Chapter 33

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lengthy chapter ahead!!! fuckin 6375 words in this bitch. sorry if u hate long ass chapters like this. expect mistakes bc like I said, this shit LONG asf and u already know i'm lazy 🤭

scratch that, didn't edit this... so just excuse the mistakes 😂



Edwin's POV
That hurt. That fucking hurt. Would've rather her hitting me or something. All because of what? A hook up? Cmon Edwin. You're better than that. How do I fix this? Can I even fix this? "FUCK!" I yell as I punched the wall. I held back a bit because I didn't want to fuck up my hand like last time. Lol. I can't believe she just told me that we're nothing but friends. I don't even know if she meant the 'friend' part. There's absolutely no way she had to of meant that. It's had to of been just to hurt me. I paced around the room, running my hands through my hair. "And Z." I say out loud as I realized that's another person I have to make up to. Time will heal this. It always heals shit. Right? I just flopped into the couch and rested my head back against it. I never thought this whole thing would come up. Fucking Jacob and Brandon. Sydney too. Like why the fuck would you even look at me? Whatever. At the end of the day, it's me. I fucked up. Not them. Well, I mean, Brandon had a major part in this too. Instigating and shit. Bitch. I sat up and rested my face in my hands. "You fucking idiot." I say out loud to myself. I guess this is how I cope with shit like this. I talk to myself. I can come from this, I know I can. It's just how I'm gonna do it. That's what I'm struggling with. I hear someone enter the room, stopping at the door frame. I didn't bother to look up. "Well. This shirt's ruined now. Thanks Cam." Sydney says entering the room. She sits beside me, giggling a bit. I kick the table in front of me. "Wow. You guys are both extra." she says laughing. I gave her the dirtiest look ever. Worse than how I look at Nick when he says the wrong thing. She raises her hands in mercy. "Relax. She'll get over it." she then tells me. I shake my head and laugh. "What?" she asks me. I look at her. "That's all you have to say?" I start off, trying to keep my cool. I didn't want to snap because I was the one that messaged her first. She would send a screenshot around if I pissed her off. This girl man. Imma let Z know once we talk again. IF we talk again. Naw. I know Z. He's probably filling in Nick and Austin by now, laughing. "I really don't want anything to do with you." I say in a serious tone. I have to start my honesty process with her. "Fuck did I do?" she asked me, getting on the defensive. I scotched to the edge of the couch and faced her. I call this the seated, ranting position. I'm about to go off. "ThAt'S WHy hE kEePs cOmINg BaCk To Me!" I mock her in my best Sydney voice. I've gotten very good at it through the years of knowing her. She crosses her arms. "You're acting like we dated or some shit Sydney. Fuck outta here with that shit." I finally spill to her straight up. To this point, I knew my wrongs but I knew she had to face hers too. I leaned back down on the couch. She stays silent because she knew everything I was saying is factual. "Was I lying though?" she says. I sit back up and looked at her with disgust. "Ge- get out." I say pointing to the door. She pats me on my arm and gets up to leave. I don't have the patience for her right now. I need a drin- "Wait!" I say interrupting my own thoughts. How is Cameron getting home?! "YO NICK!" I call for the kid. He was in the other room so I got up. I needed his car because I parked in the driveway and I knew for a FACT I'm blocked in. Nick and his obsession for his car ALWAYS parks on the road to avoid people hitting his car with their doors. Now that I think of it, it just increases the- EDWIN! THERES NO TIME FOR THIS. I look around the room and spotted Nick smiling at some girl from across the room. How cute. "NICK!" I call him again. His smile fades away once he looked at me. Headass. I signal him to come over. He gives me a straight face. He tilts his head to signal that 'he's busy.' "SHES GONNA BE HERE ALL NIGHT! JUST GET HER NUMBER! HOW HARD IS THAT?!" I yell at him, drawing attention to myself but most importantly, exposing Nicholas. I take any chance I can get. Nick face palms as the girl looks at him a certain way. Lol. He gets up and comes finally. I step out of the door frame to let him into the room. Before I closed the door,
I had a quick look around. I see B, Julia, Ian and Jacob looking at me. I then close the door. "So you had to-" Nick starts to talk before I cut him off. "Give me your keys." was all I said to him. There isn't time to explain. "HELL NO! WHACHU TAKE THIS FOR?!" he says literally offended that I even asked such thing. "I need to find Cameron!" I start to give my explanation, little by little. "Yeah. What was that all about?" he asked me. Oh. Guess no one told him. Oop. So is Z mad? "I NEED YOUR CAR! YOU GONNA HELP ME OR NOT?!" I snap. Stress and anxious was an understatement of what I am right now and patience wasn't existent in Edwin. "YOU CAN'T DRIVE FOOL!" he says. Great he's looking out for me at a time like this? What about the time you had me jumping hurdles Nick? "Bro. I had like 4 beers." I say to try to look sober. I just needed his car. "Nah. You don't even know where you're going." he says, lecturing me. Fuck. "You drive then." I recommend. He shakes his head. "I'm drunk as fuck too." he says beginning to laugh. "FUCK!" I yell, turning away from him. I put my hands on my head and paced around the room to think. "Fuck it." I say, leaving the house to find her on foot. At this point, she could be anywhere.

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