Chapter 17

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Brandon's POV
There's half an hour left of class before lunch. I rush to finish this slide from this 'Parenting' note on the board. I quickly read the last sentence and repeated it over and over so I can remember it in case she turned the slide. My teacher turns off the screen as I start to write the last sentence. "will - develop - into - the - 206." I say each word as I write them. Finally. "The last 25 is yours." She says to the class. I close my notebook and put it in my bag as well as my Parenting textbook. I take out my phone to open my snap streaks. Before you ask me why I'm taking this class, just know it's just a prerequisite for my University program. "Brandon?" I hear my name. I look up from my phone to see that my teacher was looking at me. She gestures me to come over. I got up and walked over to her desk. "You're currently at a 52%" she tells me. I awkwardly smile. "I am?" I question her knowing damn well I'm terrible at this class. I hear a laugh from the nearest table. I turn to look at the guy who's laughing. He clears his throat and looks down at his textbook to look busy. I shake my head and looked back at my teacher. "Ok..?" I say so she can get to her point. "Follow me." She tells me as she got up and left the classroom. I just follow her into the staff room. She goes into a closet and searches for something. She calls me over. She looks into the closet making me look as well. "No way!" I say in shock.

Zion's POV
I'm at my locker putting away my Physics textbook. I grab my Nike snapback and put it on. I look down the hall and see Sydney at Edwin's locker. Odd. She walks off and Edwin watches her smiling. I'ma just let that slide. I grab my bag because it went well with my outfit and took one final look in my locker. "Do I need anything else?" I ask myself. Naw. I have everything. I close my locker and locked it, spinning the dial to 0. I began to walk down the hall towards the stairwell. "Z!" I hear Edwin say. I turn around. He waves me over to his locker so I go. "I kissed Cam today!" He says excited. I smile. "No way she allowed you!" I say in denial. Edwin smiles. "Bro! I'm half way there!" He adds. I shake my head disappointed. "You're really pulling that fuckry again?" I ask him. She's gonna change him. Watch. He just looks at me. I laugh. "Cameron is the girl for you." I say to him as he closed his locker and began to walk. I follow him. "You keep saying that. She's not." He snaps at me. We enter the stairwell and began to walk down. "I'll meet you outside." He says entering the second floor, leaving me to walk the rest of the stairs by myself. Bitch. I turn the corner and continue walking down the stairs.

Nick's POV
I walk out to Z's car and I'm the first one there. What tf is going on today? I get closer to the car to peak in the tinted car window to see if I left my hat in there.  "Where's Everyone?" Zion asked from behind me scaring me. I turn around. "What are you doing?" He adds laughing at my reaction. I put my hand on my chest. "You fuckin scared me bitch!" I say avoiding his question making him laugh again. I look past Zion to see Austin making his way over. "Alright!" He says as he continued his walk, heading for front seat. "Hell no!" I say rushing the the seat first. Austin starts to run making me run as well. "Fuck you Nick!" He says gloating as he beat me there. "Ok! I didn't even want that seat anyways!" I say annoyed and pissed I didn't get my seat. Zion starts to talk in between laughs. "Nick!? How tf did you—." He laughs before he can complete his sentence. I glare over to Austin. He's laughing too. "How did you let him beat you like that!!?" Zion finally catches his breath to say. I'm just left to mock him and his laugh. "Uh-ha-ha. How did you— STFU!" I snap making Zion catch himself on his now open car door from falling to the ground, laughing. I give him a straight face causing him to cry. "Yeah. Keep laughing!"
I say getting annoyed. I turn to Austin and he has his head down against the car laughing. I kiss my teeth and look towards the school
to see if I can see the other 2. It is then I see Ed coming. "Where your girl!?" I ask him as he approached the laughing group. He smiles at the sound of them laughing. "She needed to catch up on something." He answers disappointed. "Oh." I say sympathetically. Edwin chuckles as the laughing dies down. "Why are they laughing?" He asks me. I look at the 2. "PFFFFF!" Zion spits out beginning to laugh again. "Yo! Its not even funny anymore!" I whine making Edwin laugh even know he doesn't know what's going on. This is why I like B the most. "Where's B?" I ask the group. Zion sighs as his laughing dies again. "Yeah. Isn't his class next to yours?" Austin asks me catching his breath as well. "I don't wait for him. Wtf?" I say shocked that they thought I wait. I see. "What kind of friend are you?" Zion asks me leaning on his open door. He stubbles as the door shifts from his weight. "FUCK!" He says catching himself. "FALL!" I shout 3 seconds to late. Everyone looks at me and laughs. "Who does he feel like!?" Zion asks me laughing at my previous comment. It is then I see B struggle out of the school doors. "There he is!" Austin says making the whole group look over at Brandon. I've never saw him look so pissed off. "What the fuck is that!!?" Edwin shouts turning back to the group laughing. Why is today so funny? Brandon shakes his head in anger. We all laugh. "Leave me alone!" He says as he finally arrived to where we all were. "WHY DO YOU HAVE A FUCKIN BABY!!?" I ask him taking in that he had one of those assignment babies for that stupid Parenting class he's taking. "B's literally the last one I thought that would fuck up and have a kid!" Zion adds teasing Brandon. "Ooh. I'm Zion and I'm a comedian!" Brandon says imitating Z. Zion bursts out laughing. "Why the fuck do you sound like a ducking Windex bottle!!?" Edwin says accurately comparing his laugh to the bottle. "DEADASS!" I say laughing. Zion just laughs more. "Window washer ass." B says annoyed. We all just laugh. "It's just for extra credit. I need this so I don't fail." He finally explains himself. "Pull our game weak!"
I say to piss him off. At the best moment ever, the baby starts to cry. I look at the baby in disgust. That cry was so ugly and annoying."Christ!" Brandon says taking the baby out of the seat before he began to rock it. "Awhhhhh! Brandon!" Zion says teasing him even more. Brandon scans the baby with his baby bracelet and walks over to the hood of the car. He opens the diaper bag and takes out a diaper. He places the baby in the hood of Z's car. "NAWW B!" Zion says stopping Brandon from changing the diaper. "Relax man!" Brandon says before changing the diaper. The baby was a boy. "Hey look! The same size as yours!" Austin says referring to Brandon. We all laugh. Brandon ignores it. "There we go!" He says as the baby stops crying. "What a great dad!"
Edwin say patting B on the back.     "Okay." Zion says catching our attention. "We only have an hour left. Let's go now!" He says hoping into the drivers seat. I look at Austin who was now on my side of the car looking at me. I bolted for the front seat, only to lose again. "Fuck it." I say walking back towards the school. Austin steps out the car. "Where are you going?" He asked me. I walk over to him and pushed him out of the way. I hop in the front seat and slammed the door shut, locking it. "HA BITCH!" I say to Austin as he stood outside the window. He hops into the backseat with his arms crossed.

We arrive at iHop (iHob... 😶) and decided to dine in. The waitress calls us over to ask us how much seats we need. She was young, maybe in College. Edwin beats me to it. He walks up to the podium across from where the waitress stood and leaned on it. "Depends. Do you want to join us?" He asks her with a smile. She blushes. Smooth Mofo. "5!" I say cock blocking him. He turns and glares at me. "Right this way." She says making us follow.

It is now 2:00 meaning that we have 30 minutes left of lunch. "You know what guys?" Brandon starts talking as he left his payment on the table. We all look to him. "I'm just gonna skip 5th." He says picking up his drink, chasing the straw with his mouth. "Why?" I ask him. This usually isn't like him. "It's too embarrassing with this baby!" He says to me looking at the demonic toy. Zion laughs quietly. "How long do you have it anyway?" Austin asks him. I listened because I was curious also. Brandon puts his drink back down. "Just for today she says reaching over the table to grab one of my fries. I allow it because he's a new father. "24 hours!" He adds reaching for more of my fries. "Ok! Back
tf up!" I snap at him. "Stop eating my shit!" I get to my point. Brandon smiles as he eats the last of the fries he just took. "K guys!" Zion says getting up. "We have 20 minutes!" He adds putting his bill on the table. I get up. I see Edwin watching this random girl from across the room. She smiles at him. "Hold on." He says excusing himself with a smirk. "If you go, I'm leaving your dumb ass." Zion tells him straight up. Edwin turns back to us. "Y'all just cock blocking today!" He complains. I shrug at him. "Well, It's none of my business... but, isn't Cameron, I don't know, You're girlfriend?" I ask him. He laughs. "Hell no!" He says ashamed that I even asked. "Well damn!" Brandon says in shock. "She's gonna cuff you. Don't sleep!" Zion says to Edwin, leaving through the front door. Brandon picks up the baby as it started to cry while following Z. "Bring that!" He calls to Austin to bring the baby's carry thing. I look at Edwin. "Cmon man. Cameron deserves more than that bro." I say to him. Coming from me, that should really mean something. Edwin turns to the girl and smiles. He exits.

Edwin's POV
I don't know who tf out the thought in everyone's head that Cameron is my girlfriend. Who tf told them thattt!!!? Cause I know for a fact that I didn't. We arrive back at school so I hop out of the back seat behind Zion. "Wait!" Brandon says stopping us from leaving the car. "Can you drop me home?" He grabs Zion's arm asking the favor. Nick and Austin continued get out of the car. "Later guys!" They day before closing the left, backseat door. I stay in. "You're not gonna go to class." Brandon turns to me to ask. I just look at him. "Me? Class?" I say laughing. Zion shakes his head and backs out of the lot.

sorry for the late and short update 😕

this is unedited so please excuse any mistakes

the next one will be a lot better, just watch 🙂

xox - kylizzleb 🌷

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