Chapter Thirty-Nine: Some Fun

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Author's note: I wasn't going to post this tonight, but here I am. Vote and/or comment so I know you're out there, and thanks to all my regular readers/voters. You guys are the best.


"This is both the worst and best night of my life," I informed Hannah as I shoveled another spoonful of Ben & Jerry's into my mouth. "I mean, if you take away the fact I feel like someone took a cheese grater to my heart, I'm pretty happy."

Hannah snorted. "You need to stop making cheese references. It's making me want cheese, and you don't have any. I already checked the fridge."

"I just ate an entire pint of ice cream, so I wouldn't mind going to the store and getting some cheese. And chocolate. And maybe some tortilla chips and salsa. And we could also stop for tacos." I placed the empty ice cream container on the coffee table in front of me before getting back into lazing position.

"He lives in Malibu too, right?" Hannah asked me before popping another gummy bear into her mouth.

"I think so . . . Shit. I actually forgot about that." I suddenly remembered we only live a mile or two apart, which is a little too close for comfort while trying to get over someone. And his stupid hair. And his sweet smile. And those lips. And that . . .

Hannah brought me back to reality with some sensibility. "Yeah, it's a small town, but it should be fine. He's not here much longer, and you're usually not around anyway. I'm sorry for bringing it up."

"It's fine. We can talk about him. I can't just pretend it didn't happen. Repression won't help."

"What do you think he's doing right now?"

"If I had to guess, working on getting over us." The thought of him with other women made my heart sink, but it was probably the truth. That's just how men dealt with this sort of thing most of the time. I usually ate my feelings instead of seeking new indiscretions. More my style. "I mean, that's what he should be doing, right?"

Hannah gave me a sympathetic look as I reached for a handful of gummy bears and hoped to God the sugar would put me into a coma until I was over him.


"What about her? She's hot." Tyler pointed at a leggy, tan brunette with fake tits and lip injections.

"Not my type," I shouted over the music.

"You're fucking kidding me, right? She's exactly your type. She's literally the perfect combination of every woman you've ever pined after." Tyler rolled his eyes at me, his poor, sappy, lovesick friend. "Annie Delaney fucking destroyed you, bro."

"Tyler's not wrong," Cameron chimed in. "Go give it a try. Maybe talking to her will help you realize she's what you really want. Not some intelligent, successful actress with a heart of gold or whatever." Cameron gave me a smirk and a little shove in her direction.

I took a swig of my drink before giving into my friends' bad advice. "Hey," I said to the mystery woman. "I'm Christian."

She smiled at me, flashing her brilliant white teeth. There were no quirks in her face at all; it was perfectly perfect. No asymmetry. No freckles. Brown eyes. Glowing skin. She's exactly what I would have wanted two weeks ago. Today, I felt nothing. Just empty.

"I know who you are," she said coyly.

"Do you?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, you played travel ball with my brother and now you're winning batting titles in the Majors. I'm Danielle. Danielle Curtis."

Curtis sounded familiar, but I couldn't match the name with a face. I had played on too many travel teams over the years. "Nice to meet you, Danielle. I'm Christian, which I guess you already know."

"Hey, do you, like, want to get out of here? I'm with a friend. Maybe we could go back to your place, and, like, chill?"

Well, she moved fast. But the offer was exactly what I wanted on the table before the night got started. "Sure, where's your friend? I'm ready to go."

She grabbed me by the wrist and led me over to her pretty, blonde companion. She was dancing with some guy who was wearing sunglasses in a dark club on a Saturday night, which told me all I needed to know about him. "Jade, let's go. Christian wants us to go home with him."

Jade looked at me and smiled, and, in that moment, I knew she knew who I was too. "Hell yeah, I'm game."

"I'm going to say goodbye to my friends. I'll meet you guys in front. Tell the valet I'm ready for my car." Danielle released my arm, and both girls giggled as they exited the club.

I approached my three friends, who all had cheesy grins on their faces. "I'm headed out. See you guys tomorrow." All the guys offered me high fives, but I rejected them. I wasn't doing this for approval . . . I really just wanted the two beautiful women to help make things hurt less.

I didn't feel good about what I was doing, but I just felt like I needed it to happen.

I tipped the valet and got into the driver's side while Danielle rode shotgun and Jade took the backseat.

Hopefully it'd be a good night. How could it not be when Danielle had already slid her hand between my legs? "Let's have some fun," she giggled.

I took a deep breath as she slid her hand closer to my cock. I just tried to keep my eyes focused on the road while she found what she was looking for.

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