Chapter 25

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Nick's POV
I've been feeling so left out lately. EVERYONE IS TIED UP ON SOMEONE!! B doesn't count. Not that a want a girlfriend, I don't have the time or energy for one anyways. I honestly don't know how the rest of the guys do it. Julia has Austin around her finger, Zion has issues, I can't take Brandon nowhere and plus... uhhh.... he's Brandon, and, my favourite guy, my partner in crime, Edwin is changing but doesn't even realize it. I don't blame people for being in relationships at all. Yeah it is cute but, that's not me. I'm just not ready to settle down yet. No one is with me on that. I need friends to hoe around with man. Like I don't expect B to change, Austin and Julia to break up and Zion to do better, I just never thought of a day where THE Edwin Honoret will fall for someone. I have to stop this madness. It just cannot go on. I look around for my phone which I always lose in my fucking bed. Found it. I unlock my phone and went to face time the retired fuck boy. We really needed to talk. He answers. He didn't even say anything, he was just starring dead into the camera. "Fix your fucking face." I tell him right off the bat. "WHAT!" he snaps, finally answering me. I looked at the time, it was 1 am. Is school even a motive tomorrow? Whatever. That's how desperate I am, calling this guy at 1 in the morning. Lets just start the lecture. "Mackenzie, Chelsea, Jasmine, Ashley, Rebecca, Cassandra, Emily, Mia, Sydney!!!" I start to list out some names that can snap him out of Cameron's spell. He looks so confused. "Do those names mean anything to you?" I ask him. He laughs. "How do you even know their names?" he asked me. To be honest, I just listed random names because he doesn't keep track. He knew where I was going. "Why can't you add one more name? Is that so hard!?" I start to make my point. I can actually get emotional right now. "I lost you man." he says. I gave him a straight face. "ADD CAMERON TO YOUR KILLS MAN! THEN FUCKIN MOVE ON!" I yell. When Edwin and I went out, girls always watch us, I need that back. "HEYYY!!" I hear my mom yell at me from the other room. I hear her footsteps come closer to my door. I accidentally threw my phone and flopped back into my bed, acting as if I were asleep the whole time and she was tripping. The door opens. I fake snore to add effect to my great acting. I can hear Edwin trying to hold in his laugh but he was completely shit. He's literally laughing out loud. I then hear the door close meaning it was safe for me to continue my lesson. I look for where my phone possible landed across the room. I get up to grab it and started to whisper. "As I was saying, keep the kills going man. Do you really want me to pass you?" I taught him. By passing him, I mean with my number. He's dumb if he believes that he's even close to mine.

(***Kills/Bodies - how much people you've slept with***)

He smiles and shakes his head. He was in denial. I wasn't getting to him at all. "What about B huh? Do you want Brandon catching up?" I say knowing for a fact he'll react to that. "WHOA! CHILL ON THAT!" he snaps once more. He really needs to watch his temper. "Don't you miss it when girls were all over you at parties?" He looks up, probably to have a montage in his head of his fun past. "Fun times." he says finally agreeing. "She's changing you bro!" I tell him. He denies it. "Nah." he says. I repeat myself. "She's changing you and you don't even like her." I say laughing, expecting him to laugh too. He doesn't. No. "She has you!" I say, jumping to the conclusion. "Well—." he starts to stutter. NO FUCKING WAY! THIS BOY WAS BLUSHING!! I just ended the call. I really couldn't believe my eyes. Now what? I wanted to go somewhere tonight and I don't even have Edwin. The rest of the guys SUCK at picking up girls... well Z was alright but, I didn't want to look super short next to him. I need to see what the rest of the boys think about this. I text the group chat to see the guys' opinions on the matter. Everyone should be up anyways.

N: Zion! 🚨code 183! I repeat ! code 183!🚨

Z: wtf is that?

B: we should actually make codes 😎

N: Do you remember our friend?great dressed, about 5'8 in height, small guy?

Despacito || Edwin HonoretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora