23. stares

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As soon as Ava and I walked into school I could feel everyone's stares radiating onto my body

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As soon as Ava and I walked into school I could feel everyone's stares radiating onto my body. I looked around nervously. They all must have seen the video.

Ava laughed beside me. "I can't believe this." She rolled her eyes, "Do people have nothing better to do than stare at you like you've killed someone? They don't even know the whole story."

I smiled at Ava. "I'm fine Ava." The bell suddenly rang. "Go to class we'll meet up later." She nodded at me smiling one last time before she turned around and walked away.

To be honest I had no idea where Jace was or if he was even coming to school today. I began to walk to my art class which was on the second floor. I definitely wasn't looking forward to that class because Megan happened to be in it. "Scar!" I quickly looked up to see Sofia running towards me. I sighed quickly turning around. I did not want to talk to Sofia Emerson right now. "Scar wait please."

"What?" I snapped, "I'm already late for class."

She tilted her head at me. "Is it true?" She questioned, "Is your name really Blair?"

I looked back at Sofia speechless. "What are you serious?" I questioned and she nodded her head eagerly. "You live for the drama, don't you?" I laughed at her. "I'm not going to spill any of my secrets to you Sofia. Sorry." I wasn't really sorry at all.

Sofia stood silent before speaking. "That's not really what I meant."

I shook my head at her. "No I think I know exactly what you meant." I clucked. "We are now both really late for art class so I'm going to go." I forced a smile onto my lips before I pushed past her.

I arrived to class late but that was nothing new. My art teacher Mrs. Jensen tilted her at me. "Late again Scarlett?" She asked eyeing me. "Are you okay?" Mrs. Jensen was never this nice to anyone. She must have seen that stupid video. "Megan isn't in class today, but if there's problems-"

"Thank you Mrs. Jensen." I cut her short. I can't believe even the teachers know my life is a now a mess. "Can I sit down now?" I asked quietly and she nodded at me quickly. I threw a smile her way as I turned around and walked over to my desk which was behind Sofia's. She had come to class late as well. Sofia looked over at me shyly. I did feel bad for Sofia. Sometimes I felt like she never really wanted to be my friend. Off the bat everyone could tell she had some type of feelings towards Jace, and on top of that she only lived for drama. That's probably the only reason she comes to school.


It felt so weird not having Jace here at our lunch table. I sighed looking down at my phone. Jesse had texted me asking if I would meet him later into lunch. I quickly texted him back that I could.

"Have you talked to Jace yet Scar?" Cassie questioned me.

I shook my head. "No." My words were a mumble. "It's a long story but basically we both decided that we needed a break. Just to let things pass over." I lied cooly. I didn't want them to know what actually happened. At this point I think it would be best if only Jace and I worked through this together. Cassie nodded her head at me.

I Didn't Steal The Bad Boys Diary | sequel to ISTBBD Where stories live. Discover now