Chapter 2

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Taehyung's POV

After placing every book in its rightful place and apologising to the librarian for the umpteenth time, I saunter my way down to the ground floor where the cafeteria is. The creaking door squeaks as I enter inside, scanning the room till I see Jungkook. A wide smile dances on my lips as I skip my way towards him.

He was busy on the phone, looking to be having a rather hushed conversation. I was curious to know who it was on the other end of the line so I decide to creep up on him. Trying to be as silent as possible, I tiptoe till I'm around a few steps away from the table. Jungkook glances up, noticing me before bidding the person a quick goodbye. I attempt to hide my frown, the urge to investigate further was large but I knew I couldn't be a clingy boyfriend. 'Jungkook doesn't like when I get all clingy so stop it!'

"Hey." I smile, taking a seat beside him. He gives me a closed lipped grin, turning his attention back to his half eaten sandwich. I begin to pull out my lunch from my bag pack, excited to eat whatever my mom packed me. I dig into my own sandwich, my cheeks puffing out slightly like a small hamster that stores its food.

"Jeon!" A voice amusingly hollers. I blink a few times, trying to register who it might be before I peer up towards the source.

To my surprise it was the very boy I was talking about earlier. "Park!" Jungkook hisses, glaring at the bright orange haired boy who was busy smirking at him. I could instantly feel the aura around the two plummet, making me super uncomfortable. I shuffle in my seat and I guess I must have made too much noise since Jimin's eyes flicker towards me.

His smirk only continues to get bigger, putting me in an agitated position. "Well if it isn't the school's cutie, Mr Kim Taehyung himself."

I immediately flush at his words, not used to people branding me as cute or anything like that. A hand snakes around my waist, pulling me closer into them. I peer over at Jungkook, noticing how irritated he was getting just by the other's comment. "Yeah and he's also my boyfriend. Now if you don't mind, wanna clear off?" Jungkook grunts through clenched teeth.

Instead of following Jungkook's demand, Jimin makes himself perfectly comfortable across the table. He takes a seat directly in front of me, his eyes not leaving mine. I begin to feel uneasy at the amount of attention I was receiving from the boy, changing my gaze to instead gawk at my still uneaten lunch.

"I see he still doesn't know," Jimin finally says after a few moments of silence. I sense Jungkook tense up, his grip tightening on my body before relaxing. "Fuck off Park! Your face makes me sick!" He snaps, a lot more angrier than he usually gets whenever they have brief encounters.

With enough courage, I sneak a peak, seeing Jimin wear a lopsided smirk. He purses his lips while giving a short nod. "Alright Jeon, we'll play it that way." He pauses for a moment while getting up, "just know that I always win." And with that, he finally leaves.

I sat there, dumbfounded by the whole scene that had just unfolded. 'What the hell was all that about?!'

Jungkook slowly removes his arm away from my body, no longer feeling threatened by the other. My eyes concentrate hard on him while he goes back to eating his food like normal. He looks over at me with a raised brow, "what?" I was taken back. "Seriously?! You're not gonna explain what all that was about?!"

He shrugs. "We always get like that, you know it yourself."

"I do, but never that bad...and what was he talking about 'him still not knowing,' who doesn't know?" I was firing questions left, right and centre, confused by everything that had just happened.

Jungkook sighs, leaning one of his elbows on the table while placing his forehead in his palm. "Look Taehyung, can we just drop this?"

I frown. 'He only ever calls me by my name whenever he's mad or upset with me.'

I smack my lips together, deciding to give him the silent treatment. As childish as it sounds, I wasn't in the mood for this form of bullshit. I know there's something up. The fact that Jungkook is being all suspicious doesn't help. An unsettling feeling begins to bubble up in the pit of my stomach as I try my hardest to not think too much into things.

'You're just being paranoid Taehyung, that's all. No need to get all worried now, Jungkook loves you so you don't have to have second thoughts...right?'


Author's Note

So Jimin has finally made an appearance, first thoughts on him?😆

What do you think Jungkook is up too?🤔

I know I was going to be posting this book every Sunday but I might just upload it whenever I've written a new chapter so that I stay ahead of a book this time.😂😂😂

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