Chapter 19

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Edwin's POV
It's kinda funny how Sydney and I are picking up our friendship again. She's calling me right now, but, I let it ring out so Brandon and Zion won't catch any suspicion. "You're not gonna pick up?" Zion asks as he sat beside me to look at my phone to see who it was. I turn my whole body away from him so he doesn't see who it is. "Nah. It's my mom." I lie. He nods and looks back at the TV. It was just some random episode of 'Friends' B put on. I guess we're just gonna have a marathon before we have to leave. I watch it for a bit before realizing how
tired I actually am. I look at Brandon who is on the floor with the baby, in front of the couch, folding a blanket before putting back into the diaper bag. The baby starts to cry. "SHUT THAT FUCKIN THING UP!" I snap. Both Brandon and Zion laugh. "What are you gonna do for tonight?" Zion asks him. "You're not getting any sleep!" I say leaning into the sofa, adding to Zion's point. "No. Like our performance!" Zion clarifies himself looking at me. "Bro!" he says calling to me realizing this problem. I look at him. I can barely keep my eyes open. "Is Cameron good with babies?" He asks looking up at me from over the couch. How tf will I know. "I don't know!" I say to him, closing my eyes. The baby finally stops crying. "Aren't you good with babies B?" I ask him adjusting myself on the couch to see if I can sleep, still with my eyes closed. I know he is because I've seen him with kids before on his story. "Yeah but for tonight!" He says. "Call her and ask!" I tell him as I dozed off to sleep. "Why would I call her!?" He questions me. I open my eyes. He wants the favor, he needs to ask. "I'll give you her number. Just call and ask." I say taking out my phone. I shake my head at the fact that he's making me do all this work. I read it out her number. "Got it?" I ask him turning off my phone. I wasn't going to read it again so he better have got it. He was dialling the last 4 digits. He puts the phone on speaker. He finally nods so I know he had it. Cameron picks up 2 rings in. I just lay back down. "Hello?" she answers confused. I open my eyes. "Hey! It's Brandon. Edwin gave me your number." Brandon starts to talk. He takes the baby out of the seat thing and held it. He held it in his left arm and held the phone is his right. "Oh. Hey B!" She says. He's so awkward. "HEY BABE!" I yell so she can hear me. Brandon smiles and throws his phone at me. I purposely didn't catch it so it can fall to the ground. Brandon looks at me shook and waited for me to pick it up. It wasn't cracked. Fuck. "Hey Edwin!" she says finally realizing it was me. I smile. "What Brandon is tying to ask you is, Can you help him out with an assignment?" I ask her for the new father. "For sure!" she says politely. She's too cute.
The baby starts to cry again. Brandon did what he had to do to stop it from crying. "What the hell was that!?" She asks laughing concerned. "That is the sound of failing Parenting." I tell her watching Brandon scramble through the diaper bag. "Ohhhhh. A baby? I always wanted one!" she says. My face went straight. Zion laughs at my reaction. "It's Brandon. He has it for extra credit!" I fill her in. Brandon comes closer to speak for himself. "So can you help me out?" He asks. Cameron never sounded so excited. "Of course! I love babies!" She says. I cringe at her words. "Cam!" Zion calls out to her laughing. "If you see the look on his face right now!" He says, continuing to laugh. I look at him and mocked his laugh making him laugh more. "Oh my gosh Edwin. I'm not asking for one!" She says laughing. I knew she wasn't but for some reason, I still felt relieved. "Alright. We'll pick you up!" I say. "Oh..." she says hesitantly. "I have homework." She says. I laugh. "Bring your shit with you." I offer her. She finally agrees to it. "Ok. Let me know when you're here!" she says giving in. "Bye." I say ending the call, tossing the phone back at Brandon. He catches it with his right hand. Impressive. I'm actually excited to see her. The last time I saw her is when I kissed her so I wanted to see how she is. I didn't realize that I was smiling until I looked up from my daze to see both Zion and Brandon looking at me. They smile when I spotted them. "Awwwhhhh Edwin!" Zion says to me like I was some kind of bitch. "You miss her!" Brandon adds to Zion's fuckry. I just shake my head and got up. "Let's go." I say ready to go pick her up. Zion groans. "I don't want to drive!" he whines. Brandon smiled at this once in a lifetime opportunity. "I'll drive then!" Brandon insists. "Ok but I'm not dealing with the baby!" Zion calls dibs, putting the responsibility on me. "Alright. Say less!" I say confidentially as I took the baby out of B's hands. I placed it carefully into the carriage, baby seat... whatever the fuck it's called and picked it up and headed upstairs. "This finna be a breeze!" I say cocky as I continued to walk outside. I accidentally bumped the seat into the door frame. I look back to see if B caught that. He shakes his head while Z laughs out loud. I just smile awkwardly. "My bad!" I say apologetically.

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