Chapter Forty-Two: Touché

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Author's note: I write too much CY fan fiction and stress eat too many calories because of the Brewers.


I sent Annie flowers on her birthday. I didn't expect anything from it, but I was struggling to give up on us, even though she already threw in the towel. She never responded to my desperate text message, and I should have left our relationship at that. I just couldn't bring myself to completely abandon hope. The idea of her not being something to me – even just a friend – made me feel fragmented. I was absolutely exhausted, and it had only been a few days since I last saw her.

It was going to be a really fun offseason if I couldn't work through my desperation.

I sat with my brothers on my couch. This was really the only time of the year I could spend with both of them, so it was nice to kick back and relax. I just wished my mind wasn't preoccupied by a woman who didn't want me.

Cameron flipped through the channels but stopped on an episode of Entertainment Tonight. "Hey, isn't this the girl you had a thing with? Annie?" And it was. She was being interviewed regarding the official theatrical release of Minnetonka, a movie we had discussed briefly but I still hadn't seen.

I wanted to tell my brother to turn this shit off, but the love sickness forced me into silence. If I couldn't be with her, I wanted to see her. She looked beautiful. She always did, but I had never seen her in the context of her work. It was a different kind of beautiful than the intimate version I experienced – one that probably appealed to a very broad audience. I didn't stand a chance. She seemed so far away.

Interviewer: You're getting Golden Globes and Oscar buzz for your supporting role in Minnetonka. Do you expect to see yourself on the nominations lists?

Annie: I'm trying not to pay attention to the talk. I'm just focusing on the fact I was able to be a part of such a wonderful, powerful film with such a kind, positive cast and crew. I also worked with a female director for the first time, and that was inspiring. We need more representation in Hollywood.

Interviewer: But, if you were to be nominated, you'd want to win, right?

Annie: Of course! Every actor dreams of winning an Academy Award. I'm no exception.

Interviewer: You recently took a little break to go ghost hunting in the UK. Tell me a bit about that experience, especially considering your ex, Asher Michels, joined you overseas.

Annie: I had way more fun than I thought I'd have. I didn't see any ghosts, but I met a lot of really cool people.

Interviewer: One person you met and seemed to hit it off with is baseball MVP Christian Yelich. There are pictures out there of you two getting pretty cozy. Tell me a bit about your relationship with him.

Annie: Christian was my amazing filming partner, and I'm so happy I was paired with such a caring, supportive person. He made me laugh and smile throughout the whole experience, even through some ridiculous, unnecessary obstacles. It was hard to leave because it meant I wouldn't get to see him every day.

Interviewer: Do you still plan on seeing him now that filming has concluded?

Annie: The mostly separate worlds of Hollywood and the MLB don't offer us a lot of opportunities to be together, but maybe our paths will cross again. Who knows?

"Can you please turn this off now?" I asked Cameron, whose mouth was hanging open.

"Dude, this woman still wants you. Look at her facial expressions."

I rolled my eyes at my little brother. "You're suddenly an expert on facial expressions, huh?"

"She looks fucking sad. She misses you."

"She does look sad," Collin agreed. "Do you know where she lives? Just show up on her doorstep or something. Hold a boombox over your head. Be romantic."

"And be a crazy stalker? No thanks." I stood up in frustration and stretched my arms behind my neck. "Let's go do something. I need to get out of the house."

"How about we go see that movie she's in . . . Minnewhata or whatever," Cameron suggested.

"You want me to watch the woman I'm in love with who doesn't love me back on the big screen for two hours? Sounds like a really nice time, Cam." I shook my head at his insane idea.

"You're in love with her?" Collin asked, his tone surprised and confused. "That's a big thing to say. I knew you liked her, but love is something different."

I sighed and nervously shoved my hands in my pocket. "I think I am. I think that's what this feeling is. I've never felt it before, so who fucking knows."

"Can we help? What can we do?" Cameron inquired.

"I think I'm alone on this one. I have a meeting with her publicist tomorrow. Collin and I ran into her at Malibu Farm. Maybe something will come of that. It's sort of my last chance to get her back."

"Maybe, maybe not. We should go see that movie. She could be a terrible actress, and you'll immediately fall out of love with her when she sucks on screen," Collin replied.

I laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure she's awful with all this awards talk happening. But whatever. Let's do it. What's there to lose at this point? My dignity is already gone."

"This is the first woman to ever reject you. You had to experience crushing disappointment eventually." Collin shrugged. "Money and fame don't help when the other person has those things too."

Touché, Collin. Touché.

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