Chapter 8: The Real Threat

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AHHHHH! Thank you XxMWwinxX for voting for my story! I'm so glad you enjoy it! I hope you enjoy
this chapter as well!

Alfred's Side:

That day Alfred, his mother, and his father went home and they helped him unpack.

Plenty of neighbors and relatives came over to their house to greet his father and see how he's been.

"Hahaha, I'm totally fine! If anything, this 49 year old man feesl stronger than before!" Then his father flexes his arms and everyone in the living room laughs.

"Dad, you're so not 49. You're already 56!" People snicker at Alfred's comment and Alfred's dad blushes with embarrassment. "Well, maybe not too strong on the memory. Hahahah." Everyone laughs.

After calming down one of their family members, Mrs. Williams which is Mattie's mom, speaks up. "Oh it's so good to have you around again. You're as energetic as always, my brother and with Alfred around too, you're the perfect entertainment duo."

His father grins. "Well, of course! My son totally took his optimistic trait from me! Without me, our son would not funny at all."

"Hey!" They hear Alfred's mom shout out from the kitchen. "I can be funny too! And besides, without me Alfred wouldn't look like the handsome man he is today." Everyone laughs at the burn and Alfred's dad simply laughs along.

"Well, that's true. But even though Alfred is as energetic, he does not surpass the original." Alfred smirks at him, placing his elbow on the arm of the chair and letting his chin lay on the palm of his hand. "Well, at least I'm a pro at playing football. You still don't even know how to throw the ball even to this day."

His father explodes laughing like the rest of the visitors. Then they all continue to chatter on until Alfred's mom finally brings out the food she prepared for their guests.

Their visitors finally had left their house at around 4:30 p.m. leaving the family to their peace until they had to leave for dinner at around 6 p.m.

Alfred sighs happily. His dad's finally back and it really brings out some of the heaviness off his shoulders.
"Hey Al, give me a hand with unpacking the rest of my things. I have too much stuff that needs unpacking." Alfred nods and together with his dad, they head up the stairs.

"Well, Alfred, any good news I need to know?" Alfred's dad asks and Alfred shrugs, turning away from the duffel bag and over to his father. "Well, we won the game against this other school's football team but it was no biggie. They were easy as pie." His father grins at him proudly. "That's my boy! Always confident and always a winner!" Alfred laughs and focuses back on the bag he's handling.

"How about Arthur? Any good news between the two of you lately?"

Alfred stiffens, inhaling deeply. "W-well he's still Arthur, as always haha! And well, of course not much good news. I'm sure he's still mad at me..."

His father simply smirks and Alfred looks at him, confused. "Nothing, nothing. I trust you that you will know what to do when the time you realize comes."

Alfred opens his mouth but quickly closes it back, deciding not to push further on what he meant.

Arthur's Side
After what seemed to have felt like hours, Arthur's finally finished his library shift and packs himself to head home. Once he feels that he's already packed what he needed, he starts heading out the door and opens it only to bump on a hard chest.

"Ow... What the heck, watch where you're-"

"Oh, s-sorry." Arthur looks up to see the owner of the chest that hit him. It was Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, the brown haired Spanish football player with his usually tanned skin covered beneath the shadow produced by the light behind him. His green eyes bore into Arthur's and he observes that the other male's eyes are of a similar color to his own.

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