Chapter 7

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Edwin's POV
I regret opening this fucking door. Fuck I just want to slam it on her face. "Uh, Hey." the bitch speaks. I don't answer. I just look at her waiting for her to explain why the fuck she was here. "I heard you were having a party today Eddie." she says to me trying to be cute. "Don't fucking call me that." I say straight up. She stops and looks at me the way she will always use to look at me, with innocence and worry. I look away. I've never felt so fucked in my life. "I was hoping we can talk." She finally states. "We've talked Mia! We've talked and then you go fuck someone else!" I snap trying my absolute best not to give in to her. It is then I feel a hand on my neck. I recognized that touch from anywhere. It was Sydney for sure. "Who is it Eddie?" she says caressing the back of my neck. I can tell she's helping me out. She opens the door wider revealing herself to Mia. I look at Sydney and smile. What a great friend I thought to myself. She placed her hand on my chest and looked at her. "Oh." Mia says in defeat. "Yea, we're kind of busy right now so if you don't mind." Sydney says as she began to close the door. "Ok see you whenever." Mia says trying to squeeze all her words in before the door completely closes. I look at Sydney so confused on why she would help me out. I couldn't have cared less. "Thank you so much Syds!" I say as I gave her a huge hug. "I can kiss you right now!" I add placing a hand on her ass, I just couldn't help it. She shoved me off of her. I laugh acting like I didn't do anything. "I should call her back saying I'm done with you." She threats. My face has never went straight this fast in my life. "FUCK!" I yell in frustration. It was like everything was coming back to me. Why tf was she here? Nick came to me to calm me down. I brush him off and punch through the wall. "FUCK!" I yell again as I see blood drip from off my knuckles. "Fuckin idiot. You're extra." I heard Sydney say. I look at her with a blank face. She was shaking her head with her eyes closed. "Why the fuck will she come back here!?" I asked hoping someone will tell me that she isn't trying to get back into my life. No one answered. I look across the room to see blank faces. Brandon went to the kitchen to find some towels. He found them and ran it under cold water. He called out "Heads up!" as he threw the soaked towel at me. I catch it with my left and wrap it around my bloody one. "I'll get the first aid kit." Sydney says exiting the room. "How tf does she know where that is?" Zion turns to ask me. He really didn't want to know that one. I laugh. Zion kisses his teeth and goes to find the red cups for tonight.

Cameron's POV
I'm now in my room, in bed contradicting on whether I should go to the party or not. "Cameron," I start to talk to myself. "Your Bio test is Monday!" I point out. "Yea, hence the 'Monday!'" I also point out. Shit. It's Friday night, I can always come home and study. I have all weekend. But this time of year isn't the best time to procrastinate. It is then my phone goes off. I get up to find it, it was on my dresser. I grab it and flop back onto my bed this time on my stomach. I answer the Facetime call. It was Ian. "Hey man." I answer. "Heyyy! What are you doing." He asks me while grabbing something off the screen. "I don't know. Thinking if I should come tonight." I say as I transfer the call to my Macbook Pro. I open the computer revealing a smiling Ian. "COMMMEEE!" he says in a straining tone. "I have studying to do Ian!" I complain to him. He rolls his eyes. "Cam." He starts to preach. "I am a Senior, going into University next year!" He adds running his hand through his brown hair. I shake my head at where this speech was heading. He sighs. "I'm not worried about it. I know everything will turn out fine Cam." He states with all seriousness. I nod and look past my computer. "Cameron, High school is your time to have fun." He finally says the most iconic parent from the 80s line. I grunt in annoyance at his lecture. He continues. "You especially have nothing to worry about because you're a very great soccer player too. On top of that, your grades are already there." He says widening his eyes. "You can get either get a academic scholarship or one for the game." He says finishing his motivational novel. "That was beautiful Ian, really." I say sarcastically. "Alright, I'm sending Julia over there to make sure you come." He finally snaps. "No!" I beg him. He takes out his phone and starts to dial. "Maybe I should even hit up Edwin to drag you to his place." He then says with a smirk. I hate boys. I realize that Julia was on speaker because I hear her answer. "Yeah, Julia!" Ian says with excitement. His attention was all on her now. "Cameron here doesn't want to go to the party because she wants to study." He finally says to her as if he was tattling on me. I face palm my head into my hand. "What!?" she screams in shock. I can tell this was all an act. "Yeah, I know." Ian then says looking at me through his laptop. "I'm on FT with her right now and she's saying this nonsense." He says looking back to his phone. "Put me on." she says requesting to talk to me. Why are they my friends? "You're already on speaker!" I say loud enough for her to hear me. "Sis!" she begins. Here comes another lecture. "There is literally 1 month left of school! You don't want to live it up!?" she questions me. I begin to talk but she cuts me off. "This can be the last party for the year." she continue. "Everyone will be there!" she preaches emphasizing the 'Everyone'. I laugh in response. "In all realness Cam, this is Ian's last year with us. The kid is graduating!!! Who knows if he'll even talk to us again after high school." This conversation started to get emotional. I look at Ian who had a little lip grin on his face. I can tell he's a little sad. "Cameron!" She says catching our attention once more. "Edwin, Zion, Brandon, Nick, My boo Austin, Jacob, fuck her but Sydney, the football team!!! Everyone will be there!" she lists out. I begin to consider it. This time Ian decides to say something. "You guys should know how lucky you are." He pauses. Is he choking up. "Sorry guys, just felt a calf cramp coming." He pleads. THOSE WERE THE ABSOLUTE WORST! ESPECIALLY AFTER A GAME. "You 2 being Juniors having the opportunity to hang with us Seniors is a big thing. That means you guys are chill." She says going soft. Her moans. "Woah! Wtf was that!?" Julia asks him. "Sorry, it's coming back." He says in pain. "OWWWW!" he begins to yell into his pillow. "Guys!" he calls to us. "I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! Holy SHIT!!" he yells. "Good!" Julia comments. "Fuck You Julia!" he says tightly closing his eyes. "Now imagine that feeling in your stomach once a month!" Julia calls out to him. Yes! Stand up for girls everywhere! I laugh. "Ian! You're fine! Just roll it out." I say laughing a little. "Fuck!" He says beginning to laugh. I can tell it was going away. "Oh shit guys!" Julia calls out making me jump. "It's 7! We should start getting ready!" She says. Ian finally gets in screen and looks at me raising an eyebrow. He waits for my final answer. I pretend to not know what he was getting at. "What?" I ask him with a confused look on my face. "God Dammit Cameron! Are you coming!?" Julia snaps once more with the question. I shrug. "How tf is she gonna know your answer if you don't reply?" Ian questions me with a sick look on his face. I laugh. "I don't even know why I'm asking." Julia states. "I'm coming over, we're getting ready." She says. "Why do you have to come here?" I ask her with a dodgy tone. "What kind of girl are you if you don't get ready with your girls?" She asks me. Silence fills the air. "Plus you have better clothes." She says quickly as if she was asking permission. "Wait what?" I ask her. "Bye guys! Kisses!" She says hanging up so I don't get the chance to disapprove her attentions. I look at Ian who shrugged. He smiled and lips a "Bye." while ending the call. "Fuck. What am I getting myself in to?" I ask myself. I get out of my bed and take off my soccer clothes. I know, I'm disgusting for still having them on. I grab a towel and headed into my bathroom to shower. I run back to my room to grab my phone and speakers so my shower isn't boring. I go though my playlists and chose to play my "Summer Playlist". Be Careful by Cardi B came on first. MY TRACK! I turn on the shower and got in. "I coulda did what you did to me to you a few times." I sing along squeezing shampoo into my hand. I finish my 20 minute shower and quickly blow dry my hair. Once I was done, I head back into my room. I pass Riley's open door and peak to see what he is up to. He's sleeping. "Aww." I say quietly as I continue walking to my room. I put on a nice matching Victoria's Secret bra and panties. No of course not for Edwin. I didn't say that. Anyways I look at myself in the mirror. "Why are you doing this?" I ask myself. I had the feeling that I may regret going to this party. I know it's just my anxiety. I hear my doorbell. Odd. I put on my bathrobe and head downstairs to answer the door. I look through the window first just to see who it was. It was Julia. She was wearing a Champion Hoodie with the matching sweats. I unlock the door and she pushes her way in. "Jules, It's literally 70 degrees out." I say walking up the stairs leading her to my room. I couldn't lie, her outfit was fire. "I know, just threw something on." she says defending herself following me to my room. I close the door behind her. "Okay." She says breaking the ice. She hasn't really been over lately because she's with Austin now. She makes her way to the closet and opens it, walking in. She browses through my clothes. I have my closet perfectly organized from my branded jeans to my jumpsuits, my shorts to my tees. All of my shoes were on racks as well. "Alrighty." Julia says beginning to go through my Levi's jeans. They are my favorite brand of jeans. I get up for a closer look. "What team were you going for in the World Cup?" she asks me going through my soccer jersey collection. I had a lot of club jerseys starting from my favorite team PSG from France, to Juventus jerseys form Italy and Chelsea jerseys from England. Juve was my Mom's favorite team because she's from Turin while Chelsea was my Dad's team because he's from London England. Riley is a Real Madrid fan but he's irrelevant. "Brazil." I say finally answer. Brazil had my favorite player on it from PSG, Neymar. She flips through my jerseys. England, USA and Italy. She finally finds the Brazil jersey. "Ok." she says walking it over to my bed laying it down. "Wait, I don't want to wear that." I plead. "They're out." I finally get to my point. "Yeah, so?" She says still focused on what she was doing. "It's Neymar." she says. "True." I respond with a nod. Neymar is my favorite player, plus he's sexy asf. "Actually no, you want to wear something you don't mind getting a little." She points out. A shocked look popped on my face. She puts the jersey back into my closet. "Ok Cam, you're for sure wearing these." She says handing me a pair of my light wash blue, ripped Levi's jeans. I take off my robe and put them on. "Woah! Those are so cute." she says referring to my underwear. "They're not too much?" I ask her not sure if she would approve. "Are you good? Those are sexy!" She says slapping my ass. I laugh and continue to put the tight jeans on. "Ok, you're gonna wear this pink Champions hoodie with it." She says going through my collection hoodies. Even though she hasn't been here in a while, she still remembers my closet. She finally finds the hoodie she was looking for and she throws it to me. I catch it. I pull it over my head putting it on. "Sexy." she complements me. "Thanks." I say. "No, not you. My choice of outfit." She says looking my up and down. I give her a straight face. She laughs. "Ok, because I'm a bandwagon and I love Neymar, I'm gonna wear this Neymar jersey." she says taking out my Brazil jersey with Neymar's name at the back. "No!" I say shooting her down right away. "Fine." She says with a sad tone. She placed back where it was originally. "Ok, now for shoes." She says going through my shoe collection. "PERFECT!" she yells in excitement as she found the perfect pair of shoes for me. She takes out my salmon pink SK8-HI vans (with the white line going through it) and flashes them at me. I love how she thinks I can't dress myself, like she always has to dress me. I throw them on without socks so you can see my ankles. I walk to my vanity mirror and say in front of it. I brush my hair. "You are going with the iconic messy bun Cameron!" Julia demand me. I wrap my brunette hair into a messy bun on top of my head. "Great, now makeup!" she then pleads. "No!" I say shutting her down once again. "YESS!" she begs me. "Ok fine, just for my eyes. Nothing too glam." I say to her as a smile grew on her face. I don't usually wear makeup, just eye liner and mascara was enough. Julia turns me around to face her. She rolls out the drawer from my desk and took out all the makeup she may have needed. I feel her add foundation. "JULIA!" I snap at her. "Girl! You can't just do your eyes." She says spreading out the foundation. She moved on to the contour and the primers and shit. She finishes my makeup and I look in the mirror. She did a great job at making it look like I wasn't wearing to much make up. She then places fake eyelashes on. "No way!" I say backing up. She kisses her teeth beginning to get annoyed. "You need these man!" She says grabbing my shoulder to keep me steady. She then adds mascara to complete the look. I have a final look in the mirror. "Wow!" I say in shock at how well she did it. "Just call me James Charles." she says cocky while flipping her hair. I roll my eyes the. get up. "You even covered the hickey!" I say with excitement. She nods. Thank God. Now I don't have to explain once my parents get home.

Julia finally finishes getting ready. She is wearing blue camouflaged pants with a white crop top with my white Air Max's. "Ready?" I ask her ready to leave. "Wait." she says grabbing KKW's 'BAE' perfume from my dresser and douses me in the sweet perfume. "There you go, now we're ready." she says as she places the heart back on my dresser. She sprays herself with Brittany Spears' 'Moonlight' perfume and exits. I follow. I call to Riley. He doesn't answer. I go to his room where I last seen him sleeping. Surprisingly, he still is. I guess he left it all on the field. I'm just so proud of him. I left a message on his phone so he knows that I'm not here. I then head back downstairs to grab something to eat because you can't go to a party with a empty stomach. I make a sandwich for Julia and I to share. We sat at the table to eat it. "Did you talk to your parents yet?" She asked me in between bites. Shit. I usually just let them know that I'm not home because they trust me to be responsible. "I'll text my Mom." I say taking out my phone from my back pocket. I text her saying that I'll be home late. She approves with "Ok Cam! Thanks for letting me know." I turn off my phone. My text tone goes off again. I read the text. It was also from my Mom. "Make sure Riley is set for tonight. Give him money to order a pizza." She says. "Okay 🙄." I reply. I excuse myself and head to my room to fetch a 20. I make my way to Riley's room. He was waking up from his nap. "Here's a 20 for pizza." I tell him. He rubs his eyes. "Thanks, you're leaving." He asked me beginning to yawn. I nod and smile at him. "I'll be late so see you later, alright?" I ask him if he's ok alone. He nods and waves goodbye. He's so adorable. I heard back downstairs to my half of the sandwich gone. "Fat fuck." I mutter to Julia who was looking around the room, avoiding eye contact. "It was Gucci!" she says pointing at the innocent dog. I roll my eyes and make another sandwich.

Ian's POV
I slip my white converse on and look at myself in the mirror. I was wearing loose white shorts and a baby blue Nike tee. I head out to my car to pick Cameron and Julia from Cam's house. It's like a 3 minute drive. I put my phone on the aux and hit shuffle on my Apple Music. The first song to come on was '8 Out Of 10'. The song finishes as I arrive to pick up the girls. I call them to let them know that I'm outside. They exit the house before the call goes through. I end the call as they both entered the car. "Wow, you guys smell great." I say to compliment them. "Stop hitting on us Ian." Julia says to me. I roll my eyes and begin driving to Edwin's.


Things are about to get started!

As always, sorry for any mistakes 🌝

xox - kylizzleb 🌷

Despacito || Edwin HonoretOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz