Chapter 10 - The Five Headed Serpent

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This has been the worst trip I have ever taken. The reason, very simply put, Fiora.

"So I've always wondered is it hard being half dragon? Also how did your parents meet? Was it awkward when your mother told your father that she was a dragon? How would it work if one is a dragon but the other is human? Is that the reason you don't have a tail? I heard that dragons are powerful, are you powerful? Do you have the ability to turn into a dragon? Do you have wings?! No you can't... do you? Also is your mother strong? Do you know how your father charmed her? What if you had a child with a human? A beast kin? How long would you live for if you are only half dragon? I heard dragons have extremely long lives? Is your physical strength powerful? What magic were you using? Have you ever met another dragon? How did your mother raise you? Why have you never met your father? How did you make Royo a zombie? How will we deal with all the assassins? I know you're a half dragon but can you really beat them all? Do you breathe fire or some other element? Can you eat your magic element!?!"

Imagine being asked all of her questions and more for more than five days, I lost count after question number 3729160. I'd rather die again. But I know that I made the mistake by forgetting my cloak and she probably would have figured it out eventually.

After somehow avoiding answering some of the questions that would reveal my identity. I answered most of them with "I don't know" and "When I find out, I'll tell you." Since some of those were the ones I had been wondering about.

The trip to the Descon kingdom was quite boring. Every now and then a goblin or orc would attack but then die to my magic and join my ever slowly growing undead army?

Actually, now that I think about it. Since I can send things to my domain, could I travel there myself? Maybe I can see Modra again and ask her some more questions.

For the meantime I should just worry about traveling. Something could happen at any moment.

As I thought about these words, my timing couldn't have been more correct.

"HIIIISSSSSSRRRRR" We heard a sound coming from our left off the road. It was loud and shook the trees, even the birds in the sky started flying away.

"Ummm, What was that?" I ask Fiora hoping she would have an answer.

"T-t-that w-w-wa-was a five he-headed s-s-serp-serpent." She says as she started trembling.

"Is that dangerous?" Truthfully I don't know very many monsters but I do know common ones. I was also surprised by how quickly she identified it.

"Yes! It's a rank A monster and can't be killed unless all five heads are destroyed at the same time. It has extremely strong regenerative abilities and can heal a head back in less than a second! It has two large legs like a dragons on its front and three eyes on each head.
Although it has four large fangs that release very acidic poison on each head, it also has a row of sharp teeth and can be as large as 10 meters [A/N: about 33 ft]. It's very smart as well which increases their danger level. But it's weird for one to be so nearby, they are normally far away from civilization" She started yelling as she explained how this monster was dangerous.

"I see... this might be a good test." I say as I look in the direction it came from.

"Fiora, stay here I'll be back in a bit." I say as I start running off in the direction the sound came from.

"Wait! Where are you going!" Her screams faded away as I quickly ran away from her.

She was right about one thing. I didn't test it before but my physical power definitely improved from before. Now I'm faster than ever before. I might even be stronger as well.

As I come across an open field, I see a large serpent like creature come into view. It looks just like Fiora described it. Except it seemed to only be 1.5 meters. [About 5 ft]But there was one thing that caught my eye. It had chains and collars on it. It's mouths were chained closed to keep it from attacking. Almost like it had been captured.

I look beneath it and see five men dragging the chains. They look like hunters but they have more armor and equipment on them for protection. They have a wagon with other monsters and animals in cages.

"So they brought it here huh." I whisper as I realize what's happening.

"Hey why did you run off?!" I hear Fiora catching up behind me. She's pretty fast.

"Fiora take a look." I say pointing at the men dragging the monsters.

When Fiora sees them she showed a sad expression. "How horrible." She said.

I can understand why she said it. Although they're monsters and animals the way they are being treated seems cruel. All of them have wounds from being whipped and beaten by the hunters. Especially the serpent. It has been slashed, whipped, burned, pretty much everything that could cause harm. And now it's being dragged to who knows where with blood flowing down it's body.

"So," I turn to face Fiora, "What do you want to do?" I was hoping she would want to fight.

Although she seemed sad at first, she started making a furious expression. I'm slightly surprised she's showing this much sympathy for monsters, for some reason I do too.

Although I can't figure out why, the want to kill is slowly building up inside me.

"I want to fight." She said taking out her daggers and facing me.

I smiled and turned to look at the hunters. I unsheathed my sword and took out some poison that the assassin had. After applying some on the sword, I ran towards the five men.

This'll be a good test to find out how strong I've become.

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