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"Are you ready?" He asked me for the tenth time it seems, but it makes sense

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"Are you ready?" He asked me for the tenth time it seems, but it makes sense. I was nervous and he was also nervous. Meeting Adam's mother wasn't going to be easy. I knew she was going to ask questions that I didn't want to think about, but in the end I feel like she has a right to know all the horrible things her son did to me. It definitely was not to make her feel bad for me, and it was not make her think this was all her fault because it wasn't. It was simply to let her know because she wanted to know, and she actually had a right to know.

I looked over at Jace slowly smiling to myself. "Yes! Honestly Jace I'm fine. I just want to get this over with." I said wrapping my arms around his neck, then placing a kiss on his lips.

Jace kissed me back wrapping his arms tighter around my body. "Okay good. I just want to make sure you're okay with this whole thing. Because if you don't want to go then you don't have to."

I held my hand up and shook it gently. "No Jace, I know you're just worried about me but it's completely fine. I really want to talk to her." I let out a heavy sigh, "Over the phone she sounded devastated I think she just needs closure."

Jace let out a humourless laugh. "How exactly will she get closure from knowing all the horrible things her son did to you?" He started walking in circles, I could tell he was upset. "I don't get it."

I grabbed his wrist preventing him from walking in any more circles. "You really can't blame Stephanie for Adam's mess. He didn't even live with her and she had no choice but to let her son go. Adam's father was a monster. You have no idea what she went through." I smiled at him softly. He nodded his head knowly. "Just relax, you seem more nervous for this than I do."

"You're right." Jace fell back onto my bed. "I am more nervous." He laughed.

I laughed along with him as I walked over to my washroom, "I'm going to use the washroom quickly, okay?" Jace closed his eyes and mumbled something I couldn't even understand. I smiled, he probably wasn't even listening to what I was saying.

After I was finished using the washroom I opened the door and saw Jace's face. He looked different than he did before. "What's wrong now Jace?" I laughed.

He shook his head quickly as if he was trying to snap out of something. "I'm fine babe, lets just go now."

There was a sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach but I shrugged my shoulders anyway as I followed him out of my room and down the stairs.

"Hey Scar?" A quiet voice called from the kitchen.

I looked over at Jace and he smiled at me walking outside to the car. I walked over to JJ. "Yes JJ?" I whispered.

His blue eyes looked sad but he smiled at me. "Be safe, and I remember I love you. I wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt you. Remember that."

I wrapped my arms around his body. "I love you too JJ, always you're my brother." I laughed, "I'll see you very soon."


"Are you nervous at all Scarlett?" Jace asked again. "I think you are really brave for wanting to meet Jesse's mom."

I looked over at Jace with a smile playing on my lips. "Yes I'm nervous of course. But I have you with me which makes this whole situation one hundred times better."

I could literally feel my heart beating out of my chest. I didn't want to show everyone just how nervous I really was. It was already hard enough telling Jace and everyone what Adam had done to me. Now I have to go tell a complete stranger, who happens to be Adam's mother.

Jace and I walked hand and hand up to Jesse's door step. I quickly ran over the to the doorbell and pushed it nervously. I couldn't waste anymore time thinking about this, it was now or never.

The door opened wildly and there was Jesse with a big smile on his lips. "Hello Scarlett." He pulled me in for a hug. "Hey Jace how are you?" Jace and I both mumbled our hello as we walked into his house. "Thank you so much for coming Scarlett, my mom is right in here."

I shook my head at Jesse. "I told you it was no problem." I smiled as I followed him into the room where his mom was sitting.

I walked into the room slowly behind Jesse and my breath got caught in my throat. Jesse's mother stood up quickly. "Hello Scarlett, I'm Stephanie it's so nice to finally meet you." Mrs. Robertson was probably in her in her mid-forties but she looked much younger. Her brown hair was tied up and she held a warm smile on her lips.

I stood there probably looking like an idiot when finally Jesse spoke up. "Jace and I will be in the kitchen." Jace gave me a look but I nodded my head reassuring him that I'll be fine here.

"Please sit down." Mrs. Robertson pointed to the couch in front of her. I gave her a tight smile as I slowly walked over to the couch and sat down. If I was going to be honest this was weird, I felt like I didn't belong in this house which was probably true.

"It's really nice to meet you too Mrs. Robertson." I mumbled.

Her house was nice, everything was so clean and organized. I continued to look around but my heart dropped when my eyes suddenly landed on a baby picture of Adam and Jesse. Adam must have been three and he had the biggest smile on his lips. This picture almost made me feel sorry for him.

"I know he did horrible things to you Scarlett, but he is still is my son." She shrugged, "I will always love him no matter what."

I nodded my head, "I completely understand, it's hard to let go." I let out a shaky breath. "Adam didn't really tell me much about his life. I should have seen that as a red flag but I guess I really didn't care at that moment. The first time I met Adam he was so sweet to me I really didn't care about anything if I'm going to be honest." Mrs. Robertson looked at me hopeless. "Mrs. Robertson-"

"Oh," She cut me off, "Please call me Stephanie." She gave me a weak smile.

"Stephanie," I corrected myself. "Adam never talked about you or his dad. He only told me that he lived with his aunt for whatever reason. I didn't know that his dad left him." My eyes locked with hers. "This is no excuse but I can understand why Adam did the things that he did to me and those other girls. A father and a son have a very close bond, if Adam's father abused you and took Adam away from the one thing he knew as family. . . it's no surprise he was the way he was."

Stephanie smiled sadly, "Yes Adam would see his father hitting me and other horrible things, but one day his father snapped. He left and took Adam with him. I was too scared to say anything about it. That is something I will regret for the rest of my life. Leaving my own son with a monster and I knew it was wrong. I should have called the police or something, but I was so scared. Adam's father never touched Adam I made sure of that." She looked down at the ground like she was so ashamed to look me in the eye.

"You can't blame yourself, that is something I had to learn the hard way." I whispered.

"Yes I know but I still do blame myself for being so stupid really. I thought Adam's father changed and he even let Adam stay at my house most weekends. But I didn't know what Adam was doing to Jesse once I remarried and he was born. Nothing ever did change."

"Deep, deep down I think Adam really is a good person, the abuse was all he ever knew. No one got him the help that he needed, not even me. Therefore we must not look at this as something to be ashamed of forever. We must learn to find a way to move on with our lives. I'm not a mother so I don't know your pain but I know Adam did love you and I'm sure he wouldn't want you to feel sorry for him forever." I let out a breathe, "Even though Adam caused me so much pain in my life, I needed to move on, I can't forgive him but I can move on, and that's when I found Jace." I smiled to myself. "We can both finally be free."


SORRY this chapter is kind of dramatic LOLOL. Anyways I hope you enjoy.

I Didn't Steal The Bad Boys Diary | sequel to ISTBBD Where stories live. Discover now