Chapter Fifty-Five: Off Day

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It was an off day in Milwaukee, and I was attempting to make my apartment more presentable before my mom came into town for our first Cubs series of the season. Paige was coming into town, too, but I wasn't as excited about that. My mom was, though. "A softball coach? That's so perfect!" she told me over the phone when I mentioned Paige to her for the first time. "You two must have so much in common." On paper that was true, but I was still working hard to feel something more than friendship. We hadn't even slept together yet, and I could tell Paige was getting suspicious about that. Understandably so.

When my phone dinged, I was happy for an excuse to stop straightening up. My heart skipped a beat when her name appeared on the screen. I didn't think I'd hear from her again. Not after she stood me up in Arizona.

Annie: Hey, Christian. I'm so sorry about Arizona. I just didn't want to hurt anyone after I noticed you with another woman immediately after I sent that text. She seemed so happy when she was with you, and you seemed happy, too, and it felt like a bad time to interfere with your life.

Annie: I hope you can understand. But if you think I'm a major asshole, I get it.

When she failed to respond to me after that game, I sort of lost my shit. Paige became my girlfriend really quickly after that point. Not because I necessarily wanted her as a girlfriend; I just wanted someone because Annie didn't want me. Paige was there. And she was pretty. Simple and shallow as that.

Christian: You sort of broke me.

Annie: I broke myself too. Things have been hard lately, and I've been withdrawn in general.

It had been a long time since we had a back and forth conversation like this, and my heart flipped every time she sent a new message. I kept waiting for her to stop replying.

Annie: I'd like to talk to you in person. I checked your schedule, and I noticed you'd be in Los Angeles for a week soon. If you have any time, could I see you? I'll be done filming my current project by then.

I knew not to get my hopes up about anything actually happening, but I wanted to see her. More than anything, really.

Christian: I have a full day off on the 11th. You can have as much of that day as you want. The whole day, even. All yours. We could have a late dinner the night before too.

God, I was such a freaking mess when it came to her. A desperate mess.

Annie: A whole day with you and without cameras? Count me in.

Christian: I can't wait.

And I couldn't. I was a few seconds into waiting, and the suspense was already killing me.


"There's something I need to talk to you about," I informed Paige as we sat on my couch in Milwaukee watching television.

"What is it?" she asked, her voice unconcerned.

"I'm going to see Annie during my off day in Los Angeles."

Her voice went from unconcerned to angry quickly. "You're joking, right?"

"No, I need some closure. I have to see her. I just don't want to lie to you about it."

"What do you expect to happen during this little meeting of yours?" Her arms were crossed, and she looked at me with complete contempt.

"I honestly don't know. I told you very early on that I still had feelings for her."

"And you're still hoping she has feelings back, huh?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I just . . . I love her. I'm sorry."

And that rightfully set Paige off. I was really bad at this. I didn't want to hurt Paige, but I didn't want to blow my shot with the woman who was constantly on my mind, either.

"Why am I even here right now? And why are you so pathetic? She doesn't want you, Christian. If she wanted you, she'd be with you already. You gave her that chance. Stop being so thirsty. I'm right here, and I'm approved by your family. Your mom freaking hates Annie."

I sighed. "My mom hasn't met Annie. She just doesn't trust her."

"And isn't that enough for you? Don't you trust your mom's intuition above everything else?"

"All I'm trying to do right now is be honest. I'm going to see her. You're welcome to leave if you want, but you're also welcome to stay." I shrugged and ran my fingers through my hair.

She made an indecipherable "hmmmph" sound before storming off to my bedroom. "I'm going to bed!" she yelled. "We'll talk about this in the morning."

Not wanting to deal with her, and considering my mom was in the guest bedroom, I made myself a bed on the couch.

I texted Annie one last time before a night of inevitable restless sleep.

Christian: God, I miss you.

I was surprised and elated when I heard a text come through a minute later.

Annie: I miss you too. So much.

That's all I needed before dozing off.

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