Chapter 23

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Austin's POV
Because of the pep rally today, we have a early release from school. I go over to Julia's after the game because she said she wanted me over. She's in the showers right now so I'm just chilling in her room, on my phone, scrolling through Instagram. Brandon recently posted a pic of himself and Nick in front of the school in sun glasses. He captioned it 'Sunny gang!! 🤟' and tagged Nick. I comment '😎' under it. He likes it. I lay down on Julia's bed to get comfortable in her cute purple sheets. I look up from my phone when I hear the door open. It was Julia's mom looking in to check on her, she seemed disappointed to see me instead of her beautiful daughter. I smile. "Hi mom!" I say. She hates it when I call her mom because she doesn't really like me. She thinks that I'm a troubled kid that's not good enough for Julia which is accurate. That's what makes me so lucky to have her. "Austin..." she says dissatisfied, looking around the room trying to stay civil. "Where's Julia?" she then asks me. I sit up on her bed. "She's in the shower." I fill her in. She glares at me and leaves. I look back onto my phone as Brandon commented back to me. As I go to see what he said, I hear Julia and her mom talking. "He's trouble Julia!" her mom says, speaking at a volume where she had to know I will be able hear. I chuckle because it was kinda true. I get up and creaked the door open. I stepped into the doorframe to listen more. They were down the hall, arguing back and forth. I can't lie, it was kinda cool that I was the focus of their discussion. Julia was in her favourite towel, facing away from me. "There's way worse guys than Austin Mom!" Julia says defending me. That is true because of all the guys I'm friends with, only Brandon's been in a serious, long term relationship. The rest of the boys can't even remember the girl's name the morning after. I just continue to listen. I couldn't help but smile at all the things Julia was saying about me to make me look good. I really didn't deserve her. "At the end of the day, I love him." Julia says. I feel like that's the first time her mom heard her say that because the look on her face has me dying internally. "Do you?" her mom asks getting a little emotional. "Yeah, I do." Julia says. Her mom pulled her into a hug. That's when I decided to step out. Her mom notices me and looks up from Julia's shoulder. I walk over to the 2 of them and gave them both a hug. "I love her too." I tell her so she knows.

Brandon's POV
I'm at home, in my room, lying in bed, bored. The only thing I had that I can do to keep myself busy is studying for my finals... no thanks, I'll pass. I've been hanging with the guys a lot lately which never had a dull moment. This had to be why I'm bored out of my mind. I go on my phone and scrolled through Instagram. Zion posted 7 minutes ago. He posted a picture of him and his brother Elom at a Lakers game. He captioned it 'Ballerz 😈' and put the Staples Centre in the location. He tagged Elom. I liked it and commented 'They're gonna lose!'. He liked the comment. I continued scrolling. Julia posted a video of her and Austin, tagging him... how cute. She captioned it '11 months! ❤️' meaning he's busy. I liked it and continued scrolling. I finish going through my feed so I then went through the stories. Edwin posted a story 3 minutes ago. He took a boomarang of him taking out his dress shoes from his closet shelf, captioning it "A special hint @/CameronReed10 🤐". I guess he was taking her out somewhere nice. Especially because he was wearing a nice Rolex. I then see Sydney's story, she was at school filming the football team's practice, which meant Jacob was also there. Ian also posted a story of him driving with one of Sydney's friends. He was listening to vibey music, filming the sky as he drove. Unsafe. WHY IS EVERYONE DOING SOMETHING!!? I noticed that Nick didn't post anything. That had to mean he's not busy because he literally posts everything. I call Nick to see what he's up to. He sends me a message, declining my call. He's probably the only one who's customized them because the message read "Text! Don't wanna talk...". I laugh at how stupid that was then texted him.

B: still got that pool table??

N: snm! haven't beaten u in a while 😈

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