Date Night pt 3 (ch 9)

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Kristen's POV

He looks at me and says "Andrea and Kian". 

" really" i say a bit to excited.

"yes and it seems like they are in the parking lot" he says while looking at the text kian texted him.

----8 minutes later----

"sorry were late there was literly no parking spaces we had to park at the Red Lion Hotel" kian says as they slid into the booth.

"oh its okay we were just talking about o2l and such" i say.

Then Lyndsey comes back with our drinks.

" here are your two shirley temples and two coco colas" she says putting the drinks down.

"i hope you guys dont mind i ordered your drinks for you" jc says worriedly.

"thanks dude how'd you know our favorite drinks" kian says.

"lucky guess"jc says.

"so are you guys ready to order" lyndsey says.

"i would like a regular cheese burger with fries" i say.

"same" says andrea.

"and could i get some chili-cheese tatortots please" jc says.

"can i get the bacon cheeseburger with fries.....and extra bacon please" kian says and we giggled.

"okay i'll be right back with your food" lyndsey says and turns on her heels.

----11 minutes later----

"heres your food" lyndsey says putting our food down on the table.

"thank-you" i say.

"your welcome call me if you need anything" she says and walks to another table

"so how did you guys meet" i ask andrea and kian.

"well we met at vidcon, and he walked over and used the most chesiest pick-up line and i just fell for him"she says and leans over and kissed kian.

"awww thats so adorable" i say.

"what about you guys" she returns the question.

"well i was at home and then i get this call that says JUSTIN on the caller ID and answer and he says do i want to be in one of his videos ad i agreed and then we kissed and then i went home and get a text from jc asking if i want to go out with him and i say yes and that leds up to now" i say and turned to jc and he laces his hands on mine and smile.

----after the restraunt---- 

Jc's POV

I walk with kristen ask to be alone with her and kian and andrea walk away to wait at the car.

"so kristen i've been wanting to ask you this question since the beginning of tonight" i say.

"what is it" she askes concerned.


"of course" she says and hugs me and then we locked lips. Then i hear someone clearing there throat and we quickly pull apart.

"umm we are gonna go and we were wondering if guys wanted a ride" kian says.

"oh no connor says he'll pick us up" i say.

"okay see you 2 love birds tomorrow" andrea says and walks away with kian.

"connor says he'll be here in 5 minutes" kristen says.

"okay" i say.

----5 minutes later----

Connor pulls up in his car and honks the horn. We walk up to the car and get in.

----at kristens house----

"here we are" connor says.

I get out and open her door and walk her to her doorstep.

"i had a great time tonight"she says.

"me too" i say.

We lock lips then say our god-byes.

I hop in the car and conor stares at me as i sit down.

"what" i say/ask.

"are you guys official" he askes. I nod my head.

Kristen's POV

I walk in and Darcy runs up to me leading me to my room and locking the door.

"tell me everything" she demands.

----after the story----

"so do you like him" she askes.

"i dont like him i think i love him" i say




and follow plz!!!!!!!!!!!

- AaliyahStayinCloudy


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