Chapter Four: Annie Makes a Friend?

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Author's note: I have no idea why I'm writing this. I guess this is what happens when you watch too much baseball and Buzzfeed's Unsolved series.


I wondered how much money it would cost me to back out of this situation right now. I wish I would have spent more time with my agent, Lucy, evaluating my contract with ABC, so I knew more of the specifics. It couldn't be more than a few thousand dollars, right? I could afford that. Once I was alone, I'd call Lucy and let her know I needed out. Fast. There had to be plenty of other quasi-celebrities thirsty enough to take my place. What about Keiko Agena or Lisa Loeb? I could see them being into this kind of thing, and they'd occupy the same niche as me and appeal to the same demographic.

I folded my arms on the table in front of me and placed my head on top of them as Ellen prepared to reveal our partner information. I took a deep breath in, preparing for the worst. Best case scenario: Thomas, the perpetually high billionaire. Worst case scenario: Asher, the literal scum of the Earth.

"Marcus will be with Polly. Blaine will be with Priya. Landon will be with Layla. Thomas will be with Emily. Christian will be with Annie. Last, but certainly not least, Kaylie will be with Asher," Ellen rapidly revealed.

I was shocked I wasn't placed with Asher – until I quickly realized exactly what Ellen and the show were doing: attempting to manufacture drama between me and Kaylie over Asher. Their devious, albeit obvious, plan was never going to work . . . I didn't want to be with Asher. I just wanted to be over the feeling of regret I have for ever dating him. After a full year apart, it still hasn't completely gone away.

"If there are no questions, introduce yourselves to your partners if you haven't done so already," Ellen finished. Lost in my thoughts, I had already forgotten I had to deal with an entirely different partner.

"Hey, I'm Christian," the guy who had smiled at me earlier, who was conveniently sitting right next to me, piped up.

He held out his hand for me to shake. I shook it awkwardly. "Annie," I replied, as I released his hand.

"I recognize you from a bunch of stuff, so that's really cool."

"Oh, thanks." Jesus, I was so bad at small talk. He didn't seem quite as bad at it. I tried to remember his introduction. My hometown. Milwaukee. Baseball. "I'm actually from Milwaukee. I used to watch the Brewers growing up . . . Went to a lot of games with my friends and family." Wow, I actually managed to say something not ridiculous. A+. Hannah would be proud. Which reminded me that I'm mad at Hannah. Because she made me come here.

"Really? Been to any games recently? We did really well this past season." He had some excitement in his voice – probably because we were talking about baseball, which was obviously his thing.

"Unfortunately, no. I don't get back to Milwaukee very often, and when I do, it's over the holidays to visit my family. Not during summer. I went to a few Dodgers game this year, though. I actually like baseball a bit more than most sports," I explained.

He smiled. "We'll have to get you back to Miller Park next year. You could even throw a first pitch. You'd probably be the most famous person to ever throw a pitch there. Not a ton of Hollywood celebrities in Milwaukee."

I laughed. "I actually think George W. Bush has me beat when it comes to name recognition. He threw out the first pitch when the stadium opened."

Christian smiled again. "I didn't expect to be able to talk to my partner at length about the history of Miller Park."

"I'm out of impressive things to say now. I had that one saved in case I ever ran into a Milwaukee Brewer at some majestic castle in England's countryside. I've got nothing left." This could be going worse, I suppose.

Ellen interrupted our conversation, "Good to hear you guys getting to know one another, but it's time to familiarize ourselves with our sleeping arrangements. We'll be spending three nights here, but only two at the remaining five locations. You can all follow me."

Everyone stood up on her order, including the camera crew. I had almost forgotten about them. Almost.

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