Why Does It Still Hurt So Much?

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I woke up to the bright sun shining through the window near me. The sounds of birds chirping echoed through my ears. I slowly open my eyes, feeling the cool fabric beneath me and turn to my side. There was no one there and I turn my head towards the ceiling. I close my eyes, remembering last night. I felt complete although I still felt heartbroken. It was the first time in months that I actually felt wanted and I received it but my heart still pained for Hoseok. So I thought it was best not to bring it up to Tae. I wasn't too worried about getting pregnant because the three months of stress had stopped my menstrual. When I was visiting the doctor around the time I was getting paper work for the divorce, the doctor told me that the amount of stress I was going through had stopped my menstrual. At the time, I was still taking birth control because I was not ready to have kids at such a busy time. In fact, I'm still taking birth control as if I was still married to Hobi. It's like an addictive drug for me, to forget about Hobi. I still was not ready for children at that time and I'm still not ready for any yet. I sit myself up and see my dress laid neatly on the bed with a small note on it and I grab the note.

"Good morning Y/N! I woke up early and cleaned your dress. Here's a, robe, towel and wash cloth, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste. I'm making breakfast." :) Tae

I smile to myself. The thought that Tae would come out of his way to do such a caring thing. Not only did he buy me clothes he took me to the beach, helped me overcome my fear of heights, he somehow helped me become a slightly happier me. It's not like he doesn't but it's a reminder that he truly has a heart and that's something I never want to hurt.

I get out of bed and wrap myself with the robe, grabbed my towels, toothpaste and toothbrush, walk out of the room and went down the hall to the bathroom. I close the door behind me, turned on the faucet and adjusted the temperature till it was right. I undress myself and step into the shower. The feeling of the warm water and lather and the sweet scented soap put me in a place that was unimaginable. It was the greatest feeling I've ever had that it was almost impossible to get out. Luckily the smell of breakfast coming from outside the bathroom quickly made me change my mind and I stepped the shower. I step out and wrap myself in a towel, drying all parts of my body, and go to the sink to brush my teeth. After five minutes, I put on my dress, fixed my hair and neatly put the towels away in the near by hamper.

I descend the stairs, turning my head to the direction of the sound, of dishes clacking. It surprised me to see Tae cooking by himself. It surprised me to see him cooking at all because he doesn't know how to cook. I reached the last step of the stairs and walk towards the kitchen, where I can see Tae on the stove frying some eggs. On the counter were a plate of chocolate chip and banana waffles, and two bowls of mixed fruit. I lean against the wall, watching him. He looked so cute when he's concentrating that I didn't want to interrupt him. He turns his head to my direction and gives a warm smile at me.

"Hey! You're up!" Tae says with excitement

"I am" I say walking into the kitchen "The wonderful smell woke me up"

"I know" He chuckles "I really did try my best though" He says plating the eggs onto a plate

"How are you feeling this morning? Do you feel better?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Thank you for..last night" I say shyly

"I'm glad you're better" He smiles gently

"This all looks so good. I'm quite impressed"

"Thank you" Tae says while scratching the back of his head "Jin gave me cooking lessons"

"Jin taught you well" I smile

"Why don't you go to the living room and sit down and I'll bring the food"

"I can help!" I say walking to the counter

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