Chapter 39

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Another update 🤓 OH! I did it in paragraphs 😛

This is a long one... 7653 words

Oh. I don't remember how long Edwin and Cameron has been talking bc I've been writing this for over a year now- yet only like 12 days went by 💀. Let's just ignore that and pretend they've been talking for MONTHS now 💋

Edwin's POV
What am I doing you may ask? Scrubbing out the coffee stains off the ceiling of my car. Sometimes, I can't stand Cameron. Holy! I want nothing to do with her right now.

"What are you doing home?" I hear my mom ask. I look up from my car. "Don't you have plans?" she then asks. I laugh. "There's been a slight change." I leave it at that.

"What happened?" she starts the Q&A. I sigh and rested against my car. "We got into a fight so I don't want to go out tonight." I sum it up to her. Maybe I'll talk to her tomorrow, who knows.

"Edwin. I've taught you better." she turns this into a whole ass lesson.

"Mommy!" I try to stop the upcoming lecture. "Edwin." she says in a the tone that will always shut me up. I just listened. "Fix it." she says before going back into the house. I sat in my car and called Zion.

"Hey babe." I hear Nick answer. I look at my phone to make sure I didn't call Nick by accident. Nope. It was Zion.

"Give the phone to Z." I tell him. I hear him call him. "Ya." Zion answers. "We got into a fight." I tell him. "Aw." he sympathizes. I couldn't tell if he actually felt bad or was being sarcastic.

"What happened?" Nick asks. I must've been on speaker. "I said some shit I shouldn't have." I admit. I knew I was in the wrong.

"Cute. What started it?" Zion asks me. "Brandon's having girl-" Nick stops me. "Shut up!" he says. Oh shit. I forgot it's a secretive thing.

"Why are you telling him to shut up?" Zion questions. I stay silent. "What are you guys hiding?" Zion then asks the two of us. It's not fair to Z. "I think Brandon should tell you." I say. It isn't my place to tell him. "I'll call him later. What happened with Cameron?" Zion gets us back on topic.

I think of ways I can explain without mentioning Brandon's situation. "I brought up my ex. Let's just leave it at that." I tell them, so I didn't look like a complete dick.

"Edwin bro." Nick calls me in an unimpressive tone. You know you fucked up if Nick doesn't rate it. "You don't say that to a girl, man." Zion backs Nick up. "Especially if you're into her." Nick adds. I already knew I was wrong for that.

"I know, I know. What do I do now?" I needed all the advice I can get. "Go through with your plan." Nick says before filling Zion in on it. "Definitely do that. Tell her it was my idea too." he tells me. I just ignored that last part.

"Oh. Did I forget to mention this?" I say face timing him. He answers it and I show him the stains all around my car, starting with the spots on the ceiling, some on the seat. Nick literally screams in fear and disbelief.

"Leave her ass!" he then says making both Zion and I laugh. "This is why you get your whole interior leather." Nick adds, shaking his head. "She threw iced coffee at me." I explain with a chuckle. I shook my head. Can't believe she really did that. I gave up on scrubbing once I realized there isn't much more I can do.

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