I forgive you (ch 34)

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Kristen's POV

They arrive 5 hour later insetad of 5 minutes......WHAT THE ACTUAL FRIGGLEBERRIES!!!

I actually thought they would care enough to come.

"so what is it you have to tell us" valentina says.

I start to cry........happy tears though. Darcy is sitting next to me and pulls me into her side for comfort. She looks dow at me and gives me a 'do you want me to say it look' I nod no and straighened myself out.

"well this is really hard for me to say but my parents died like a litte over a week ago in a plane crash to Alabama and i s-sated t-to c-" after i said that me and Darcy we started crying a little.

"im so sorry for your loss guys" justin says coming over an TRYING to comfort me. I resist. I get up an walk to the bathroom. There's somehin the guys dont know neither does the girls EXCEPT for Darcy.


walk to the bahroom and slam the door. I walk to the shower and grab my razor and brake it. I slice my wrist 13 times.

1 for darcy

2 for my parents

2 for andrea and jenn

1 for valentina

1 for henry

and 6 for o2l.

 fall to the ground wih a loud THUD ad Darcy rushes in.

he starts to confort me and says dontdo it again and tings like that


"KRIS DONT DO IT PLZ DONT DO IT LET ME IN" i hear Darcy scream.

I pick up the razor and make 3 new cuts. Before i could make anymore the door comes open. I brush past them and go to my room with the help of henry and lock it pushing him out.

I dont wanna come out.

I will never be the same again.

Why is this happening to me.

All these questions run threw my mind.

*5 hour later*

Its been 5 hours and I'm starting to get hungry. I heard them outside my door saying they were gonna spend the night to help me get outta this room.

I silently open the door and get out of my wheelchair. I crawl down the stairs and head to the kitchen. I go to the pantry and grab some nutella and the bread (A/N I LITERALLY JUST HAD THIS AND ITS SOOOOOOO GOOOD OHMIGAWD). I start to crawl up the stairs again and then Justin sees me.

"Kris your out....mmm  can I please talk to you and explain"

"Only if you help me to my wheelchair and grab the nutella + bread"

"Deal" and with that were of to my room.

We arrive and he helps me to my chair and rolls me to my desk. I move the keyboard and place the ingredients down.

"Dammit I forgot the butter knife"

"No worries I'll grab it" he comes back 2 minutes later.

He hands me the butter knife and begins talking.

"So I have an explanation for everything that has happened"


"So I went to the bathroom and there was a really long line then you pasted by and Connor was behind you he stopped outside of the bathroom and cane to me and said that you are looking good and have a nice ass and keep in mind that he is like 9-10 years older than you I got mad and started to beat him up then I accidentally swung on you and you didn't talk to me for over a week then when Ricky got the call that you needed to speak to us I just got so happy"

"W-wow I'm so sorry Justin"

"No hard feelings babe you mean the world to me and I love you a lot and I sometimes think you don't notice or hear that a lot you keep me up and when ever the anger takes over your the one there to stop me from murdering somebody so babe can you please never ever ignore me like that again you scared the crap out ta me"

"I love you"

"I love you more"


"No such thing" I say.

He comes over and kisses me with a lot of passion.

Here goes those sparks again. he pulls away and says:

"So do you wanna explain why you've been locked up here for about 5 hours"

"Wellllllll" I start.


sorry for the cliffhanger

im so sorry I haven't updated

My mom says I spend to much time on my laptop and phone

So she says I have a hour on either one a say

Then she took my laptop away

Sooooooo I'm using my phone sneakily

Shhhhhhhh don't tell




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She Had A Cloud On Her Wrist *completed*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang