Chapter 8

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Edwin's POV
Nobody can say that they throw better parties than me. I feel a hand reach out to grab my shoulder. I turn to see Jacob with a red cup in his hand. "Cool party bro!" He says in my ear so I can hear him over the loud music. He raises his cup as a salute to me  and walks away. I give him a fake smile. I stand corrected, Jacob's parties are always ICONIC. I take another sip of my drink. I'm about to get fucked up tonight. I look around to see a lot of familiar faces. All the couches were full of people, crowds around the kegs I have set up out back, Austin already doing crazy shit, nothing new. I just loved being the source of why everyone is having a great time. I go outside to chill on the porch just to get some fresh air. I know tonight isn't the night for Cameron and I to do anything because we've only been talking for a few hours. Yes usually I couldn't care less but Cameron is different from other girls I've dealt with. I sat on the porch swing right in front of the window and begin to rock it back and forth. I just sat there and thought to myself about life. Am I where I want to be? Am I happy? All these thoughts just overwhelmed me. I take out my phone and open snapchat to watch stories uploaded recently at my party. It's now 9:37. I realize that I was just tapping through the stories so I put my down on the table. I lean forward placing my head in my hands, deep in my thoughts. Fuck you Mia. "I need a refill." I say to distract myself. I grab my phone and enter back into the party with a smile.

Zion's POV
Damn this playlist is fire. Who made it? Everyone just got lit when 'God's Plan' came on. I smile at the sight of everyone having a great time. I notice a crowd in the living room. I approach it to see what was going on. They were busy playing charades. This seems fun because everyone was drinking. The circle was filled with jocks, girls from the soccer team including Sydney, and Brandon. I walk over to B who was very into the game. "Giraffe! GIRAFFE!" he yells continuously. "WE HEAR YOU! SAYING IT LOUDER DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT BRANDON!" Sydney snapped at him. Brandon just laughs and tilts his head back, emptying his red cup in his mouth. I walk over to him. He leans in to me to hear what I was saying over the music. "Yo! Where are the rest of the boys?" I ask him. He steps back and looks up at the ceiling. I guess he's thinking. This character is obviously drunk, and so was Sydney. He leans over to me and begins to talk. He laughs in my ear. "Edwin is— uhh, Nick's getting food and— you know—. to be honest." He stumbles on his final words. "I have no idea where they are. I'm just here hanging with Sydney." He finally comes across pointing at the wasted girl who was now on the table. I guess I have to keep an eye on her. He taps my shoulder as in a 'goodbye' and refocuses on the game. "GIRA— oh shit I already said that!" he yells then starts to laugh. B actually kills me when he isn't sober. I head to a near couch and sat in it doing what you should never do at any social event, take out your phone. I scroll through Instagram, peaking up at Sydney every once in a while.

Cameron's POV
We finally arrive at Edwin's. "About fucking time dumb fuck! It's 9:57!" Julia snaps at Ian. He forgot to fill his tank so we had to stop for gas. "Alright, my bad. We're hear now Jules!" He says defending himself. I step out of the BMW and trip on a lifted brick on the driveway. "Fuck!" I say as I catch myself. I swear if I fell, I would've made Ian bring me back home. I wait as Julia and Ian exits the car as well. I notice Nick as he steps out and hops in a car. I guess he's doing a beer run. I walk up the stairs leading us all into the party. I look around seeing red cups everywhere, people dancing and laughing, and some people leaning against the walls having conversations amongst each other. It is then 'Zack and Codeine' from Post Malone came on. I see Sydney on top of a table acting out some kind of animal and Brandon yelling "How's that not a Giraffe!". I guess they were playing charades. I turn to look at Ian and Julia but they were no where to be found. Shit. I begin to get a little anxious and overwhelmed by all the people around me. It is then I feel a hand tap my left arm. I turn and see Edwin. I've never felt so relieved to see him. He leans in to talk to me. "I knew you'll show up!" he says breaking the ice. "Don't get use to this!" I reply to him. He looks at me and nods his head sarcastically. He leans in once more. "What's your drink?" He asks me. I've expected him to ask me 'If' I'll like something to drink. I give him an awkward look. He looks at me confused. He leans in again. "So, Your drink?" he asks me waiting for my answer. "I don't drink." I finally admit to him. He looks at me with a surprised look on his face. I roll my eyes at his reaction. "Venir." He finally tells as he starts to walk. I obey and follow him. He opens the sliding door to his backyard and waits for me. He puts out a hand. I look at him hesitantly. His tilts his head as of why didn't I grab it yet. "Fuck it." I say to myself as I grab his hand. He pauses to smile at me. He continues his way to I'm assuming where the drinks were the drinks. The music is muffled from back here outside. He grabs 2 cups from the nicely displayed table full of cups and different bottles of liquor. He grabs the spout of the keg and lines it up with the first cup. He pauses and looks at me. "Like old times huh?" he says smiling referring to earlier today with the water jug. I laugh at the memory of Edwin struggling to balance the cart. He shakes his head and fills the 2 cups of whatever was in the keg. He hands me a cup. I accept it with a fake smile. I just told this guy I don't drink, why is he handing me a cup? He holds out his cup, "To the first of many parties." he says with a grin. "Yep." I say tapping my cup on his. "You look nice by the way, I meant to tell you that earlier." He says looking at me up and down while taking a sip out of his red cup. "Thank you, and yourself." I say complimenting him back. He nods. It's kinda awkward right now because usually by now, Edwin would've tried a thing on me. He'll flirt, try to make me laugh or just straight up annoy me. Tonight was different. Edwin finishes his drink and refills it once more. I still haven't touched mine, Shit. "You wanna head back inside?" he finally asks me breaking the silence. "Yeah, sure!" I say relieved that it won't be as awkward anymore. He walks ahead of me. I finally find Julia. she had a red cup in her left hand. I am not trying to take care of her tonight, ESPECIALLY if Austin can't because he's gone too. "CAM!" she yells over the music speed walking towards me. I smile like it's the first time I've saw her all night. "I found you!" she adds. She finishes her drink. This cannot end well. She hugs me tight. I hold her. I guess she didn't take in she was hugging me for a while. I look at Austin. "Oh." he says tapping her. She finally releases from me. I look at Edwin who was now talking to Ian. I can tell they were talking about me because they were looking right in my direction. Edwin looks at me and takes another sip without breaking the eye contact. I turn to find Julia dancing like a waste kid. I shake my head. Austin should really claim her. I walk over to the 2 talking about me. They were now laughing. Edwin doesn't take an eye off me as I approach them. I go to Ian. He leans towards me to hear what I was about to say. "Where did you go?" I ask him. He readjusts himself to his normal height and shrugs. "I've just been around!" He says attempting to yell over the music. At this point, I don't know what I'm doing at this party. I walk over to the game circle just to sit down. I see Zion comforting Sydney and on his phone. I sit a couch one over from him. He looks at me. "You showed up!" he says excitedly to me over the music. "Yeah! I guess so!" I reply shyly. I notice I still have my untouched drink in my hand. I just hold it because I don't have anywhere to put it down. "MY TURN!" I hear Brandon say as he hurried onto the table. He raises 3 fingers. The crowd yells "3 words!" I guess they were still playing charades. He begins to what kinda looked like belly dancing. I start to look around. Ian was talking to a lot of my teammates, Austin was dancing with Julia, Brandon, well, being Brandon, wait, is Nick back yet? Coincidentally he returns to the party with Burger King. Everyone rushes to him for his food. He starts dodging everyone protecting the bag. He yells a few of the following words continuously. "NO!", "STOP!", "FUCK OFF!", "CHILL!" and "GET YOUR OWN SHIT!" I laugh as he sits down at the kitchen table super upset looking at everyone as he ate his fries. My eyes readjusts to Edwin walking towards me. He sits next to me and watches Brandon face palm at all the wrong answers he was getting. He sips his drink and looks at me. I can see he isn't sober in his eyes. He starts to sing along to '1942' by PND. "Toooo much talkin babyyyyy!" He closes his eyes. "About how tonight is the nighhttt babbaayyaayyyy!" he continues this time looking at me. He actually sounds pretty neat. "I just waaannntttt to touch you baaabbbaaayyyy!" He says putting his arm over me. Damn, he can actually sing. The song continues. "I didn't know you can sing." I say in his ear. I nods and laughs. "No one does!" he says finishing his drink again. Damn this guy is gonna be fucked up. "1942, Tequila! Is all we need right now!" Everyone around us sings out. "Yes! YESSS! Shakira!" Brandon yells as someone finally got the answer correct. He steps off the table and goes to high five the guy congratulations. Edwin laughs historically. I look at the obviously drunk Edwin. His eyes are shut and is laughing like crazy. I tap him. "Why are you laughing?" I ask him as I start to laugh a little too. He catches his breath. "I— I don't usually drink
li— like this—." He speaks slurring his words here and there. "You know— it's my ex. She's trying to get back into my life." He says beginning to laugh again. I stop laughing as I realize he's trying to drink his way through the pain. "You're not gonna drink that?" he asks me reaching for my drink. "I am." I lie to stop him for having another. He sinks back into the chair with a miserable look on his face. "She cheated on me." He says to me. I felt so bad for him. I just listen. "She changed me." He adds. I reach my arm out to touch his shoulder. "Fuck her Edwin." I say to him hoping to make him feel better. "I mean, I would. But if I do, the feelings will rush right back." he claims. He clearly got the wrong message. "No you idiot! Forget her!" I say laughing a bit. I can't believe he thought I actually meant it in that way. He leans his head back on the couch then places his hands over his face. I look at Zion to see if he's noticing Edwin's behaviour and if he can help me. He looks at me. "Just comfort him!" He says to me. I nod. I pull Edwin in for a hug. He latches onto me like he really needed that hug. He was just so vulnerable, it broke my heart. I held him as 'Marvin's Room' played. This was probably the worst song for him to be listening to right now. Honestly, I've heard a lot of Drake today. Edwin sits himself up and starts to sing along to the song. I hated seeing him like this. Not himself. He's usually the life of the party. He turns back to me. "She came to my door today." he says to me. I give him a sad face. He reaches out for my cup. I give in and give it to him. I look at Zion who was shaking his head. Edwin chugged the drink down and got up. "Ronaldo!" Brandon yells jumping. This guy was way to into the game. He steps back onto the table and begins acting out a character. He does the Fresh Prince jump. "FRESH PRINCE!" everyone yells simultaneously. His face lit up. "YEAH!" he says with a huge smile on his face. At least the kid was enjoying himself. Edwin returns with a refilled cup. I can smell that it's some kind of juice mixed with Vodka. "Edwin, I don't think you should drink anymore." I say looking out for him. He looks at me and smiles. "Awhhh, you care about me!" he says pulling me in for a hug. I couldn't help but smile. 'El Amante' by Nicky Jam starts to play. Edwin sings along to the Spanish lyrics. His voice was beautiful when he sung. The Spanish just made it sexy. I couldn't help but stare at him. His eyes were closed again. He bobbed his head to the music and continued signing along with the song. He places his arm over me again. The girls began to dance. Most of them were on my soccer team and I had no idea that they can dance. Julia joins them obviously looking like a complete knob head but she didn't care. That's what I love about her. She was just having a great time. I see Ian grab a girl and started to dance with her. They were cute. Austin then grabbed Julia and started dancing with her. I guess they started a trend as everyone got up to dance with someone. Edwin got up and reached out to me. I shake my head. He pulls me up. He then grabs my legs and picks me up Fireman style. "EDWIN!" I yell to him laughing. He spins me then puts me down. He grabs my hands and starts to step back and forth keeping it simple so I can catch on. He raises my hand and spins me. He pulls me in closer then pushes me back out. We dance. I'm surprised that Ian started this whole thing. Edwin leans in to talk to me. "What are you thinking about?" He asks me spinning me once more. "Nothing!" I answer with a laugh as he spins me so I'm facing away from him. He wraps his arms around me hugging me from behind still stepping to the beat of the music.
"Mami, yo me siento tuyo
Yo sé que tú te sientes mía
Dile al noviecito tuyo
Que él es uno porquería"
(Mommy I feel yours, I know that you feel mine. Tell your boyfriend. That with him you feel cold.) He sings into my ear. I shiver at the words even though I have no idea what he's saying. He turns me around and pulls me into a hug still dancing. I can't help but smile. The songs ends and everyone cheers as another Spanish song plays. 'Cásate Conmigo' by Silvestre Dangond & Nicky Jam. Edwin continues to sing this song as well. He even hit the high notes. "Wow!" I say to him surprised. "Why don't you sing?" I ask him. "I'm a dancer." He responds. I shake my head. "That was shit." I tell him straight up. He looks at me confused. I explain myself. "You can dance and sing!" I tell him. He rolls his eyes. "Yea, but dancing is my thing." He tells me spinning me around. "Do both!" I add. "Do you want to play Basketball on top of Soccer, or do you just want to focus on the one?" He points out. I smile because that was a good argument. He shrugs at me and walks away. I guess he was gonna get another drink. I walk over to Julia who was now sitting on the couch talking to Ian, Nick and Austin. I walk over to them. "Hey guys!" I say sitting next to Nick. "You look stressed." Nick says to me with concern taking a sip of his Burger King drink. "Who changed Edwin?" I ask him straight up. He nearly chokes on his drink. He coughs and looks to Austin. He sighs and shakes his head at Nick who was still looking at him. "Mia, Edwin's ex." He says. I already knew this but I still don't understand how she may have 'changed' Edwin. "She was his first love." Nick adds. I look at him. "How'd you know?" Nick asked me. "He was telling me about it." I tell them. "He never talks about it." Ian says joining into the conversation. I nod. I look around to see if I can spot him anywhere. I see him sitting on the stairs. Poor guy. "She showed up here today." Austin says gaining back my attention. "Yeah, she was asking how he was doing." Nick adds putting down his empty cup. "No way!" Ian says in shock. I guess Ian and Edwin use to talk more then. We all turn our heads when we hear yelling. I get up to see who it was. It was 3 guys that I don't recognize. Sydney was in it arguing as well. "Fuck! This can't end well." Austin says getting up. "Oh Shit!" Ian says following him. I look at Nick who was still sitting. I raise an eyebrow. "They have it." He says kicking up his feet in the table. "Shit! Cameron! Take Edwin upstairs so he doesn't see them!" He directs me and gets up and runs to the crowd. I follow them. Zion was holding back a heated Sydney, she was defending someone. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" She yells throwing a drink at him. "FUCK YOU SYDNEY!" The guy yells back. I see Edwin get up. I don't know what's going on but Nick did tell me to bring Edwin upstairs so I go to him. He's still on the stairs. I approach him. He looks up at me and smiles. "Let's go!" I tell him full of concern. "Why?" He asks me continuing to smile. He then realized there was a crowd forming. I try to pick him up. He helps me. I hold him up and bring him upstairs. "Wait!" He says turning around just before we begin to climb the stairs. "No! Just come upstairs with me!" I tell him trying to distract him. He gives in and walks up the stairs with me. We reach the top and he stubbles. "What's going on?" He asks me as he points to his bedroom. I walk him in and place him on his bed. "Nothing Important." I tell him as the music muffles against the walls. We can finally talk in our normal voices. He lays on his side making himself comfortable on his bed. I go to leave him. "Wait!" he says stopping me. I turn to face him. I cross my arms waiting for his next statement. "You can't leave me alone!" He yells not realizing it. "Hold on." I tell him. He rolls onto his stomach as if he was ready to sleep. I head back downstairs to find someone to look after Edwin. I reach the bottom of the stairs to the guys gone. The party continued like nothing has happened. I think to myself of who can watch Edwin. Brandon obviously can't, Ian has a 2:00am curfew, Austin has his hands full with Julia and Zion with Sydney. Shit! Where's Nick. I scan the room for him. There he was, talking to a group of cheerleaders. Great. I walk over to him and pull him aside. I pull him down to my height to talk to him. "Edwin's upstairs, you need to watch him." I say. He gives me an awkward look. "The thing is Cam, Edwin would rather you look after him." he says smiling. I pull him in again. "I can't!" I say in frustration. I HATED babysitting. He shrugs at me and returns to his conversation. I go to Ian who just stepped outside. I follow him and close the door behind me so we can talk normally. "You're safe to drive?" I ask him checking if he's sober. "Yeah. I will ask if you're ready but there's no point because I'm running late for curfew." He says shaking his head. "Julia is staying with Austin because her mom will kill her if she comes home drunk." He adds with a laugh. He goes to walks over to his car and looks at me confused as of why I'm not following. "I have to watch Edwin, he's fucked." I tell him. He looks at me with sympathy. "I haven't done this before, any tips?" I ask the experienced Senior. He sighs and closes his door and walks closer to me. "Keep a bucket close, Water, Food and make sure he's not on his back." He tells me right away. I nod as he hops in his car. He reverses out and waves at me goodbye. I return to the house and head back upstairs. Edwin laid down exactly as I left him. He wasn't asleep yet. He mumbles. I walk closer to him and stroked my hand through his hair. He smile. "Do you need a bucket?" I ask him waiting for his response. I inhales deeply and rolls over to his side facing me. "Nah. I'm good." He says giving me a thumbs up. He rolls over onto his stomach once more. He whines and gives a look like he's in pain. "What's wrong?" I ask him. He quickly gets up. I react as fast as him and spring back. He leans over his bed and throws up on the floor. He groans. My life flashes before my eyes at that close call. "You said you were fine!" I question him kind of pissed. "Shhhhhhh." He says to me with a finger over his lips. He begins to laugh. He gags. "EDWIN!" I yell as he throws up once more. Seeing people like this made me agree to never drink. He remains over the bed. "You feeling better?" I ask him. "Yeah. Just let me stay like this." He says to me not moving a inch. I leave to find a washroom to grab something to clean everything up. I find a washroom and hear him throw up again. I look at myself in the mirror and think to myself, "What has my life come to?" I grab towels and head back to his room. I enter his room and lay the towels down all over the mess. He's now on the other side of the room on the floor. I walk over to him. "Ok, get up." I say to him attempting to put him back to bed. "NOOOOOO!" He pleads like a child who's not getting what they want. "Edwin! Get up!" I say to him. My patience for him was running out. He gives in and helps me pick him up. He stumbles and catches his balance. I walk him over to his bed and he falls on it taking me down with him. He laughs. "Edwin!" I say to him laughing. I attempt to get up but he pulls me back down. "Stoooppp!" I complain. He lets me go. I get up and tiptoe around the laid towels avoiding them. "Do you need water?" I ask him. He shrugs. This guy is so helpless. I go to get him some anyway. I head down stairs to almost everyone gone. How long was I up there? The music stops and Zion announces that the party is over. It was now 2:49 in the morning. My ears start to ring because I was not use to the silence. Julia was sleeping on the couch, Brandon on the floor, Nick looking through the fridge and Sydney eating in the kitchen. I walk over to Nick. "Is there any water bottles?" I ask him. He pops his head out of the fridge to look at me. "Yeah, they should be over there." He tells me pointing in the direction of the case of bottles. I grab about 4. "Is he throwing up?" Nick asks me while taking a spoon of his yogurt. I just nod. I walk the bottles over to the table. One for B, Julia, Sydney and Edwin. I tell Nick to give them each one as I head back upstairs. I walk into his room to the best sight ever. He was fast asleep. Thank God. I place the bottle beside him and head back downstairs.

yea I don't really know how to write about a party... i did my best 🌝

this was another long ass chapter, 4442 words!!

thanks for reading and please excuse any mistakes because I tend to make a lot!!!

love ya

xox - kylizzleb 🌷

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