Why Would You Do That (ch 21)

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Justin's POV

I'm half way up the stairs to check on Kristen then i hear a loud thud.

"zayum shes that mad that she has to throw stuff" i say to myself.

I reach the door to find the most horific sight in the world.

My girl just hanging there with 2 shoe laces tied together wrapped around her neck (A/N LISTEN TO HER LAST WORDS BY COURTNEY PARKER ILL TRY TO PUT IT ON THE SIDE). I rush over to her and quickly pull her up so she isnt hanging there anymore.


They rush in and are utterly SHOCKED.

"HELP ME" i say.

Sam rushes over and grabs the chair puts it under her feet to make her stand once again. Kian hurries and tries to untoe the knot she made.

"I cant get it" he says. I just just break down and fall to the floor.






Ricky's POV

I rush to Jc and grab a magazine and start to fan him.

"connor grab some ice water and put it in the biggest bowl that we have. Trevor go grab the scissors and another chair"  I say.

They rush to go get the stuf and are back in less than 5 minutes. I grab te chair and place Jc in it and grab the bowl from connor. I pour the water on him and he shoots up.

"WTF Ricky what was that for"  he says.

"you passed out and i woke you up" i say seriously.

"oh well thank you"

"your welcome, trevor give me the scissors"

He hands me the scissors and i start to cut the shoe lace. A couple seconds later i got the shoe lace cut and we rushed Kristen to the hospital/emergency room.


i told you guys something unexspected would happen

will she survive?

the world may never know




and follow + share plz!!!!!!!!!!!




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