Double Date *clicks* or NAH (ch 17)

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Kristen's POV

Justin comes to pick me up around 1:15 and we were in the car on our way to the movies.

"hey babe" i say.

"yah whats up" justin replies.

"connor came over today around 10 and he told me he couldnt find anywhere to take his new girlfriend on a date and i kinda invited him to come with us" i say.

"thats alright the more the better" he says sarcastically.

"why are you bieng so sarcastic" i say getting a little bit of a temper.

"because this was supposed to be our night out together but you just had to invite connor and his girlfriend' he says getting angry maybe a little to angry.

"when you invited kian and andrea i didnt get mad i was still happy i was with you" i say grabbing his hand and then he yanks it out of my grip.

He then pulls over in the front of 'forever 21' and takes his seat belt off.

"listen this is our  night not theres and i love you but honestly  i think you like connor more than me"  he says sternly.

"what the hell are you talking about where did you get that notion from I LOVE YOU ONLY YOU DONT YOU THINK LESS OF THAT" i say raising my voice a little.

"i love you to but i just dont want you to leave me for someone else"he says putting his head down.

I cup his cheeks with my hands and pull his head into mine. When our lips met it felt like fireworks everywhere around and we were the only people in the world. We finally pull apart gasping for air and smiling like we were clowns.

"I love you" he said.

"i love you more" i said grining.

"impossible" he says pulling back on the road.

"no such thing" i say then we both start chuckling.

---at the theater food court----

"what do you want val" connor askes valentina.

"how about some popcorn,sour patch kids, and an extra large soda we can share" she replies.

"alright" he says walking away with justin beside him.

"so you guys are in love huh" i ask valentina.

"deep love" she replies smiling crazy.

"me to i dont think we will ever be separated" i say smiling crazily to.

The boys come back with our meals.

'what movie are we gonna see again" i ask.

"well WE are gonna see The Fault In Our Stars" justin says.

"and we are gonna see As Above So Below" connor says.

"YAY I'VE BEEN WAITING TO SEE THAT MOVIE SINCE I SAW THE TRAILOR" she says gettin stares by everybody and we start laughing.

"okay well we are gonna see you later" justin says grabbing my hand and leading me towards our movie screening (A/N I DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE CALLED).

----after our movie----

"that was so sad" i say wiping away my tears.

"i know i cant believe that " justin says throwing away our trash.

----at my house----

"i had an amazing time today" i said

"me too see you tomorrow i have something important i need to tell you" he says.

"okay love you see ya tomorrow" i say pecing his lis and walking inside.

"i wonder what he needs to tell me" i mummble to myself.

I walk upstairs, change into my pajama's, and im out like a light.




and follow plz!!!!!!!!!!



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