Chapter 9

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Edwin's POV
I wake up with the rudest headache. "Fuck." I say to myself. This pain was so bad, I didn't even want to move. AT ALL. I roll over onto my back and held my temples rubbing them. I hear whispering right outside of my door. I turn my head to see what's going on. I don't see anything so I chose to just ignore it. I finally gain the courage to attempt getting up, regretting it instantly. I fall back onto my bed. "Shit!" I say out loud this time. I give up and just lie there for a few seconds until I see Austin pass my door. "Bro!" I say calling to him. I didn't want to shout because of my head. He shows back up at my door. "Yee!" He answers while closing a cap of a black sharpie. I just ignore it. "Can you get me some water?" I ask him finally managing to sit up. He walks into my room and reaches for something on the floor, a water bottle. He throws it at me. I miss it completely. I pick it up from where it landed on my sheets. "Thanks man." I say opening and taking a drink from it. He chuckles and then looks at me. "Don't thank me." He says beginning to smile and laugh. I look at him and he leaves. I slide myself to the edge of my bed and stood up. "What the fuck?" I react looking  at towels that were laid down on the floor. It is then I started to remember some shit from last night. I remember Cameron helping me to bed. Too bad she didn't stay because I would've made it up to her. I step off of the towels and head to the cleaning closet to grab some supplies I may need to clean up the mess in my room. I finish cleaning the mess and returned everything where they belonged. I throw the dirty towels into the wash and then headed downstairs following the loud voices. I grab the rails and take my time walking down the stairs. I hear small talk down there. "Alright, he's coming! He's coming! Shhhh." I hear someone whisper. I finally reach the bottom of the stairs and sat down at the bottom looking around and everyone. Brandon was sleeping on the floor, Julia passed out on the couch, Zion on his phone in the kitchen and Nick, Cameron and Austin all on the couch looking at me. I guess Sydney already left. "What?" I ask the 3 of them. They all look at each other then began to laugh. I shake my head and headed back upstairs to brush my teeth. I began to brush and looked into the mirror. I stop. "Fucking Austin!" I say as I finish brushing my teeth. I head back downstairs to confront Austin. "AUSTIN YOU BITCH!" I say as I draped him up. Everyone began to laugh. I push him then gave him cut eye then went to the washroom to wash the dicks, 6's and constant written word 'pussy' and 'bitch' off of my face. I successfully wiped the marker off the dried my face. I head back out to sit back on the stairs. They all laughed at me again. Cameron gets up. "Alright boys, I should get home." Cameron says as she smiled and hugged the 2. "Bye Cam!" They say. Zion just raises his hand and waves at her, not talking an eye off his screen. That boy is addicted to his phone. "Austin, remember Julia!" She says turning around to point at her sleeping friend. She looks at me for a second and gives a little smile then heads for the front door. She leaves. I remain seated for a second. I look up when I see Nick and Austin's head shoot their attention to me. "Should I get her?" I ask them closing my eyes. "WELL YEAHHH!" they all yell at me at once. "Ok! chillllll!" I say back rubbing my pounding temple. I get up to catch up to Cameron. I open the door and step out. I look in both directions to see which way she's gone. I spot her. I sigh knowing that I have to catch up to her. I begin to jog. She turns around at the sound of my steps. She smiles continuing her walk. "So your all sobered up now huh?" She asked looking up at me. "Yeah." I say grabbing her hand stopping her. She rolls her eyes. "Why do you always do that?" I ask her. She laughs. "You're so annoying!" She says to me. I just look at her. "Thanks. For everything." I finally admit. She shakes her head. It is then she said the most awful words to me, "What friends are for man." She said it punching my arm and smiled. My face went blank. She laughs at my reaction. This was not funny. She attempts to walk away. I tighten my grip and pull her back. "Friends??" I ask her starring in her soul. She doesn't answer. I shake it off. "Let me take you home." I say breaking the little tension letting go of her arm. I start to walk back to my place. I turn around to see her just standing there. "You coming?" I ask her watching her. She hesitates. "Are you ok to drive?" She asks me from down the sidewalk. "Of course!" I yell back. I began walking to my car. "Are you ok to drive?" I mock her as I unlock it. She finally catches up and hops into the shot gun. I back out of the driveway and began to stroll down the road. "Where am I going?" I ask her while indicating to go left. "Just keep driving." she says to me while looking out her window. Why can't she just tell me where she lives? "Where!?" I say beginning to get annoyed. "I'll let you know!" She snaps. I should've just let her walk. "Alright." I say while connecting my phone to the aux. "Do you have everything?" I ask her breaking the tension. "Yeah." She says with a deep sigh. I guess she's tired. "Didn't get any sleep last night?" I ask looking at her. She looks at me. "Of course not." She says giving me a little bit of a cut eye. Damn she's cranky. "I mean, you could've slept with me... Well you probably wouldn't have gotten much sleep either." I say smirking. She does her iconic, signature eye roll. One day she'll learn to stop doing that. I laugh as I put my music on shuffle. She turns down my music all the way down. "Wtf?" I ask her waiting for an explanation. "What was all that last night?" She asked me as if I can possibly remember what happened when I was wasted. "You tell me." I say to her with a laugh as I pulled into a plaza with a Starbucks. I pull into the drive-thru. I didn't even take in she was talking this whole time. I interrupted her. "What's your order?" I ask her hoping that I will need to know it. She glares at me. "Grande Vanilla Bean Frap, with Caramel drizzled around the cup and on the whip cream." She mumbles. I look at her. "So not just a simple latte??" I say trying to get her to change her mind. I am not trying to repeat what she just said. "Nah, That's my order." She says with a fake smile. I nod and roll down my window to begin my order. "I'll have 2 Grande Vanilla Bean Frappuccinos with Caramel 'drizzled' around the cup as well as on the whip cream. Thanks." I say emphasizing the 'drizzled' as I pull around the building to pick up our order and pay. I look at her and she was rolling her eyes at me. I laugh. "What?" I ask her while reaching over to the glove compartment in front of her to grab my sunnies. She shivers at the touch of my arm on her lap. I chuckle at her reaction and smiled. I glance at her and she quickly looks away. I put on my reflective Ray Bans and put my attention back to pay for our drinks. "Gracias." I say popping a straw into my mouth as I grab the drinks. I place the tray onto her lap. She jumps. I begin to drive again. "Ok, let me try this high calorie drink of yours." I say from the one side of my mouth without the straw. I grab the drink to try it. It was alright. "So what were you saying earlier?" I say glancing over to her taking another sip. I hand her a straw and she grabs it and begins to open it. She begins to drink hers. "You were telling me about this girl." She finally repeats herself. I remain silent. "You were telling me how she changed you and shit." She adds looking at me. I really wish she didn't bring that up. "Mia." I finally say. "Mia." She repeats. "So what happened?" She asks me readjusting herself into her seat. I sigh. "She was just I girl I had a thing with." I lie. She shakes her head and takes another sip. "You said she's trying to get back into your life." She states. Why does she remember everything!!?? I grunt. "Ok, I loved her. Not anymore though. She fucked it up." I finally snap. I was looking at her. She sips her drink once more with an awkward look on her face. "Don't give me that!?" I say laughing a little. She couldn't hold it in. She began to laugh hard. "Fuck you." I say with a smile turning right onto a major road. "Ok. Where am I going?" I ask her one last time. "Turn left just before the school." She finally tells me. I obey and indicate to stay in the left lane until I get to the correct light. I turned my music back on. "Let's just forget about last night. Alright?" I ask her grabbing as I grabbed her thigh. She brushes my hand off. "Yeah. Whatever." She says looking out her window once again sounding a little disappointed. I look at her. I was gonna ask why she used that tone but I just left it. I turn left at the intersection and continued driving. "You live close to Jacob!" I say a little excited. "Maybe I'll start to stop by." I say to her with a smirk. She nudges me. I finish my drink and place the empty cup into the cup holder. I grab Cameron's cup. She was mid sip. She gasps in shock. I begin to chug her drink down. "That was sexy." I say as I place her empty cup in the other cup holder. "EDWIN!!" She says punching my arm. I start to laugh. "I fucking wanted that!" she says crossing her arms as if she were 7. My laugh starts to die down. "Ok where now?" I ask her reaching for her leg once more. "Edwin!" she squeals and pushes my hand off again. I act like nothing happened. "What?" I ask while looking at her. "Turn right here. 3rd one on the left." she says pointing. I nod. I pull up into her driveway and parked, leaving the engine running. "Thank you." She says opening her door. She hops out and grabs her stuff and begins to walk to her front door. I pause for a bit to think of I should go after her. I decide to. I open my door and follow her to her door. I stop in front of her. "What?" She asks me looking annoyed. "Off to studying?" I ask her. She nods. I pull out my phone and open my contacts tapping on new contact. I give her my phone. She smiles and shakes her head. She names her contact. 'Cam 😜' and added her digits. I chuckle. "Bye." she says entering her house. She looks back to me, I wink. She closes the door and I head back into my car and began to drive to Jacob's house. I call him. He answers. I can hear another of voice in the background but I ignore it. "Yeah, I'm gonna stop by." I say. "Nah. Do—." I cut him off by ending the call and headed for his place. I pull into the driveway and hop out of my car. I walk up to the door and knocked. Someone opens it who for sure wasn't Jacob. It was Mia. "Fuck me!" I say stepping back. What are the odds!!? "Edwin. I—" She says grabbing my arm. I cut her off. "You want to get back into me life Mia! Why?" I ask her. "I just miss us." She says looking at me. Fuck. She was looking at me the way she use to always look at me. That moment, everything I hated about her turned into everything I loved about her. I couldn't control my lust for her. "Fuck!" I say as I looking past her. "Edwin! I'm sorry! Ok?" She begins to apologize. "Why now?" I ask her still not giving any eye contact. "We broke up." She says. "I know we did Mia." I say finally looking at her. "No, WE broke up." She tells me referring to the guy she cheated on me with. For some reason, I was glad. She rubs my arm. I shake my head knowing exactly where this was going. "I miss us." She repeats looking me in the eyes. Shit. "Fuck off Mia." I mumble to her not really meaning it. I was craving her touch. She grabs me and smashed her lips on mine. She runs her hands through my hair. I grab her ass making her gasp. "Jump." I tell her in between breaths. She jumps and wraps her legs around my waist. I walk us into the house, closing the door behind me with my foot.

Cameron's POV
I walk into the living room where my mom and dad were watching TV. I smile. "Hey guys." I say awkwardly. "Cameron." My dad says in his lecturing tone. "Yes dad I know." I say as I go to head up the stairs. "Cameron!" My mom  stops me siding with my dad. I'm in deep shit. "It's 1:32 pm Ms." My dad starts. "You were gone from 10 last night." he adds shaking his head in disappointment and glaring at me. I hear Riley come halfway down the stairs to hear me get in trouble. "Mom!" I started to whine. "I texted you." I point out with a sad look on my face. "And I appreciate that." She starts also. "You said that you will be home late. You didn't tell me you will be spending the night." She says. I sigh. "Ok. I'm sorry." I start to defend myself. "Because is your first offence, We're letting you off on a warning." My mom finally states. I nod sadly. I turn back to head for my room. I pass Riley who is shook. "Wait! She doesn't get any punishment!?" He whines to my parents. I stall at the stairs to listen. "Riley, You continuously stay out late." My dad tells him. He stops complaining because he realized that they were all true. He storms up the stairs. I laugh and went back to my room. I flop on my bed with the intention to take a quick nap. I've maybe slept for 5 minutes when an alarm went off. I pick up my phone the read '🚨STUDY🚨' in it. I usually don't procrastinate but, today was the day. I close my eyes and slept.

Nick's POV
Edwin has been gone for a while now. Possibly 3 hours. "Yo Nick!" I hear Brandon call me from the washroom. "It's not coming off!" He says as he starts to rub his face aggressively. "B! Chill! Your gonna have no face left!" Austin says to him laughing. I hear Brandon laugh in the washroom. I just love that guy, always positive. I look back on my phone and continued going through my Instagram feed. I look over to Zion once I hear his phone go off. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" He whines before he looks to see who it was. "Who's it?" I ask him super curious. I thought it may have been one of the Juniors because they have it for him. "Edwin." He finally answers me answering the call. I mind my own business and continued going down my feed. Kylie Jenner is looking super fine in that Ferrari. Damn. "YOU'RE LYING!!" I hear Zion yell into his phone. I look up. Austin sits up from the floor and leans on the couch. Brandon steps out of the bathroom. We are all waiting to hear what was going on. "So what are you going to do?" Zion asked Edwin on the other line as he scouts up to sit at the edge of his seat. "What's going on?" Brandon asks the question we all wanted an answer to. Zion removes the phone from his ear to talk to us. "I'll let him tell you guys." He says in a whisper yell. He brings the phone back to his ear. "He allowed that in his house?" Zion asked surprised now standing. He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a cold beer from it. He placed the phone between his right ear and shoulder and popped the bottle open. He turns to walk back to his previous spot. He was smiling and nodding. I look to Brandon. He shrugs and went back into the washroom to examine his now red face. "Alright man. See you soon." Zion says removing the phone from his ear and ending the call. I look at him. "This isn't good guys." Zion says laughing. What the fuck is going on!!? Austin's gets up and sits next to me on the couch. "Edwin is on his way with some news." Zion says with a cringe look on his face. Our heads turn as we hear footsteps approach the door. Austin springs up and unlocks the door. It opens to an out of breath Edwin. This should be good. "I don't love her anymore." Was the first thing he said. I look at Zion who had his head on his hand, rubbing his temple shaking his head. "Tell them idiot." Zion says not looking up. I look at everyone in the room. "For fucks sake! WHAT!?" Austin snaps in annoyance. "I just fucked Mia." He says.


Well that's none of my business

On to the next

xox - kylizzleb 🌷

Despacito || Edwin HonoretDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora