Chapter Ninety-Four: Baby Momma

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Annie made it through a long late June home stand without missing a single one of my games, even though it was unseasonably hot and humid, and she was really feeling the effects of late pregnancy. She usually went alone, but occasionally one of her siblings would accompany her. On days she flew solo, she would sit with Erin Suter and help her with her son, Liam, which seemed to make them both really happy. She always signed a few autographs, even though "she felt bad doing it because the games weren't about her." She just didn't like saying no to fans.

She never complained, even though I knew she was exhausted. As soon as we would get home from the park, she'd shower and fall asleep within a few minutes of hitting the bed. I'd just hold her and whisper to the baby until I fell asleep, too. 

We were starting to get the hang of things. We still bickered every now and then about stupid shit, like nursery colors or Eloise's future dietary needs, but the arguments seemed healthier and easier to solve. We'd actually learn from each other during the disagreements. We'd listen, and we'd always end up laughing after reaching a resolution.

Early July meant a long road trip followed by the All-Star Break. I was excited to make the team again, but the excitement sort of vanished when I realized I'd be working more rather than spending quality time with my girlfriend. When I heard the news, I FaceTimed Annie as soon as I could. I wanted her to join me, but I wasn't sure she'd be able to. We had agreed she shouldn't travel, but maybe we could make an exception this one time.

"Hey, All-Star," she answered. "Congratulations. I mean, I knew it was coming, but I'm very proud of you."

"Thanks, Annie Banannie."

She rolled her eyes. "Don't start. It's bad enough when my dad and brothers call me that. I can't handle it from you too."

I chuckled. "So, first of all, I miss you."

She smiled. "I miss you too."

"Second of all, I know we banned you from travel, but would you be willing to make an exception for the All-Star game? I mean, Cleveland isn't too far, and it would be weird if you weren't there."

I smiled as she laughed. "Of course I'll come. Please just don't make me do any of the red carpet stuff with you."

"But I wanna show you off," I whined.

"You can show us both off next year, I promise." Annie panned the camera to her baby bump. "She'll love it."

"All right, I'll just have my mom and brothers do the red carpet with me again. I love you, babe. I gotta get to practice."

"Love you too. See you soon."


Annie sat with my family during the All-Star game. She looked so relaxed talking to my mom, brothers, and step dad whenever I would catch a glimpse of them; it was almost as if she was already married into the family. Collin, of course, had to take the seat right next to her and was still in flirting mode. What a fucking dork.

I started the game in right field and stayed there for the first two innings; in my one plate appearance, I managed to hit an RBI double. When I returned to the dugout after fielding the second inning, I noticed both Annie and my mom had left their seats. When I met my stepdad's gaze, he made a signal that informed me to check my phone.

I checked my phone as soon as I could. My mom had sent me a picture with a picture of the jumbo-tron. It was a girl holding a sign that read "Annie Delaney isn't Yeli's only baby momma" in bright, glittery lettering on hot-pink poster board. 

I zoomed in closer on the image. It was Darby. I had almost forgotten about Darby.

I immediately left the dugout in a desperate pursuit to find my girlfriend. I didn't care if I'd be fined for leaving the clubhouse during game play.

She had to already know this was all bullshit, right? There was no way.

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