Chapter 12

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Cameron's POV
I woke up when the movie just ended. I squint my eyes at the bright light in front of me. "What the hell!?" I ask while blocking the light from my eyes with my hand. I detangle myself from Edwin's arms and sat up. I look to see him sleeping as well. I stretch out my back then nudged him to wake up. He groans. "What?" he says half asleep adjusting himself to get comfortable after I have gotten up. I then came to the conclusion that the light was there because Edwin is scared. I begin to laugh because I can relate. He smiles. I guess he's waking up. "Leave me alone." He says in between chuckles. "You were scared." I say exposing him. "Of course. That shit was fucked." He says sitting up and beginning to stretch. I look at the screen seeing the 'Are you still watching?' thing on it. I grab the remote and clicked on the 'continue watching' option. "What time is it?" Edwin asks. I just remembered that I had a 'warning' for spending the night after the party. I don't want to get into shit. "Fuck!" I say looking for my phone. Edwin laughs. He takes out his phone from his pocket and looked at the screen. "Relax." he says. I sigh in relief because the tone he was using made me believe it isn't too late. "It's just 11:37." He adds. "What do you mean relax!?" I question him starting to worry because, 1. I fucked up and 2. I cant find my phone. I bet my Mom's been blowing it up. I can see her texting me 'Get home NOW!' or some shit like that. "Where's my phone!?" I ask eagerly to find my blown up phone. I look at Edwin and he shrugs and begins to look in between the couch cushions. "Call it!" I say getting up to look under the couch. He does. He continues to look as he held phone up to his ear. He shakes his head. "Straight to voicemail." he breaks the news to me. "Fuckin hell!" I snap. "It's dead then." I add. "Here," Edwin starts. "Use my phone." Edwin says offering me to use his black iPhone X. I accept his offer and waited for him to unlock it. He hands me the phone with the phone keypad already opened for me. I dial Riley's number to see if my parents are home. "Thank you." I mouth to him as the phone rung. He winks at me. The phone rings about 3 times before he picks up. "Yes?" he answers in a rude tone. Who tf answers an unknown number like that? I ignore it in case I have to ask for a big favor. "Yeah. It's me." I say so he knows it's not just some random person calling him. "Your phone's dead." He states. Smart kid. "Yes." I answer. Edwin was just standing in front of me awkwardly waiting for his phone back. He then walked into the kitchen to continue looking for my phone. I just paced back and forth focusing on the call. "Is Mom and Dad home yet?" I ask him fearing that they have. He can hear him open up a soda car in the background. "Nope. Just here alone with no food... AGAIN!" He snaps. I felt all the anxiety escape my body. "Oh yeah," He says to regain my attention. I listen. He lets out a nasty burp. "Bitch." I say from the disrespect. "Mom texted me cause you weren't answering." he starts. "She said, 'we won't be home until about noon, tomorrow.' That's what she told me." I nod as Edwin returned back to his seat. "Alright. I'm gonna charge my phone. Cover for me if anything?" I ask him remembering all the times I had to cover for him. "Yeah. Whatever." He says ending the 5 minute call. I hand the phone back to Edwin. I swaps his phone with mine. "Where was it!?" I ask him while holding the on/off button to insure that it was dead. It was. "It was chilling on the kitchen table." He tells me while taking a bite out a slice of pizza. "You ordered Pizza?" I ask him. He nods. "How long was I sleeping?" I ask him wondering how he completed all these tasks while I slept. "Not that long. Maybe 2 hours." He tells me. I'm really starting to believe that Edwin doesn't understand the concept of 'Time'. He takes the remote out of my hand and started to search for something to watch. I think of how long I was sleeping then sat back down on the couch. "You in trouble?" He asks me while getting up to grab his keys. "No actually. My parents aren't home until tomorrow at noon." I explain to him. He turns his head and smirks. "Are you inviting me over?" He asks me while returning back to his seat once more. He puts his arm around my shoulders. "Why would I want you there if we are already alone here?" I ask him while removing his arm from around me. I can't believe I just said that. "Great point." He compliments me with a smile. "Do you like being alone with me?" He asks me. K laugh at how cocky he was getting. "Well..." I stall because I really didn't know what to say. "You're fun to be around." I admit. I look at him and he's smirking. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him getting annoyed of that look. His smirk turned into a cheeky smile. I hate when he just stares at me because I always feel my cheeks heating up. I fight it but it doesn't work. "Awh. You're blushing." He calls me out just to be annoying. "Where's your charger?" I ask him attempting to change the topic. "In my room." He says purposely. I really hope he's lying. "You're so annoying!" I say laughing. At this point, I was blushing like crazy. "Awhhhhh!" He says making fun of me. I shove him in embarrassment and got up to look for his charger to charge my dead phone. He laughs at me. I look around the living room not finding it. Edwin just watches me struggle. "Can you go get it then?" I ask him nicely so he can do me this little favor. He chuckles. "Are you scared?" He asks teasing me about the movie we just watched. I actually forgot about that. "Edwin!" I whine. "You love calling my name, huh?" He asks me with a cocky smile. I just go to get it myself because this situation was getting way out of hand. This is why I just study instead of talking to, well, anyone along the lines to Edwin Honoret. I arrive to his room and look around for his charger. I look around his desk, his bed and on the floor. I hear Edwin begin to make his way upstairs. Lovely. He stands at the doorway. "Find it?" He asks me knowing damn well I didn't. I glare at him. He walks over to his bed a sat down at it. "Oh yeah." He starts gaining my attention. "It's here." He says pulling it out from a drawer. He plugs it in and holds out his hand expecting me to give him my phone. I just do. He plugs it in and placed it on the night table so it can charge. I thank him and go to head back downstairs.
"Anywho..." he starts to change the subject laying down on his bed. I look at him. "How's your friend?" He asks me with a grin. I was shook at his sudden interest on others. "Julia?" I ask to insure she's the 'friend' he was referring to. "Julia." he confirms. I go back into his room and sat on the floor facing him. "What about her?" I ask him returning the question raising an eyebrow. "I'm not asking for that reason if that's what your thinking." He explains himself. I lighten up a bit. "Good. Because she's dating your friend." I remind him just to be smart. Edwin chuckles. "Don't get me wrong—." I cut him off before he goes on about breaking the 'Bro Code'. What a guy. "Ok! What about my 'friend'?" I ask him to get back on topic. "She was pretty drunk last night?" He finally spits out. I look at him. "You were more smashed than she was." I tell him stating straight facts. "Whatever." He says straightaway. I laugh. "She ok?" He asks readjusting himself on the bed. "I don't know. Haven't spoken to her all day." I answer him while checking if my phone turned on yet. It still didn't. "What kind of best friends don't talk for a whole day?" He asks me questioning my friendship with Julia. "The kind where one has a boyfriend." I say trying my best not to sound bitter because I was truly happy for her. He just looks at me waiting for me to spill the tea. "I'm not talking shit." I tell him right away. "I didn't ask you to." He says laughing. I roll my eyes and changed the subject... sorta. "What about your friends?" I fire the question right back to him. I chuckles while grabbing his pillow to rest his head on it. "What about them?" he replies in a question. "How are they doing?" I ask him to go into further detail. "Good. Now back to you." he says turning the focus back to me. "Any previous relationships?" He asks me. I smile and looked at the ground in embarrassment. I HATE talking about me. "Ohhhhh. There are some." Edwin says excitedly. There is no way I'm talking about this. There isn't much anyway. "Enough about—." I say dodging his question. "Ah, ah, ah." He says blocking me from changing the subject. "You know my past, I want to hear yours." He says slipping out of his bed to sit on the floor. He rests against his bed and faces me. I smile. "There isn't any." I lie. Edwin read me like a book. "That's a lie." He says right away glaring at me. I sigh. "You don't know him." I say trying to make him lose interest. That just made it worse. "You don't know Mia." She says giving a good point. "It wasn't even a relationship, really." I start to open up. I just play with my fingers and avoided looking at him. My eyes wondered from past him, the floor and my hands. "Am I suppose to name bomb it?" I ask him stalling. He rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Oh my god Cam! Just tell me!" he finally snaps. He laughs to lighten up the mood once more. "Ok." I start. Edwin gives a big smile. "I never lied about not having a previous boyfriend." I explain. I don't know where his head's at because he starts flipping his attention between his phone and me. He put his phone on the night table and it dings again. He ignores it the best he can and adjusts himself into a 'I'm Listening' position facing me. "We didn't really date. It was just a Summer thing." I say. He smiles. "Ohhhhh." He says in interest. I roll my eyes. "This was like the Summer going into grade 10." I add. "So Summer 16." He says correcting me. "Yeah. That's basically it." I tell him. He gives me a straight face. "That's basically it." he says mocking me. "How is that it!?" He asks me. I didn't realize how into the story he really was. "Look." He says getting up to exit the room. I guess he was getting something. "I don't usually care about-!" he yells from downstairs so I can hear him. He pauses. "WHO TF ATE MY SHIT!" He yells. I burst out laughing. "Naw!" He yells  seriously. He returns back to his room where I was. "I've BEEN waiting to eat that too!!" He starts to whine. "Awhh." I say sarcastically taunting him. He returns back to where he was and sat down looking upset. He just stared into space with a straight face. I laugh again. "It's not funny." He says straight up still staring into space. "Awhhh, Edwin." I say with a sad face. He finally looks at me and rolls his eyes. He laughs finally realizing how extra he was acting. "Fuck man!" He finally says. "Wait—." he starts again. I look to him. "What were we talking about?" He asks me confused. I guess him fussing about his food made him forget. Thank God. "I don't remember." I lie. "Ok, whatever." he says giving up on trying to recall our convo. "So you technically don't have to be home tonight?" He asks me. I shake my head and looked at my phone again. It was turning on now. Edwin gets up and hops onto his bed. He grabs his remote from the night table and puts on Netflix. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. He pats on his bed indicating me to come and lay with him. I sat on his bed rather than laying on it. Edwin shakes his head and puts on 'Riverdale'. This is my shoowwwww! "You watch this!?" I ask him getting a little excited. He shakes his head. "No, B does." He corrects me. "I just assumed you do." He adds while putting on the last episode of season 2. "No!" I say stopping him. "Start from the pilot episode then. You're gonna start watching it." I tell him. He whines. "Isn't the 3rd season about to start?" He asks me. "I'll watch it with you." I tell him making him smile. He grabs me and pulls me into a cuddle on his bed. All I can smell is his musky cologne. I just laugh and allow it. The first episode of the first season starts.

Brandon's POV
I'm at home right now scrolling through instagram. Bored out of my mind. Zion said he was on his way but it's been only like forever. He calls me. "Hey man." I answer. I can tell I was on speaker because I can here the wind baffling in the background from the open windows of his car. "Yeah, sorry bro. I went home first. Then I went to Nick's to learn his new choreography." He explains himself. I snap. "Without my approval?" I ask him. "Chill out, I'm coming to show you it." He defends Nick. "We'll tweak it if anything." He adds. I can hear him pulling into the driveway. "Open the door." He says before ending the call. I run down the stairs from my room to open the door. I just unlock it so he can open it himself. "Alright. I'll let the others know later." He says welcoming himself as he headed down to my basement where we usually worked on choreo. I just follow behind him downstairs.
My basement was turned into a dance studio. It was originally made with wooden floor but I added large mirrors along the perimeter. "Yeah, no one's home so we don't have to worry about volume." I tell him as I connected the aux cord to my phone. "It's like 1 am B." Zion updates me on the time I wasn't really following. "Oh." I say feeling dumb. He laughs and turns on the TV. He then connected his phone to the apple TV to show the video. It was Nick going over the the choreo. I turn to watch the video playing of of Z's phone. "Nick said this goes well to 'Nonstop'." He tells me as he does some moves watching himself in the mirror. I'm actually happy my parents agreed for me to turn the basement into a dance studio for me. I just love them. I continue to watch the vid. The choreography was actually tight. I walk over beside Zion to see if I caught on. Good thing I'm a quick learner and I'm good at picking up choreography. Zion goes over the moves with me. "So you pivot on ur right foot, then switch over to your left." He says as he does the move. I follow. "K, add the music." I tell him. He connects his phone to the aux and bumps the track. He pauses it shortly after it just started. "I'ma see if Nick wants to come too." He says disconnecting his phone to ring him. I just go over the moves I remember matching it to the beat of the song in my head. Zion ends the call and connect his phone back to the speakers and plays the song. "He's coming!" He yells over the music. We just continue to dance. The music cuts off because Z is receiving another call. He goes to answer it. It was a quick call like someone was telling him something quickly. He ends the call. "Nick wants me to pick him up." He says putting his phone in his pocket and heads upstairs. I quickly rush after him because I didn't want to be left alone. "I'm coming!" I yell at him from the basement as I grabbed my phone. I run up the stairs, tripping over the last step. I quickly get up and limped my way outside where Zion was laughing. "You saw that?" I ask him also beginning to laugh. He nods and continues to laugh. He hops into his car and I limp my way into the passenger seat.

Nick's POV
So apparently when a friend calls you at 1:23 in the morning to come work on choreography, you're actually expected to go. Luckily, I'm the best friend ever. I hop out of my bed and throw on pyjama pants and a gray hoodie. I put on a snapback because I'm not trying to fix my hair right now. I put on my solid white Air Force 1's and head outside to wait for this guy. Z said he's coming from B's so he should be here in about 5 minutes cause B doesn't live too far from me. I realize I forgot my phone so I rush inside to grab it from my room. My mom usually doesn't care if I leave the house late night/early morning so I just left her a text cause I didn't want to wake her. I head back outside to wait for Zion. I look down the street to see if he was near by... he wasn't. It is then I see a family of raccoons pass by the lawn. "FUCK!" I yell jumping onto my feet right away. They run away. "Yeah. That's what I thought!" I say threatening them. Headlights shine at me as Zion pulled up. I walk towards the car to the front seat, it's locked. I then see the window roll down to Brandon giving me an awkward smile. "Yo! Gtfo!" I say to him. He laughs like I was playing. I chose to be the bigger person and just hopped into the backseat. "It's just us 3?" I ask the 2. Brandon turns around and nods. "Why couldn't this wait until morning?" I ask while taking in his early and unnecessary this reversal really was. Brandon answers. "Well," he starts. I can already tell that he's gonna say 'It is morning'. "Technically, It is—." I cut him off before he can finish. "Normal people's morning. Not Brandon's morning." I say coming for him. "I'm up at 3am sometimes." He says in defence. I just lean against the door and closed my eyes until we arrive to B's.

yeah.... sorry you guys fur not updating as much as I want to

This one I actually edited, but it may be off because Was falling asleep as I was editing.

thanks for reading!!

comment and let me know what you think so far 👀

xox - kylizzleb 🌷

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