Chapter Forty-Three: Likable

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"I don't understand why you need to have a meeting with him," I whined to Hannah.

"You two have to be on the same page regarding your plans to respond to the narrative ABC constructs," Hannah explained again. "You know this."

"And what do you think the possible narratives are?" I was starting to worry about how I was going to come off when the show airs. I had no idea what was caught on camera and what wasn't. Is the whole world going to know I fucked him constantly?

"It's a family-friendly show, so I think two storylines are possible. Storyline one: you and Christian fall in love. Hard. Storyline two: you play with both Christian and Asher's hearts and are depicted as some sort of harlot. I think storyline one is more probable because people want love stories. And it's better for us. You'll seem sweet and desirable."

I sighed. "How are we going to respond?"

"If storyline one, you just continue what you've been saying in interviews. Christian is amazing, but our careers make a relationship difficult. People will buy that." She paused. "If storyline two, we're going to need Christian's support in vindicating you. He might not feel like doing that without a little encouragement, especially if he's angry."

"I don't think he's angry. He's just not an angry person. I think he's just . . . Disappointed. He won't trash talk me."

"Then my job should be pretty easy."

I nodded and hoped Hannah was right about the love story. I hated when I had no control of situations, and, right now, I had absolutely none.


"Hey, Christian. How are you?" Hannah asked me as she sat across from me at Caffe Luxxe.

"I've been better." I shrugged. "How's Annie?" God, I was so thirsty.

"I think she's had better days too. Where's your PR guy?"

"I don't want to involve the Brewers in this. You'll just be dealing with me."

"Are you sure? I want to make sure you get what you need out of this too."

"What I need? I need her . . ." I can't believe I keep saying such stupid shit out loud to people. To my mom. To my brothers. Now to Annie's right-hand woman. Fuck.

Hannah looked at me sadly. "I'm sorry, Christian. She just isn't ready to open herself up right now. I know she cares about you, though."

I rolled my eyes. "Did you discourage her from being with me? I thought we were moving in the right direction, and I feel like she changed her mind so quickly." I was being a bit of an ass, and I knew it. I just didn't care.

"Annie asked my advice. I told her a relationship with you would be incredibly complex with the distance and contrasting careers. I also told her you might be good for her. You're not a pretentious, self-serving artist, for starters. I didn't manipulate the situation to persuade her one way or the other. I was honest. I'm sorry you're both hurting, though. I really do think you'd be good for each other . . . if you were just normal people."

"I think about her constantly," I admitted. "I went to see Minnetonka with my brothers, and I fell in love with her all over again."

Hannah's eyes glazed over with confusion. "Love? Did you tell her you loved her at any point during filming?"

"No. I just wanted to."

"Good." Hannah breathed a sigh of relief. "That could have been bad."

"What? Why?"

"If you told her that, viewers would hate her if she didn't say it back and/or you two don't end up together."

"That's your concern? I just told you I love your best friend, and you're worried about viewers? I hate Hollywood."

"It's my job to make her likable, Christian."

"She was plenty likable without you around," I snapped.

"I think you're misdirecting your anger, but let's get to the point. I think the show is going to depict you two as young and in love. And I think you need to push the narrative that you care deeply about Annie, but you just couldn't make the logistics work. That's what she's doing for you."

"Fine," I muttered. "But what if the show depicts something else?"

"Just don't run her name through the mud. She cares about you. Don't make her hurt more."

"Did you honestly think I was planning on it?" I was a bit offended that she thought I could be that much of an asshole.

"I mostly deal with actors. I'm not used to non-assholes. Annie is an exception to the rule."

"I won't do anything to hurt her," I promised. "But I need you to help me see her one last time. I need to tell her something."

Hannah shook her head. "No. I can't do that. Honestly, I love the idea of you with her. You're kind and humble and talented. But I can't go behind her back."

"She doesn't have to know you planned it."

Hannah looked at me with pain in her eyes. "Please just be respectful toward her. She deserves it." With that, she stood up and left.

I was going to tell Annie the truth. Face to face. With or without Hannah's help.

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