Chapter 10

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Edwin's POV
I don't know why I just did that. I just got off the phone with Zion who sounded disappointed with me. Not that I care about what her thinks. I turn on my street and pull into the driveway. I stay in my car for a bit to actually think about how I feel about just hooking up with my ex. I've now realized the feelings aren't there anymore. I smile at this new feeling of just not caring for her anymore. I get out my car and head for my door. It's open so I just walk in. The faces looking at me a hilarious. Brandon looking like he doesn't know how he should feel, Nick having a 'Welp' look on his face and Zion just hitting me with a straight face. "Don't look at me like that." I tell Zion breaking the silence. No one replies. "Alright! I know. God you guys." I say flopping down on the couch. Their heads turn to me and Nick stands up and walks towards me. "Why!?" He starts. I didn't know that they really cared about what I do. "Bro! It's fucking Mia who fucked you over! How can you forgive that!?" He blurts. I look past Nick and see Zion shaking his head. "Yeah. What about Cameron?" Brandon asks me still expressionless. I ignore Nick who was pissed at me. "What about Cameron." I reply confused on why he will bring her up. "Nah." he says also walking up to me. "WHATCHA MEAN 'What about Cameron?' SHE WAS GOOD FOR YOU!" he finally snaps. I brush off the yelling. I know that they're just mad. I guess they really like Cameron. "You're just afraid." I hear Zion say as he's still seated. "Pause." I say waking past the 2 in front of me. "What am I afraid of Zion?" I him. "She will change you, for the better. You want to be 'that guy' who doesn't catch feelings." He says looking up at me. "Fuck you." I say. "I'm flattered but I'll have to pass." he says looking back up at me. I laugh at his waste-ness. He laughs too. "Alright guys." I say turning towards Nick and Brandon who lightened up a bit. "You stupid for that." Brandon says returning back to his seat. Nick smiles and goes to sit on the floor. I remain standing. "Cameron is a frustrating girl man." I say to start a conversation. "You see, that's the thing about You and Nicholas here." Brandon says. Nick shoots his head to look at Brandon. "What do you mean!? I nothing like Edwin." Nick defends himself. I laugh at Nick's reaction. "Yeah. He wishes he was like me." I say as Nick glares at me. I wink at him. B starts his lecture. "No. Both of you." Nick shakes his head but still listens. "You talk to a girl for a day and expect shit right away." he points out. I roll my eyes but continue to listen. "You need to try for girls like Cameron. She's not gonna just throw herself at you." He says. "I have a sister, that's how I know to treat a girl right. I wouldn't want a guy treating her like shit." He says. I stop him right there. "Alright. I see what you're saying bro but I don't treat girls like shit." I clarify. Brandon starts again. "Yeah, yeah. I know." He says sarcastically. I guess I'm turning into Cameron because I roll my eyes again. I ignore his comment so he can continue. Zion jumps in. "Exactly man. I have a sister too. If a guy treated her like you guys do, Ima fuck him up. Just know." Zion says laughing. I know he's dead serious. We all laugh because Zion isn't ever serious. The laughing dies down. Oh shit, I just realized Austin isn't here. And Julia. "Where's Austin and Julia?" I ask the group. Nick shrugs and Brandon shakes his head. "Austin ditched us to go to her place." Zion fills me in. Oh. I nod. "Anyways guys," I start catching everybody's attention again. They all look. "Ima go sleep cause I'm tired asf." I say getting up to head to the stairs. "Bro its only 3!" Brandon says as I'm half way up. "Whatever!" I say loud enough for him to hear me as I turn the corner to go into my room. I lay down on my bed and think for a minute. I just had the urge to talk to Cam. I decided to text her. "Studying for that test?" I ask her then went on Instagram to go through my feed. She replied. "Yeah. Can't really talk rn. 😛". I didn't care. I stated a convo. "I remember Bio. I was shit at it 😒" I say this time staying on iMessage to keep the conversation going.

C: 🙃

E: Wish I had you as a tutor 😉

C: Thats cute 😐

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