Chapter 34

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I had to update so here's what I've been working on but didn't really finish but... yeah. The next chapter will be better, prom- u know what... I promised this would be up earlier but hey, 🤷‍♀️


this is literally unedited so... don't judge

Brandon's POV
Last night? Wow. I remember absolutely NOTHING. I didn't even know I went THAT hard. I need to be watched. I open my eyes, feeling the headache instantly. "Fuckkkk." I whine as I rubbed my head. I felt achy as well like I've been working out or something. What happened? I stared up at the ceiling, trying to jog back some memory. The only thing I remember is that whole situation being brought up with Edwin and Sydney. That's basically it. I don't remember coming home, I don't know how I got home, NOTHING! I then felt the same way as I usually did 'the morning after'. I had sex last night. With whom? No one was here. I sit up and realized I was naked so someone definitely got it last night. My room door then creeks open. I knew it wasn't anyone in my family because it's past noon and everyone does their own thing. I see a hand reach for something on my dresser. It grabs a phone and slowly tries to close the door lightly. "Hey!" I call to see who it was. I didn't want to be rude so I had to explain why I don't know her name and everything. "Hi." she says from behind the door. That voice sounded so familiar. "Come here?" I ask kindly so she doesn't feel shy. She reveals herself. No way. "Fuck." I say in reaction to who it was. "I know." Sydney says. Holy shit. "What the fu- how?! WHY?" I complain to her. It had to of been her. I was wasted. "Relax Brandon. It's not that bad." she tries to make it seem like I'm over reacting. "DO YOU REALIZE THAT THIS MAKES ME AS BAD AS EDWIN NOW?!" I ask her, losing my mind. I cover my face. "OK B! IT WAS YOUR IDEA!" she puts the blame on me. This is bad. "I WAS DRUNK! YOU THINK I WOULD DO THAT SOBER?!" I snap. She laughs. "Thanks." she says offended, glaring at me. She turns to leave. "Wa- Sydney!" I call her. She turns. "This is exactly why I wanted to be gone before you woke up." she admits. I lowkey wished that plan worked. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I apologize to her. She crosses her arms. "You're way more fun when you're drunk anyways." she says to get the last laugh. I smile because she's so childish. "You do realize we made shit worse right?" I ask her. She nods. I notice the hickeys I gave her all over her neck. I chuckle to myself. She squints her eyes at me. "What?" she asks. I point at my neck, signalling her about her neck. She turns to my mirror on my closet to look for herself. "Wha- Brandon you fucking vampire!" she says, examining her bruises. What can I say, maybe I get too carried away. "Ok but deadass. How did we allow this to happen?" I ask her. She looks at me and sighs, ready to explain. "First of all, I wouldn't fuck you sober either." she gets out of the way. Oh. So we were both faded. "However, I remember a bit." she states. Oh boy.


Still Brandon's POV
Sydney asked to stay the night because her parents were away on business leaving her home alone for the weekend. I didn't see why she would want to stay here but, she's my friend so I allowed it without a question. "We aren't lit enough." she says, as soon as I unlocked the door. I was lit earlier but sobered up. Why does she want to be drunk? "What do you mean?" I ask her. She throws her bag on the couch and walks into the kitchen and hops on the counter. "I mean, we should play truth or drink." she says with a smile. But didn't we just- never mind. "Why?" I question her, grabbing a water from the fridge. She clearly was up to something. She shrugs. "If there's something you wanna ask me, just ask." I tell her while taking a drink. The way she randomly wanted to play this game, I thought it's because she wanted to get to something. She looks at me. "You're boring." she says. I nod. "Yeah. That's why you're here and not at your place right?" I call her out. I am the most fun in my friend group. What does she mean?? "Where does your parents keep the liquor?" she asks, looking around. I shrug. I didn't even know if they drink. "Oh my God Brandon. You don't know?" she asks me. I laugh. "I don't know!" I repeat myself. She shakes her head. "Does your parents have that one room or cabinet they tell you not to go in?" she then asks. Lmao. They actually do. "Shut up." I say, heading for the cupboard they forbidden Halie and- well, only me from. I open it and there they were. "How did I not know this?" I ask myself out loud. "Cause you're an idiot!" Sydney answers, meeting me at the cabinet filled with bottles. "Well I'm sorry that I actually obey what my parents say." I come for her. "Ciroc! Yes please!" she says taking out the bottle. I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous about taking it but, hey! I'm a teenager and imma act like it. Sydney walks to the other side of the kitchen to find glasses. She reaches and grabs 2. Why are we doing this? "Okay! Do you have any board games?" she asks. "I thought you said we're playing truth or drink." I point out. She takes the glasses in one hand and the Ciroc in the other and walked into the living room, sitting on the floor and placed everything on the coffee table. "It's better when you're playing a game along with it." she answers. Makes sense. "We have monopoly." I finally answer her with a chuckle. She looks at me excited. "PERFECT! Go grab it!" she directs me. I walk over to the game closet and grabbed the game these ruined friendships. (ngl, I have no idea how to play monopoly. every time I play it, I catch on but never actually know what I'm doing... I mean the actual game u nastys 😂😂🤭) "I'm the thimble!" Sydney calls dibs before I can even join her in the living room. Who tf chooses the thimble? Wtf even is that? "Word! I'm the top hat!" I say. She pours a shot amount in both glasses. I take a seat across from her. "We have to take a shot to start of the game." she states. I grinned and picked up my glass. "Cheers." I say, clinging glasses with her and taking the shot. Ughhh. I wasn't down for this. I'm about to get SMASHED. There's no way I'm gonna answer anything truthfully. I started the game of monopoly. I rolled a 6 and landed on... whatever. "Do you have jenga?" Sydney then asks me. I got up to grab it. Good suggestion because there's no way we can play monopoly hammered. I jog back to my spot and had her set it up as I packed away my favorite board game. "I'll go first." Sydney says. I smile. She takes out one of the end blocks. "Who do you like the best out of your boys?" she asks. I scratch my head and chuckled. "I love them all equally." I answer. "Brandon. I love you, but if you're gonna answer like that, imma have to punch you." she threatens me. I laugh out loud. She hits me. "Owww! Nick!" I answer, untruthfully. I meant what I said earlier. I just said the first one I thought of. Her jaw drops. "Really? Thought you'll say Austin." she says. I nod. I take a middle piece out of the wooden tower. I wanted to test how far I can take these questions. "Who'd you lose your virginity to?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow. She gasps. "Omg Brandon don't worry!" she says laughing. "Oh! Is that a shot I hear?" I say, placing my hand at my ear. "You already know this." she then says. "Edwin?" I ask completely clueless. "Ew! Of course not! Jacob." she says. Holy shit! "WHA- Why would you think I knew that??!" I ask her surprised. She shrugs. If I played this with anyone else, it would've got super awkward, super fast. Not with Syd though. "Ok. Who'd you lose yours to?" she asks me back. I smile. "What do you mean? I'm still a virgin." I cap with my whole life. "Get the fuck outta here! I know you're not." she says. "Sydney, I don't know what you're talking about." I say avoiding the question more. I laugh as her face looked shocked like she was actually believing me. I take my first shot and made my face to how strong it was. "Shit!" I say with a cough. "Why couldn't you just answer pussy?" Sydney says disappointed. I smile. "The game is truth and drink. I chose drink." I repeat the rules. She shakes her head. "What's your biggest regret?" I ask her innocently. She glares at me. "No no! I mea-." she just drinks. "I didn't mean it that way. Chill out!" I say laughing at the face she was giving me. She got so mad. "How small is your dick?" she says trying to get back at me. I laugh. "Small?" I ask her before I took another shot. "You're no fun." she says annoyed of me once again. "I mean. You're free to find out." I say jokingly with a wink. She knocks the jenga tower down because we weren't using it anymore anyway. A few more questions were asked and I've never answered one. I get up to sit on the couch because I started to feel the effect. Sydney follows. "What's your body count?" I ask her without filter. I would never ask anybody that sober. She takes a shot. She looks at me with a straight face. "Over 5?" I ask. She gave no reaction. "10?" I then ask. She shakes her head. "Lower." she answers. "6?" I ask. She laughs. "What the fuck! WHO?" I ask laughing. I don't know why I wanted to know. "Jacob..." she starts. I adjust myself to face her. She started to count with her fingers. "Edwin, Ian, some guy at a party, you don't know this guy and I don't wanna tell you the last one." she says. Ooh. Shit just got interesting. "If you tell me, I'll tell you mine." I say to get the name of the last guy. I begin to drink some water so I don't get a headache like I usually did when I drink. "Nick." she says. I spat out the water and started coughing. "Ni- WHEN?!!" I ask surprised. Does Edwin know? Does anybody? "This was around the time when I stopped talking to Edwin. Junior year possibly." she says. I was dumbfounded. My boy didn't even tell me. "Nobody knows that so-" I cut her off. "I know. I won't say anything." I tell her. "Ok. Tell me your list." she demands. I chuckle and started to pour myself a shot, avoiding to answer. "Fuck off!" she says stopping me. "Tell me asshole!" she then says. I sigh. "My number is 13, but it's not like I'm keeping track." I answer truthfully. Sydney acted surprised. "SHUT UP! No it's not." she says shoving me. "No. I'm being serious." I say. "I thought you got no girls." she says lowkey offending me. "Ok." I say taking a shot for fun. "Name them!" she then says. I smile. "Half of them were from my old school." I tell her. She looked at me with a straight face. I sigh. "Emily, Alice, Briana, Cass, Emma, Morgan, Jen..." I start to list but stop because these were just names. I smile. "3 girls from your soccer team..." I start to list names she knew. "WHO?!" she then asks excited. "Jessica, Rachel and Mercedes." I answer. She laughs. I take another shot, feeling fucked up now. I laugh to myself making Sydney raise an eyebrow. "What?" she asks. I laugh. "I've had a dream about fucking Cameron too." I say not realizing I've said it. Her jaw drops. "B! That's your friends girl!" she says, shaming me. I smile. "They're not dating." I say. "Doesn't matter you jerk!" she says punching me. All this talk about bodies and shit made me think that we should both increase it by one. "I AM FUCKKKKEEEEEDDD!" I yell out, lying down on my back, on the couch. I'm really gonna feel it in the morning. Sydney rests her head on my chest and cuddles up to me. "Why's your heart beating so fast?" she asks me, concerned. "You're so close." I answer honestly and bluntly. I had zero filter right now because I'm not use to being this trashed. "I- I'm so close?" she repeats. I laugh. "Yeah and you're making me a little nervous. Not gonna lie." I then say honestly. She rolls onto her stomach so she can look at me. "I'm making you nervous." she repeats again, surprised. "Yes Sydney. You being so close has my heart rate up. What don't you understand?" I say so she can understand. I laugh because I couldn't stay serious. At this point, I said and did everything I thought. I went for it. "What if I just bent you over the counter over there?" I ask curiously, staring at the counter and picturing what I would do to her on it. I then looked at her. She was covering her face, she had to be blushing. "BRANDON!" she shoves me then laughs. I really didn't see anything wrong with what I asked. I said 'What if.' doesn't mean I'm gonna. Gosh Sydney. I laugh making her laugh. "You can't say shit like that and expect me not to feel a way." she tells me. I literally ignored everything she was saying. "It's just us here." I just throw out there. She sits up and looks at me. "Brandon. Shut up." she says seriously. "No. For real. How bad can it be?" I ask her. She smiles. "B. What good can come from that? You're clearly not thinking straight." she shuts me down. I'm not giving up. "Who cares?" I say sitting up. "You know exactly what you can get from that." I tell her with a wink. "B!!!!!!" she calls my name. "You'll be screaming that in a minute." I say with a chuckle. I was getting to her and I knew it. "Holy shit. You won't quit." she says knowing damn well I won't. "Come here." I say licking my lips to be annoying. "Don't EVER do that again!" she says, coming closer. I kiss her. I turned it into a make out. Passion wasn't really what I was going for. I pull away having her breathless. "Who's the best you've ever had?" I ask her. She thinks for a second. "Idk. Maybe Edwin." she answers. I smirk. "It's about to be me." I says kissing her again.

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