Chapter 18

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Cameron's POV
I finally got Julia to come to the library to study with me. Yes, we do have class but my teacher doesn't mind. She trusts that we would actually be studying. I sat down at a table and emptied my bag out on the table. Julia sits across from me and does the same thing. I turn to Act 1 of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' to go over key points. "Alright Jules." I say skimming through the sticky notes that highlighted the importance of the act. "Macbeth was— Ju!" I call to her as I see her head down. "Our Exam is literally less than 4 weeks away!" I say cautioning her. "Cam! I don't care about all of that! I know the play. I'm just gonna wing it." She explains to me. I shake my head. "Julia! You're at a 62! You can end with like a 53!" I say to her so she'll take her studies more seriously. She looks up from her acrylics. "I just need a 50." she says in a mocking voice. She's so annoying. I look back down the the play and read through the notes out loud so if she wanted to listen, she can. "Banquo says he doesn't want to believe the proficiencies the 3 witches told him." I read. "What is the major theme of the play?" I hear someone say. I look up to see Ian pulling out a chair to sit at our table. "I remember Macbeth. Wait until Hamlet next year." He says warning me. I smile. I start to answer his question. "Ambition." I say. Julia sinks back into her chair and sighs. "How is it only Monday!!?" She whines. I look at Ian who was laughing. "Can we talk about things that matter?" Julia asks sitting back up. "Julia." I say so she knows I'm getting annoyed of her procrastinating. "Cmon Cam! We never get to talk anymore! Us 3!!" she says begging. I look at Ian and he was also getting excited about it. I grunt and close my book. Both Julia and Ian had the biggest smiles on their faces. "What?" I ask them so they can think of something to talk about. They look at each other. "How's Edwin?" she asked me, filtering what she really wanted to ask. I can tell she was dying to know. I even see Ian paying attention. I laugh. "Get to the point." I say straight up. "Did anything happen between you 2 yet?" Ian asks cutting of Julia before she can speak. She glares at him. I play clueless. "Anything?" I ask pissing them both off. "Cameron!" They say simultaneously making me laugh. They both then raise a brow waiting for me to speak. "We kissed." I say like it was nothing. "WHA—!" Ian says shocked with his jaw dropped. "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL US!?" Julia snaps while at the edge of her seat, leaning over the table and over her chair. They are killing me right now. I cover my mouth and laughed again. "Yeah. At my locker." I add. They both look at me with straight faces. "Stop looking at me like that!!" I say breaking the silence. "How was it?" Julia asked me resting her head on a closed fist, against the table. I just shrug in response. "I knew something was up!" Ian says as he hit the desk. "Shhhhhhh!" I hear people say from the other table. I wave to them apologetically. "Oh fuck off!" Julia says leaving one of the guys looking at her offended. Julia looks back at me. "So what are you guys now?" she asked me looking very excited. I roll my eyes. "We've been talking for like 4 days." I say bursting her bubble. "SO!?" She says raising her voice once again. I look to see if the guy would shush her again. He doesn't. He just continues typing on his laptop. "You like him. Don't you?" I hear Ian say, catching my attention. I deny it. "No— not really?" I say questioning myself. Both of their faces light up. "Awwwhhhh Cameron!" They say knowing that will annoy me. I roll my eyes. I hear my phone go off. I look down at it 0.522 seconds after, smiling. It was a post notification that Neymar just posted on Instagram. I sigh and look back up to see Ian trying to peak over at my phone. I dodge him. He kisses his teeth and sits back down on his chair. Julia is giving me a 'That's None of My Business' look before looking back down at her Iced Tea, taking a long, dramatic drink. (🐸☕️). I put my phone back down. "nOt ReAlLy!" Ian says mocking me of my previous words. I laugh. Maybe I was hoping that that was Edwin.

Brandon's POV
I literally asked Zion for one simple favor... TO DRIVE ME HOME! Instead, we're heading for the mall. "Bro!!" I complain. "Don't you want new clothes B?" Edwin says sweet talking to bribe me, siding with Zion. "Yeah. Cause I really want to be in a mall with a fake baby." I say to both of them sarcastically. Zion looks up at me from the mirror. "Good!" He says happy. "No Zion. I don't want to be in the mall with a fake baby." I clarify myself to him. He just looks back at the road embarrassed. Edwin turns to look at me. He signals to Z and whispers to me. "Fuckin gullible bitch." He says. "Fuck you guys!" Zion says laughing. Edwin looks at me again then looks to Zion. He looked sympathetic. "You know what Z?" He calls to him. Zion looks at Edwin for a second then looks back to the road. "We can't go to the mall..." I smile before he can finish. "Look at B. I don't want to be seen with him and that baby!" He says beginning to laugh. My smile literally got up, kicked my shin, dabbed, then jump out the window. Zion spits out laughing then starts to silent laugh. They both just laugh at me. "Just take me home!" I say getting lowkey mad. Zion pulls into a gas station to turn around. I just sit back into my seat. I look at the baby. It was giving me the fakest "I'm an angel!" look. "Puta." I say silently to it. I turn to look out the window before I hear Edwin laugh in his throat. I look up to see he was watching me this whole time from the side mirror. "DID YOU JUST— MY MANS JUST SNAPPED AT THE FAKE— I'M SO DEAD! B!! YOU'RE CANCELLED!!" Edwin yells laughing. He's literally rolling all over his seat and hitting Zion. "CHILLLL!" Zion says trying to keep control of the car glaring at the dying Edwin. I hate everything.

Nick's POV
I'm in class, on my phone. I take out snapchat to film my class watch this compilation of Cats being retarded. My teacher put this on because there's really nothing else to do. I film around the class then my teacher to see his eyes looking right into the camera. I literally jump because that fucking scared me. I scrabble to put my phone down. He yells at me, "Nick! Delete that footage!" I laugh. "I already did!" I lie with a big, innocent smile to throw him off. He shakes his head and glues his eyes back on the monitor. He laughs like a creepy old man as one of the kittens fall over. I pick up my phone again to watch it. You see me filming the whole class. Everyone's heads are on the screen. I move the camera across the room then I land on my teachers eyes starring right at me. You hear me laugh then struggle to put my phone down. I laugh at the fact that that really just happened. I caption it "He yelled at me after 😂😂😈". I then swipe to find our school filter that was blue and said 'Let's go Tigers!!'. I post it to my story then leaned back on my chair. I then see the room fill with light as if the door opened. I look at my teacher but he's way to into the video to even notice. I see Austin run in and dive behind my desk, laughing as if he was being chased. I laugh too. "Bro! Wtf are you doing!?" I whisper yell. Some other people in the class were looking too. Austin sits up and points to the door, still laughing. He was out of breath. I look and see Stevens literally kick open the door, furiously. "Did he come in here!?" He says dripping in sweat. I guess he was chasing Austin but really couldn't keep up. "Who?" My teacher asks him. Stevens just mumbles to himself which made me spit out laughing. All attention was on me now. Whoops. "NICK!" He yells walking towards me. "Go!" I whisper yell to Austin warning him. He begins to crawl around the other desks. Stevens stands in front of my desk and leans over me. "I've had enough of you and all your friend's bullshit around my school." He begins. I smile. My teacher pauses the video and stands up so he can see. "You didn't have enough of me." I say disagreeing with him. "I SAID ALL OF YOU!" He snaps. I was talking shit to stall him so Austin can leave. "What did we ever do to you? We're all angels" I say making everyone around us laugh. He chuckles then starts to list everything out. "Zion parks in my parking space. You're never in class—." I cut him off. "What do you mean!? I'm in class right now!" I say actually annoyed that he just said that. He continues. "Parents calling to complain about Edwin and their daughters." He adds the straight fact. I actually laugh at that one because it's true. "Brandon always has the whole school at events making it harder to make them leave after school hours...." He says agitated. I raise my eyebrow waiting for the big finale, Austin. Austin finally manages to get to the door and stand up. He puts his pointer finger to his mouth, telling everyone to shush. "What did Austin do?" I say so Austin can successfully leave. This can be a while. "What did Austin do?" He mocks me laughing. I laugh too. "DON'T LAUGH!" He snaps at me. I literally bite my lips together because I needed to laugh. He takes a deep breath. "Spray paints the lockers, Rewires the vending machines, Rides his skateboard in the halls, Rides the custodian's floor polisher, Uses the staff's break room refrigerator, Hacks into the school library computers—." I finally laugh. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I look at Austin who was nodding, remembering and acknowledging his accomplishments. He finally leaves. "Oh! You think this is funny!?" Stevens asks me taking a step back. "Well— Kinda." I say admitting to it. There was no point of lying. He wipes his forehead. "What did he do now?" I ask him. He literally looked at me like I fucked his wife. I smile at the thought. "He was drawing a '69' on my forehead and coloring my hair a rainbow." He complains to me done with life. "You don't like Tekashi?" I ask him laughing. He looks at me with a blank face. "TR3YWAY!" I add, making the class laugh. "Colorful hair, Don't care!" Someone else says. Stevens looks at her. He looks back at me. I smile and shrug. "Well! He's not here!" I say getting up to walk him out. I open the door for him. I reach out to give him a handshake but he leaves it and leaves the class. I've never been so hurt. Austin calls me. I answer it. "Thanks bro! I owe you one!" He says. "Yep!" I say. I can tell he was outside because I can hear the wind in the background. He hangs up. I return back to my desk and look back up to the screen. Everyone was looking at me. "Aren't you gonna play it?" I asked my teacher so he can play the stupid video. He nods and plays it. I look at the time which read 3:43. My teacher pauses the video so everyone can pack their things to leave. I then hear the PA start to talk. "A quick reminder!!" That had to be Austin. "Be here tonight to see us perform—!" I then hear one of the secretaries yell at him. I laugh and grabbed my phone and left the class as the bell rang.

another short(ish) chapter...

like always, sorry for any mistakes I may have missed

thanks for reading ❤️

xox - kylizzleb 🌷

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