Chapter 14

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Nick's POV
I wake up super confused, 1. when did I fall asleep? and 2. Why tf is Z right in my face!? "MOVE!" I say pushing his face out the way. That's usually something B will do, I expected a lot better from Zion. "Yo! You just fucked up a good dream you bitch!" He had the audacity to say back to me. Luckily I'm the most gentle person because Zion would've caught these hands. I sit up from this uncomfortable ass chair which gave me a kink in my neck. "Holy shit!" I say in pain trying to roll out the knot in my neck. I look around and my eyes stubble upon Zion's. He was still on the ground starring at me. I guess he was pisssd because 'fucked' up his good dream. "Good!" He hisses at me as I continue to rub my sore neck. I laugh and shake my head. I look for Brandon, he was teaching Austin the choreo. "Oh shit!" I call out. "When did Porter get here?" I ask excitedly getting up to hale him up. "Sup man!" He says to me. "Guys!" B calls out to all of us. "Get into positions. We're going over it." He adds directing Zion to the far right end, me on the far left end, Austin beside me, himself in the middle and a gap between him and Z for Ed. "Ok from the top!" Brandon says adjusting Austin making him take a step forward so that we're in more of a 'V' formation. He steps up as well and starts the song. We dance in front of the mirror. I hear Austin singing along to it. "The dash the digi, The schedule busy, My head in a hoodie, My shorty a goodie." He raps along with the King himself, Drake. I bob my head as well as dance. This track always moved me like that cause it was super litty. (🔥🔥🔥). I remember that the original song for this dance before B changed almost everything was 'Nonstop'. Smh. I don't want to bring it up again because Austin knows it to 'Yes Indeed' and I don't want to bitch. I hear the basement door open and see some nice Prestos heading down the stairs. If I couldn't tell that was Edwin with his fire ass kicks, how can I call myself a friend. He stops and sits on the bottom step. I think I'm the only one that noticed him because the rest of the boys looked focused as hell dancing. Edwin was bobbing his head to the song. It's kinda weird seeing him without Cameron because They've been together a lot lately. It comes the part of the choreo where we all have a little solo. I go 3rd, right after Z. B starts it, obviously, Zion next, then me, Edwin and it ends with Austin. B hits every beat, as always, Zion's part was super sick, mine, you already know, AMAZING! Porter, needs work, kidding Fire! as always then we wait a count of 8 where Edwin would dance. "Brand new whip got no keys! Tailor my clothes, no starch please!" I start to rap along with Lil Baby as I still watch my moves in the mirror, tweaking them a bit making it look better. Brandon starts to count 8s for us because this was the part we fucked up on occasionally. "1,2,3,4-5,6,7,8!" He counts over the music. We got it down. My part was coming up meaning the dance was over but you know us, we're just gonna have fun with it. "Wha! Wha! Wha! Bitch I'm Lil Baby!" We all including Edwin huddle up together getting hype to say. We freestyle in the circle, taking turns jumping in the middle. We hype each other up, nothing new. "Porter, Porter, Porter, yuh aye!" Zion yells amping up Austin. Edwin jumps in next leaving all mans shook because no one knew he was even here. Obviously I did because I know everything.

Edwin's POV
The boys finished the dance and I couldn't wait to learn it. It was super sick!! I got up to shout my part with my boys. None of them but Nick knew I was even here until I hopped into the circle to dance. "Edwin!!" Zion says to me making everyone take in I'm here. I smile. "Yo! That shit was actually Dope!" I say hand shaking (the cool way) all of them. Brandon cuts the music. "Bro!" he calls to me making me turn my head. "What took you so long? I called you around 11 and it's like 2 now." He points out. Too much girl troubles were stressing me out so I didn't want to talk about it. Plus I didn't want to tell them I just got back from Mia's again. I was talking to Ian about it on my car ride here and he recommended that I don't speak about it because it will just start shit. "Yeah, I know man. Sorry." I apologize so we can go on with  the dance. "Alright guys, Watson hooked us up with a spot to dance after the band geeks have their recital." Nick starts to explain. I had no idea because Nick and Brandon made this dance out of no where. "Exactly." Brandon agrees. "Watson the Plugggg!" Zion cheers with a smile. I guess this was news to both Zion and Austin because they were getting excited. "So when's regionals?" I ask referring to the school competition within our region. "The last week of school." Austin fills me in. "It's gonna be hosted at Rosewood." I cringe at the name that Nick just said. I shake it off. "Alright guys, I'll teach Ed and the rest of you can go over it, without the music so Edwin can hear my count." Nick says to the rest of the boys making them return to their positions. He pulls me aside. "You fucked Mia again. That's why you're late." He says to me. That's Nicholas Carter Mara for you guys. Always putting pieces together, figuring shit out like some kind of undercover, FBI. That's why he volunteered to teach me. I should've known because Nick wasn't the most patient fellow I knew of and plus B would usually volunteer to do so. I smile and nod. "Unfortunately." I admit. "Why bro? Are you done with Cameron or something?" He asks me. I shrug. "She's mad at me because I assumed she read my messages." I inform him. He looks at me. "Why would you assume that?" He asks me. I look at the rest of the boys who were dancing to Brandon's counts of 8. I regain my focus on this conversation. "I know, it was stupid." I admit once more. Nick doesn't answer. "She asked me out of no where why Mia was texting me." I fill him in. He nods. "I got on the defensive and accused her of violating my shit." I add. "Why was Mia texting you?" He asks me raising an eyebrow. He thinks I have something to admit. "I don't fuck with Mia again if that's where you're getting at." I say to shut him down. He looked relieved. "She just seemed so jealous." I tell Nick. He nodded his head like I was a patient telling him my issues. He comes to a conclusion. "She likes you Edwin." Nick puts the thought in my head. "Naw!" I say in denial. "Seriously dickhead." He insults me making me listen. "She can't stand seeing you text another girl." He plots out. "She's getting jealous because she thinks you want her back." He says putting the sense back into my head. DUHHH EDWIN! Cmon Bro. "Holy shit!" I say in shock as Nick looked at me like I was an idiot. "Ok enough with that shit!" I say to get back to focus on the dance. "Yeah, enough of this girl drama bro." He says. He shows me the first move. "Originally we were supposed to do this!" He says showing me a completely different move confusing tf out of me. "But we're not doing that?" I ask him referring to the move he said was the original. "Yeah." He answers. "That's just useless information then." I say making Nick think. "True. Scratch that." He says smiling. He does the first move again and I follow. "Wait say the lyrics with it!" I say to him so I can get the choreography registered in my memory better. He nods and starts form the top again. "The. Dash. The. Digi." He says showing the assigned dance move to each word. He turns to watch if I was getting it. I was. He nods in approval. "Ok next." He says turning around again so I can follow easily. "The. Sche-dul-e  bu-sy," He says emphasizing the syllables which each had a move to them. "My head in a hoodie," he says with much looser movements. "My shorty a goodie." He says and pauses. He turns around to see if I'm picking up on it. I show him from the top, rapping the lyrics with it. He nods. "Ok, Brandon!" he calls making me stop dancing. "Come teach Ed the moves! I can't do it!" He says to Brandon making him come to take over. Nick looks back to me and gives me an evil smile. I shake my head at him so he knows he's wrong for that. Nick joins the other guys. "Ok." Brandon says looking at me. "Show me what you have so far." He says to me. "Do you the counts of 8 or the lyrics?" He asks me. "Lyrics." I answer getting into the first position. He starts nodding his head and smiling at how fast I was picking up his choreography. I stop at the 4th count of 8 because that's where Nick gave up on teaching me. "Alright." Brandon says nodding. He shows me the next part then pauses. "Maybe this will go better to 'Nonstop'!" He says making the room go silent. Everyone just gave him as straight face. I think to myself about the whole 'Maybe Cameron likes me' thing. Maybe she does. Hopefully she talks to me at school tomorrow.

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