Chapter 20

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Taehyung's POV

Sunday evening, a day I often spend having a home cooked meal with my family. Though today seems to be feeling rather awkward in my opinion. I sat across from Namjoon as usual while my parents take each end of the table. There was little chatter here and there but mostly just from my parents.

However, that was about to change the minute my mom asks, "so how are you and Jungkook doing sweetie?" Namjoon, being the dumb idiot that he is wasn't very discreet about it as he 'accidentally' spits out his water that he was currently drinking from. A sense of panic rises in my stomach at the fact I have yet to tell my parents about Jungkook. If I'm honest, I didn't really know how to tell them. "Uhh..." I trail off, placing down my fork as I frantically look around the room, avoiding anyone's gazes. Suddenly, Namjoon decides to cut in, "oh auntie, the principal would like to see you both tomorrow!" He admits, glancing between my parents.

My mom raises a brow as she looks over at my dad. "And why is that?" My father asks, now giving Namjoon all the attention. I quietly sigh in relief, glad that my cousin actually had my back on this one. "So...and don't get mad but I've kinda been in six fights this week and was caught ditching classes." Namjoon declares rather awkwardly. My parents share a glance before my dad sighs, "Namjoon." He spoke firmly, a look of disappointment appearing on his face.

The blonde haired boy leans back in his chair while my mom continues, "what do you mean you got into fights? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She questions, getting to her feet before scurrying towards my cousin's side. Namjoon is taken back, unfolding his arms and sitting upright as my mom checks him over, grabbing his cheeks in her palms and forcing his head from side to side. "W-what? You're not mad?" He gawks at them like they're the crazy ones. "Well we aren't happy that you're causing trouble at your new school already. After all, you're there for a clean slate but we're more worried about you getting hurt than anything else." My dad explains, giving Namjoon his concerned stare, one that I have seen many times in my life.

Namjoon seems to be the most confused and shocked as my parents continue on like nothing happened. He just sat there with his eyes the size of saucers. But what astonishes me that most is when I see him bow his head, a tiny, every so almost invisible smile creeps up onto his lips. 'What in the? Why is he smiling?'


After that rather intense meal, I shuffle my bare feet back up the stairs and towards my room, knowing I'm gonna need all the sleep I can get. Especially since Jimin and I are going to announce out 'fake relationship' tomorrow. The mere thought of it was causing my stomach to churn. I know I said to Jimin and everyone else that I wouldn't fall for him but 'what if I do?' I have a tendency of liking others far too quick.

But then I thought about the way that Jimin is. Yes, he's attractive despite the fact I'll never let him know I think that way of him. 'He's too cocky, he'll only just use it against me.' His personality however, I'm not entirely sure of it yet. He seems like a nice person but it could just be a false facade he made.

I sigh, placing my hand on the door handle to open it when another's hand stops me. They spin me around and I'm face to face with a rather displeased Namjoon. "I hope you know, I'm never doing that for you again." He huffs while crossing his arms over his chest. I roll my eyes, "well I was going to say 'thanks' but since you're being an ass about it when you didn't even need to say anything, I think I'll keep it to myself."

Spinning on my heels, I go to open my door but one again, a large hand stops me as he slams his hand against the space beside my head. "Listen you little shit! Just because your bitchy ass hoe of a boyfriend cheated on you, it doesn't give you the right to go around being a whiny baby about everything!" By the end of his sentence, his shoulders are rising and falling due to anger.

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