Director's Cuts/Deleted Scenes (whatever tf u want to call it...)

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The amount of changes I make to this story is UNBELIEVABLE. I just wanted to share some with you guys. Without further ado, these are the most dramatic changes I made from Despactio... off the top of my head.

First of all, the picture of Edwin in the first cover (which I changed recently) gave me the idea of him being like a sexy asshole which made me start this whole thing. I jokingly said to my friend, "I should call it Despacito." at random and she said that would be sick!! so I did 😊

Any of the boys could've played Edwin's role in this...

I just wanted to use that pic of Edwin (old cover)

Cameron was originally supposed to be dating Ian but they would've eventually broke up

felt like that would've just been too much

Julia and Austin were supposed to be FWB... just like Edwin and Sydney were

just a judgment call tbh

Brandon was the one with the girlfriend instead of Austin but I wanted him single...

you'll see why soon 😉

Zion was supposed to be the newest member to the group from Canada (LOVE YOU Z!!)

I changed it to Brandon being the new one, sophomore year

Ian was supposed to be a year older, coming back to school for one more year

had no idea how to explain why he was there for a 5th year

Zion or Nick we're supposed to have a thing for Cameron lowkey...

I didn't want that drama within their friendship with Edwin

They were supposed to be 'PRETTYMUCH'

I found it way easier to deal with if they weren't

***Ik the boys aren't all the same age... lol***

Mia was supposed to play soccer for Rosewood, making it more dramatic

felt like there was too much related to soccer and plus... MIA WHO!!?

Sydney was supposed to be the cheer captain and friends with Cameron's group (Julia and Ian)

I wanted to add a character like Sydney instead of another friend

Jacob wasn't supposed to be a character at all...

wanted another popular guy other than the boys (I feel like I have to squeeze him in 😒. should've just made one of the boys his role 🤷‍♀️)

Austin was supposed to be the teacher's pet

kinda made B that instead 🤭

Nick was gonna be the sweetheart but

I see him better as the 'funny asshole' type (LOVE YOU NICK!!) and plus I made Brandon that already

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