Chapter Thirty-Eight: Something Else

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Author's note: I think the next few chapters will have both Annie's and Christian's perspectives presented.

P.S. Baseball makes me anxious.


I sobbed as Hannah drove. "Annie, you have to tell me what happened," she said softly. I could tell she wanted to help, but she didn't quite know how.

"I-I-I," I stuttered. I couldn't even put words together to make partial sentences. "Fucked up," I managed to get out. Two whole words. I was on a roll.

"What do you mean you fucked up?" We were stuck in LA traffic, so Hannah was trying to strike a delicate balance between holding a difficult conversation with me and being frustrated at the state of the freeway.

I took some deep breaths before speaking. "I like him, Hannah, but I knew it couldn't ever work."

"So in typical Annie Delaney fashion, you ended things before someone got hurt." Hannah was matter-of-fact in her assumption. Of course she was right.

I just nodded. My friend knew me better than anyone. She managed my life for me, and, with that, came having to deal with my constant bullshit. She had a hard job.

"I honestly understand why you assumed it wouldn't work. It probably wouldn't. You both have insane schedules with obligations that take you all over the place. Neither of you have a real home base. You're also both famous, which poses a big problem too. A lot of potential jealousy and trust issues."

I was surprised she was understanding my perspective on this, but I knew a but was coming.

"But you could have given it a try. Maybe you both could handle the distance and the separation. Asher couldn't handle it, but maybe Christian could. Not every guy is Asher Michels, Annie."

"It doesn't matter. It's over now." I tried to sound confident. I wanted Hannah to believe me. Christian was out of the picture, and it was time to put on a big smile and resume my life as Annie Delaney, Hollywood sweetheart.

"You're full of shit, my dearest friend." Hannah looked at me and sighed. "You liked him. A lot."

"I did. But I ripped the bandaid off. I can get through this." More make-believe confidence.

"How is he?" she asked me.

"He'll be fine. He'll discover he didn't like me as much as he thought he did as soon as he's outside of an overly produced environment where he was forced to live with me, you know?"

"Are you sure about that?" Hannah looked at me like I was slightly nuts.

I was pretty sure. He could have anyone. He was tall, dark, and handsome with money to boot. Why would he dwell on me? "I'm sure."

"Here's the game plan for tonight. We're going to pick up Marco and Polo from the dog sitter, and then we're going to hang out at your house and eat fast food and talk about your sex life."

"How about we do all those things but talk about your sex life instead."

"Because I don't have one. You keep me too busy." She smiled at me. "And I know you and that baseball player did some kinky ass shit."

For the first time since walking away from Christian, I laughed a little. "It was pretty crazy, but I think it might hurt too much to talk about it right now. The idea of not getting some of that tonight is actually sort of painful."

Hannah laughed this time. "Wow, Annie. He must have been something else to make you miss fucking him."

I bit my lip. "He was."


"Christian, you've barely said a word to me since I got here." My mom stood in my kitchen unpacking groceries she brought over for me. "The least you could do is help me put these away."

I knew I was being a jackass, so I helped my mom restock my empty cabinets and pantry. "Sorry, mom, I just have a lot on my mind. I have to really step up my training. The expectations on me are huge after an MVP season."

My mom shook her head. "I think this has more to do with that Annie Delaney girl than expectations."

I knew I couldn't get away with lying to my mom, but it was worth a shot. "I'm fine, mom. Don't worry about it. I'm going out with the guys later. They'll help me forget about her."

"I don't know if that's the healthiest way to mend a broken heart." My mom stopped unloading groceries and looked at me. "Maybe take some time to think about what you really want instead. You've always been content being single. Has that changed recently?"

"I wanted to be with her, mom. I really did. I wanted to cook her dinner and fall asleep next to her every night. All that romantic comedy shit."

"Christian, language," she interrupted me.

"I fell in love with her, mom. I didn't even think love was a real feeling until I felt it with her."

My mom was at a loss for words for a fleeting moment. "I just don't think a Hollywood relationship would work for you. I think you need to see the experience as a learning opportunity and find a nice teacher or nurse you're compatible with."

Of course, mom. Of course. "Sure, mom. I'll get right on that when I'm out tonight."

She sighed. "Christian, do I need to be worried about you?"

"No, I'm fine. I'll move on real fast, okay?"

I'd find some beautiful wannabe model to fuck later, and I'd be completely over Annie Delaney, right? That's how it worked.

Hell, I could find a wannabe model and a real model and fuck them both at once.

That would help. I'm sure of it. By the end of the night, I'd be thinking who's Annie Delaney?

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